It Never Felt Right Calling This "Just Friends"

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Chapter Twelve: It Never Felt Right Calling This “Just Friends”

I smiled back at my parents as we waited for someone to answer the door. We were at the Fuentes house for the dinner and drinks Vic had invited us to. Vic opened the door widely with a smile; Jaime was a few steps behind him and his face broke into a grin too. Vic pulled me in for a hug. As he pulled away, he looked me up and down.

“Looking lovely as always,” he said. I smiled and blushed; my outfit was a simple black skirt and a red shirt that had long sleeves. I’d decided to wear my black heels even though they were probably too over the top for the evening.  Vic basically passed me to Jaime who hugged me tightly. I turned once he let me go, standing between them.

“Mum, dad, you remember Jaime,” I said, motioning to him. I now motioned to Vic. “This is my close friend, Vic. Vic, these are parents: Lorraine and Derek McDonald,” Vic held out his hand and my mum shook it.

“Pleasure to meet you, Mama McDonald,” Vic said. I saw Mum tense for a moment and Vic realised his mistake. He shook hands with my dad, calling him “sir.”

We then led them out to the pool and Bali hut, where Papa Fuentes was cooking a barbeque. Mama Fuentes and Mama Preciado sat chatting and drinking wine. Everyone else was gathered around, laughing, talking, drinking. I hugged everyone hello, introducing them to my parents. There was a few more “Mama” or “Papa” moments but Vic spread the word and it soon wasn’t an issue. Mum was soon settled, slightly awkwardly, with Vic’s and Jaime’s mum. Dad had moved across to the barbeque with Papa Fuentes. I stood with Vic and Alex, watching them get settled.

“Is the pool in operation?” I asked Vic, having brought my bathers. Since the weather was warm, I’d hoped to have a swim.

“Of course – I’ve been waiting for someone to swim with. Do you want to go in?” he said. I nodded and Vic high-fived me. Vic asked Alex if he wanted to swim and soon everyone was going in; Vic and Mike were sharing board shorts out left, right and centre. Jenna had bathers in her bag and agreed to come in. Taylor, on the other hand, didn’t have any bathers and didn’t think our suggestion of going in in her underwear was the greatest idea. She ended up sitting on the edge, her feet dangling in the water. After mucking around with the boys and Jenna, I moved to sit with Taylor.

“How come you didn’t swim in your underwear?” I asked, looking up at her. I remembered one of the guys saying she’d done it in the past – they all had by the sounds of things. She glanced over to Tony before looking down at the water. “Ah, something happening between you two?” I said, wiggling my eyebrows. I guessed she had on underwear she only wanted him to see. Taylor shrugged, biting her lip. “Hey, what’s going on?” I pulled myself up to be sitting beside her.

“I don’t know what’s going on,” she said quietly. I was silent, waiting for her to speak. I knew from therapy that leaving people to speak by themselves was often best. “Since you were in hospital, we’ve been a lot closer and he’s been touchier too. I’m terrified of losing him but I think I’m falling in love with him-” Taylor suddenly stopped speaking as if realising what she’d said.

“It’s okay to have feelings, Taylor – it’s natural. Just make sure he feels the same before you try anything major,” I said, hoping I could help her. “Talking to him first might be a way to go,”

“I think he does; I’ve seen what he’s like when he has a crush on girls. He does get cuddly with them… I just don’t want to ruin our friendship,” she said, her voice heavy.

“You’re talking about this with the wrong person – Tony’s the one who needs to know that. He’s probably just as scared as you are,” I said. She nodded, looking down again.

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