Take a Breath - Don't It Sound So Easy?

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Author Note: Yay for a new chapter! I hope you guys are enjoying the story. Please review; I will continue to update when I can xx

Chapter Ten: Take a Breath – Don’t It Sound So Easy?

I walked into the school the next day with Jaime by my side. We were early, both of us having slept well the night before. Jaime was in the shower when I first woke up so I’d made breakfast for him and made coffee for myself. He then ate while I showered and organised myself. I was, once again, dressed in an oversized tee-shirt and jeans. I hadn’t taken anything else to Jaime’s. Once I booked myself into the anxiety meeting today though I was able to go home. I knew Jaime didn’t quite want me to (he was still quite worried about me) but I hoped him having a key to my place would suffice. As we walked through the main corridor, on the way to our lockers, the principal’s door opened and Lindsey, her mother and father all walked out. I stopped in my tracks, all air leaving my lungs. Lindsey’s eyes locked on me and Jaime standing next to one another. My immediate reaction was to say “I didn’t mean it” – as in I didn’t mean to be near Jaime. Jaime, however, grabbed my hand and began to walk down the hall. My feet obeyed his unspoken command to walk while my mind somewhat shut down. I was still terrified of Lindsey.

“Claire – are you Claire?” came an older woman’s voice. I stopped again, forcing Jaime too as well, before turning back to Lindsey and her family. Lindsey’s eyes were stuck on mine and Jaime’s joined hand. I ignored her as best I could, focusing on her mother. She looked over me with apologetic eyes. “We’re so very sorry,” she said. I nodded, not knowing what to say – I had nothing to say. The woman smiled before turning and walking away with Lindsey and her husband.

“You okay?” Jaime asked a moment later when I still hadn’t moved. I took a deep breath and nodded. Jaime raised his eyebrows at me.

“It’s over now. C’mon, let’s go,” I said, turning to walk away. Before we could go more than a few steps, someone else called my name. Both Jaime and I turned. Mr Richards stood just outside his office.

“Claire, I’m glad to see you at school,” he said.

“It’s good to be back,” I said, only lying slightly. Mr Richards smiled.

“I have spoken with Lindsey and her parents. Her punishment is still to be decided – although suspension and detention are looking most likely,” he said. I nodded, not really wanting anything more to do with Lindsey. “Lindsey has been told she is to stay away from you – and your group of friends. I’ve contacted Hayley’s parents too. They’re coming in for a meeting later today. She will be dealt the same punishment and she too will be told to stay away from you. If there is any problem, please let me or one of the staff know. We are happy to help,”

“Thank you for dealing with this so quickly, Mr Richards,” I said, feeling grateful that Lindsey and Hayley would be staying away from me.

“It’s no problem – let me know if there’s anything else I can help with,” he smiled again before stepping back into his office. Jaime and I headed down the hall for the third time, knowing we would have to hurry before the bell for class went.


Everyone greeted me happily when I got lunch with Jenna who I’d just had maths with. Neither Lindsey nor Hayley had been there and I wondered where they had been. After I’d got some food, I sat with Jaime and Jenna, deciding to make sure she was okay as we’d had minimal chance to talk during maths. She wasn’t really saying anything and I contemplating organising a girls night soon. It would be good to hang out with her – and maybe even Taylor – without the guys around. Before I could contemplate this thought process anymore, the table quietened down. Two jocks – Derek Sanders and Austin Carlile – stood next to Rian and Zack.

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