I'll Be The New Kid On An Old Block

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Author Note: Hi, this is my first big Jaime fanfic and I am very excited. I run an imagine blog (pierce-the-veil-oneshots.tumblr.com) and will posting links to this fanfic there. I will be updating once a week (every Tuesday/Wednesday) and I hope you enjoy it. WARNING, the story will/may become triggering in later chapters. I will let you know when those chapters are posted but I am given you warning now. Enjoy and please review xx

Chapter One: I’ll Be The New Kid On An Old Block

My eyes narrowed and I quickly spritzed the fly away hair with hairspray. Today was my first day at my new school in San Diego and nerves were fluttering in my stomach. I fiddled with the ring on my finger after spraying more hairspray on my hair.

I’d moved to San Diego at my parents insistence – they’d found out I was being bullied at my past school. So, I’d moved by myself into a new apartment in a new city. Exactly what a hormonal, ex-self-harming 18 year old girl with anxiety needed. My parents were going to transfer money into an account for me but they were still pressuring me to get a job. Yep, exactly what I needed. I was looking forward to a new start though. It might help – I’d be able to show whatever part of me I wanted to. Maybe I could even show someone how I could sing or play guitar.

I stepped back from the mirror, looking myself over. My long black hair was pulled into a ponytail and my fringe was tucked behind my ear. My make-up was pale, to match my fair complexion, and I had applied my eyeliner and mascara expertly. My face was heart-shaped and my lips were pink and supple. My nose was fairly normal looking and my forehead was a little larger than I would’ve liked.

The dark jeans I’d picked out accentuated my long thin legs, tightening nicely around my arse. I pulled down my plain black long sleeved top although it immediately pulled up slightly due to my almost jutting hipbones. I was nearly unhealthily skinny since I’d pretty much stopped eating while I was being bullied. The doctors I’d been seeing still wanted me to put on a couple of kilos. I was struggling though – I always felt sick if I ate a lot. I had small curves due to my weight loss. I knew my boobs would never be my most distinguishing feature – I was happy to have long legs though. I sighed – this was probably as good as it was going to get for today. I put on my red blazer and my red vans before grabbing my keys and barely filled backpack and heading for the door.


I nervously entered the cafeteria of Clairemont High – the room was big, fitting all of the senior student body inside. I knew there was a junior café in their section of the school. The door I’d just entered through was about ¾ of the way down the entirety of the cafeteria – in the ¼ to my right was the canteen area, where some students were lining up. To my left, filling the rest of the room, were circular tables with students crowded around. I took a deep breath and made my way to an empty table on the other side of the room. I swallowed heavily, feeling as if the eyes of everyone in the room were on me. I quickly sat at the table, looking around – it seemed no one had noticed my dash across the room. I lay my bag on the table with a clunk – it was a little heavier than this morning – and put my feet on another chair, drawing my knees up slightly. I hoped people would leave me alone. I grabbed out my timetable to see I had English and music after lunch. I was looking forward to music – while I had always been anxious during class at my old school, this was new. A new start. I put the timetable away and leaned against the chair, wishing I could fall asleep.

I looked around the room – there seemed to be a few typical clichés as well as a mix-match of people. There looked to be a couple of tables for the jocks and cheerleaders, one for some arts students, one of music students. There were some tables made up of a number of people from different cliques. One table that caught my eye had about 13 people gathered around it. They were laughing uproariously and I grinned in spite of myself. One of the guys at the table looked over to where I was – our eyes met and I quickly looked away. My heart was thumping and I took a deep breath. I swallowed and got my iPhone and headphones out of my bag. Music would help. Before I could select a song, there was an awkward clearing of a throat. I looked up and a jolt ran through me.

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