There is so Much More Than Me

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Author Note: Finally another chapter! I hope you guys are enjoying the story. I will be updating more frequently soon as I finish my VCE in about two weeks. Enjoy and please review xx

Chapter Eleven: There is so Much More Than Me

I stood nervously at the airport, waiting for my parent’s plane to arrive. I’d decided to wear jeans, a black singlet and a light jumper with vans to greet them. I didn’t really want to freak them out with the all marks on my arm, nor did I want to get more stares while waiting. No one had said anything school, which I was grateful for. The jock, Austin, who had approached me the Monday I was back, had caught my eye once or twice but hadn’t spoken to me again.  Kellin and I had had minimal interactions; I’d stuck close with Jenna and Jaime, knowing he wouldn’t dare come near me if I was with them.

Jaime and I had spent quite a bit of time together, even though I was no longer staying with him. He helped me clean my apartment, even though we spent most of the time mucking around. Our friendship was in a good place and I found myself craving his attention and company. I had organised for him to meet my parents tonight after we’d had dinner.

“Claire!” came my mother’s excited voice. I broke my thoughts to see my parents walking toward me, dragging a small suitcase each. I smiled. “How are you, darling?” she said, gently embracing me.

“Better,” I said before my father hugged me too. “How are you? How was your flight?” They both shrugged. I smiled; neither of them were ones for major conversation.

“I’m looking forward to meeting your friend tonight. He’s dining with us, isn’t he?” asked mum. I shook my head.

“No, he’ll come over after we’ve eaten. I told him we might eat out,” I replied as we made our way through the airport. We made small talk the rest of the way, as well as when we were waiting for a cab and all the way to their hotel. They reached the decision that we weren’t going out for dinner, however, and that I was going to cook pasta for us. I had refrained from rolling my eyes when they shared this with me, having expected it.

After they unpacked their minimal luggage, we got another cab back to my apartment. I knew my parents wouldn’t stay out late – they were hardly staying in San Diego at all. Their flight home left in the early hours of Monday morning. They instantly settled themselves in the lounge while I busied myself making dinner. I texted Jaime to keep myself from being incredibly bored – I knew how to make this dish as well as I knew how to make coffee.

To: Jaime Preciado

Cooking dinner for parents. Come over anytime; being alone with them is draining.

Was all I said. I loved my parents very much and I knew they loved me too but I’d changed since I’d moved to San Diego. Back home, I’d had a few friends and stayed home a lot. Here, however, I was a part of a large group with loud, boisterous people and I loved it. My life back home seemed boring, dull – I wasn’t really living. My phone buzzed with Jaime’s reply.

Sender: Jaime Preciado

What you cooking, good lookin’? :P Let me know when you’ve eaten and I’ll be over. I don’t want to impose

I smiled at his reply, his thoughtfulness and cheesy comment making me blush the tiniest amount.

To: Jaime Preciado

Making my famous pasta dish, as they requested. And seriously, come over anytime. It’s the only way this evening will be enjoyable :P

I waited impatiently for my phone to buzz again as I stirred the pasta sauce. I could hear my parents talking quietly in the other room and wondered what they would be talking about. What had life been like for them while I’d been here? How had hearing about what I’d done affected them – had it at all?

Sender: Jaime Preciado

Since you’re missing me so much, I’ll leave now :P save some food for me, I’m starved haha

I smiled, glad he was coming over earlier. And he was somewhat right: I did miss him. I’d left school early to get to the airport to meet my parents. Mr Richards had been very understanding of the situation and organised a cab to pick me up from school and everything. I was grateful he was being so helpful. My leaving early meant it felt like I’d barely seen Jaime today, something which I was discovering I didn’t like. His company kept me happy and I was worried I would downward spiral should something happen between us.

To: Jaime Preciado

I highly doubt you’re starved, silly haha see you soon

Jaime arrived shortly after, just as I was serving dinner. My parents were sitting at the table as Jaime entered. I smiled and he came over to hug me hello. I saw my mum raise her eyebrows at us and I once again refrained from rolling my eyes.

“Mum, Dad, this is Jaime. He helped save my life last week. Jaime, these are my parents: Lorraine and Derek McDonald,” I expected I would be saying those words a lot over the next few days, depending on who came to see or what plans were made.

“It’s lovely to meet you,” Jaime said, helping me bring the bowls of food over. My parents simply nodded. Jaime looked a little shocked but glossed over the moment. “The food smells amazing, Claire,” I smiled at him.

“Thank you – it’s not as good as my coffee though,” I replied with a laugh. Jaime chuckled too. The rest of the meal passed with light conversation, my parents mainly asking us about school and our social group. I could tell from their body language that they weren’t exactly pleased with my choice of friends; I hoped Jaime was oblivious to it though. Soon after dinner, my parents rang for a cab. I looked to the time; they’d been here just over two hours. I wasn’t surprised though – I had got my generally quiet-homebody tendencies from them.

After they left, Jaime and I washed the dishes – most of the dishwater ended up on us though. I apparently ‘flicked’ him with water as I handed him a plate to dry and after that it was on. We then crashed on the couch, watching some sit-com.

“Thanks for coming over, Jaime. It really means a lot,” I said about half-way through the episode.

“No problem, Claire,” he replied simply. After a moment, he sat up suddenly, making me jump. “Vic asked me to ask you to come to his house tomorrow, with your parents, for dinner and drinks,”

“Sounds good. I’ll send mum a text, letting them know. I’ve got an appointment at the hospital in the afternoon but otherwise it should be fine,” I smiled at Jaime which he hesitated to return. “What’s up?” I asked, feeling immediately concerned.

“I thought you were done at the hospital now that you’d started anxiety group,” he said quietly.

“It’s just a check-up to see how I’m going – make sure everything’s still normal and that the cuts are healing properly,” I replied. Jaime nodded, smiling properly now. I knew he probably wanted to come and in a small way, I wanted him there. I knew that my parents had to be there and they probably didn’t want Jaime there. Nothing more was said on the subject and Jaime and I enjoyed the rest of our evening together.

Claire's Outfit for Meeting her Parents:

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