I Got Carried Away

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Author Note: I am so excited for you guys to read this chapter! Please let me know what you think and enjoy xx

Chapter Fifteen: I Got Carried Away

- Claire’s P.O.V. –

The next week passed in a blur; the weird feeling between Jaime and I disappeared on the Monday. He tried to work out what the girls had made me buy for Mike’s party but I refused to tell him. I wanted to surprise him, which kind of freaked me out. What joy would this bring me – why did it matter if Jaime knew what I was wearing? I had pushed past these thoughts because I knew it would lead to thoughts – and possibly conversations – I was not prepared to have.

Before we knew it was Mike’s birthday. News of the party had spread like wildfire and it soon appeared that everyone in our year level and about a quarter of the year level below us would be in attendance. All of the guys were extremely excited, Mike most of all.

- Jaime’s P.O.V. –

I stood with Mike, the guys and Jenna; Mike was looking around somewhat nervously and I knew he was hoping everything was alright.

“Dude, the party’s great. Relax and enjoy yourself,” said Zack who had also noticed Mike’s preoccupation. Mike grinned sheepishly. Taylor then appeared out of nowhere, rushing into Tony’s arms. We all shared a grin, knowing they were almost a couple now. While I was happy for them, I did look away from their longer-than-friendly hug, loneliness rushing through me. It was then my eyes landed on Claire, who had followed Taylor over.

“Claire?” came Mike’s voice from beside me. She looked stunning and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

“Hey guys,” she said simply and I was in shock. She could not show up looking like that and say “hey guys” as if everything was normal. “What?” she asked nervously, when no one had said anything for a few moments.

“Uh, nothing,” said Vic, pulling her in for a hug. I stepped forward a moment later and hugged her tightly. She smelt incredible too. Everything about her was perfect. I pulled away almost sharply when this thought registered; Claire looked at me with concern. I smiled, still feeling slightly weird-ed out. My stomach was doing flips, same as it had been when Claire and I had nearly kissed. I pushed these thoughts from my head, noting how a number of people were looking our way.

“Oi, I think Claire’s catching the eye of a few gentlemen in attendance,” joked Alex, from where he was standing with Jack. He nodded towards where Austin and Derek were standing with beers in their hands. Both of them were staring at Claire; I glanced to her. She was blushing and turned away, to face the rest of the group.

“They can look all they like,” she said with a laugh. I felt my guy clench and immediately wanted to go and tell Austin and Derek to keep their eyes to themselves. I didn’t want them looking at Claire – I barely liked it when Mike had looked at her the first night she’d stayed at my house.

“Jaime, you alright?” asked Jenna from where she stood next to Vic. I looked up at her and she had a knowing glint in her eyes. I nodded, not sure of how to answer. Why was I feeling so protective of Claire? We were strictly friends; I said to Vic only a week ago that there were no feelings there, at all. “Claire, want to get a drink?” Jenna then asked. Claire agreed and I watched them go, glancing to Austin and Derek once or twice to make sure they didn’t follow.

- Claire’s P.O.V. -

“Did you see his face?” Jenna giggled as we stood at the drinks table. She was mixing something up of us – something which appeared to be of her own creation. “Jaime couldn’t take his eyes off you,” she went on when I didn’t say anything. I grinned with satisfaction when she said this. I had enjoyed Jaime’s brief speechlessness. What was annoying me was that I didn’t know why. “Here you go,” Jenna said after a few more moments of silence on my part; I was too busy trying to decipher why Jaime’s reaction was so important to me. I accepted the drink from her and took a sip.

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