"You strip", Ryan said to Karen.

He put a collar on both of us and attached a leash. He carried all these with him? Wow.

"Get on all fours. You will crawl", Ryan said.

We both did as he told. He gave my leash to Link and said, "Walk and she will crawl behind you."

"What?", he asked.

"Dude. This is their punishment. It is supposed to hurt. So drag her like you so drag your pet", Ryan said.

"It's fine Link. Just do it", I said.

He hesitantly dragged me. Ryan made us crawl for half a mile. My knees were hurting as there were stones, rocks and sand on the ground.

"Stand up", he said.

He got a branch of nettle leaves and hit my breasts with it.

"Count", he said as gave me another hit.

"One", I winced. These leaves had sharp hair on them which stings.

He hit again and asked, "One what?"

"One sir", I said.

He hit me four more times, I winced in pain everytime.

"Five sir", I said. But it was my 7th hit.

Before he could hit me again,
Link said, "Okay. Stop. She's in pain."

"Link. You have to let me do it. You cannot keep stopping me", Ryan said and turned to Karen. Thank God, my punishment was over. He hit her 10 times.

"Hug this tree", he said as he pulled me towards a tree.

The surface of the bark was rough. It was very uncomfortable and painful to hug the tree.

"Link, you turn around", he said.

"I'm going to spank you. You will keep your mouth shut and accept your punishment. Understand?", he was so impolite.

"Yes sir", I said.


He hit me continuously without any gap.

"Ahhh it hurts. I'm sorry. Please stop", I cried.


"Okay Ryan. She's asking you to stop. So stop", Link said.

Ryan ignored him and increased the pace


"Please. I'm sorry sir. It's hurting", I pleaded.

Link held Ryan's arm and said, "That's enough. Stop it."

Ryan stopped and Link hugged me. I was crying.

"It's okay. It's over. He won't hurt you anymore", Link said softly.

"I'm sorry Link. I was stupid yesterday. I'll never behave like that again. Please forgive me", I cried. Intense pain started now. That was the speciality of nettles, the pain increases after the spanking is over.

"Yes, you're forgiven. Stop crying", he said as he traced my back, comforting me.

Ryan gave Link a lotion.

"I'm sorry sir", I said looking at Ryan.

"It's alright. You don't have to call me sir now", he said as he patted my arm.

Link applied the lotion and hugged me again.

I was in his arms when Ryan started Karen's punishment. He inserted nettle leaves into her vagina and she screamed out in pain.

"Master, it hurts", she cried.

"You should have thought about it before breaking the rules", Ryan said.

He made her hug the tree and spanked her. She got so many extra blows.

After he was done, she knelt on the floor and said, "I'm sorry master. I will not repeat it again."

He applied the lotion and removed both our collars. We went back to our rooms. The lotion provided some relief but the burning and itching sensation still existed.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry Tris. I shouldn't have listened to him", Link said.

"No Link. I like a little bit of BDSM every now and then", I winked.

I didn't know if I really liked it or I said that to make him feel better. I truly hope that the latter was true. Turning into a submissive would be my wildest nightmare.

Thank you for reading.
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