Coming Out; Yeosang

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"So, how exactly did you come out to your parents?" Yeosang, a closeted bisexual senior, asked his boyfriend. It was Friday that would begin summer vacation for the two high school students.

"Um, my family is just very open-minded, to begin with." M/n chuckled while handing Yeosang a drink he bought from the school's vending machine.

Yeosang and M/n have been dating for two years, but meeting parents was something Yeosang always had trouble doing. Unlike M/n's parents, his were the complete opposite. Yeosang's parents were llike a mystery, no one knows what they're thinking unless it's discussed over the dinner table. Coming out to his parents was something Yeosang wanted to do before summer vacation started, however he procrastinated on telling his parents up to the point where they were sitting on the rooftop of the school eating their lunch in silence.

"Don't worry, my dear boyfriend! We've made multiple scenarios to help you come for nearly three months now, my parents even pretended to be your parents to help." M/n chirped while standing up and listing the many scenarios they practiced over three months.

Yeosang chuckled at his boyfriend and decided to drop the conversation since it didn't bring anything but worry to him. "Should we skip to go to the fair tonight?" Yeosang asked while wrapping his arm around M/n's shoulders as they walked back into the school.

"As much as I would love to do that, my parents told me if we skipped anymore, we can't go to the festival and they won't make your favorite dinner." M/n frowned and recalled the conversation he and his parents had earlier today.

M/n's parents were quite different than the others. His dad being pansexual and his mom being bisexual, M/n's childhood was definitely a story that he loved talking about. Growing up, M/n realized that his parents weren't the same when he saw his dad explaining that it was completely fine being whatever he wanted to be since they entered M/n in a beauty pagent to see how far they would rank. Surprisingly, M/n won first place.

"I feel like your parents are slowly becoming my parents." Yeosang sighed and chuckled when he felt a light tap on his chest. The two boys decided to stay at school for the sake of Yeosang's favorite dinner being cooked whenever he came over.

Once the school day was over, the couple walked back to M/n's house where they would change and get advice from M/n's parents about coming out. The pastel yellow house was decorated with vineyards that hung lazily around the entrance, sprinkled with white and pink flowers growing. The neatly trimmed green bushes surrounded the house as a front gate that made everyone turn heads whenever they walked past the house.

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