Chapter 19 ~ Don't Disappoint Me

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You all wanted a long chapter, so here it goes...

Dedication: @YintheValcke Thank you for reading almost all of my stories, love .xx


Chapter 19 ~ Don't Disappoint Me

[Louis' POV] 

I had no idea why I was being so nice to Harry and actually encouraging him to be the writer of our essay. I was supposed to get rid of my feelings and ignore him, not be friendly towards him. But there just was something about his condition that made me feel sympathetic for him. I had never made fun of him for being dyslectic, and that was because I didn't mind it. If anything, it actually made me hate him less since it brought a vulnerable side out of him, and not the dominant and demanding one I had gotten to know.

"Hey, boys?" Mr. Stewart called once the bell had rung.

I looked over at him, wondering if I was one of these 'boys' he was calling. Considering he was looking straight at me, I figured I was.

Hesitantly, I walked over to him, noticing there was only one more person there, and that was Harry. Of course, who else would he want to talk to?

"Take a seat," he ordered, gesturing towards the two chairs he had put in front of his desk.

I did as I was told, glancing at Harry through the corner of my eye, noticing he was looking in the other direction; out the window.

"So, you're getting quite used to this now, aren't you?" Mr. Stewart said, the corner of his lips curling upward while looking at Harry.

He nodded, his lips twitching a little.

I quirked an eyebrow, flicking my gaze between them. What was he talking about? Did Harry usually have to stay behind and be interrogated by Mr. Stewart? If so, what did they talk about? Harry's dyslexia? I decided not to question them about it, though, because I didn't want to come off as nosy.

"However, I wanted to talk to you about what went on during the lesson. Why didn't you start working until half an hour into it?"

Harry looked at me from the corner of his eye, probably wanting me to answer this question. "I... We aren't exactly on the best terms at the moment..." I explained, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

Mr. Stewart raised an eyebrow. "How so?"

I scowled. "That's quite personal, not to be impolite or anything."

Harry looked down at his lap, fiddling with his fingers silently. Mr. Stewart seemed to notice this and immediately turned to him. This was exactly like that time when he had caught me and Harry having an argument in the classroom. When I hadn't answered his question the way he wanted me to, he went to ask Harry what his opinion was instead.

"Harry?" He asked expectantly.

Pfft, as if Harry was going to tell him anyw--

"Louis kissed me but regretted it and ran off afterward."

What? Why would he tell Mr. Stewart, his own teacher about something like that? I thought teachers were here to teach us, not stalk what we students did outside of school. And how come Harry didn't even hesitate to explain it to him? What the hell had I missed?

"I see," Mr. Stewart muttered, staring at a spot behind me deep in thought. It was creepy because it felt as if he was looking at me, yet wasn't.

"Excuse me, what? First off, why are you not surprised by this confession? And secondly, what the hell have I missed? Since when are you two so close?" I asked, motioning between them.

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