Chapter 5 ~ Can I Ask You Something?

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Chapter 5 ~ Can I Ask You Something?

I woke up the next day by the sound of someone letting out a loud yawn. Groaning, I fluttered my eyes open and noticed that I wasn't in my own room but in fact someone's living room, lying on their couch.

I squinted my eyes at the figure sitting on the other couch, trying to see who it was. The person was fairly short, had feathery brown hair that was sticking out in every direction, a grey beanie in their hand, and was wearing a pair of black glasses that I recognized so well... Oh, God. It was Louis.

Everything that had happened yesterday came flooding back, and I was suddenly aware that seeing him was probably a very bad idea right now. Shit.

He broke the silence that had occurred by letting out an annoyed groan. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Fuck, that morning voice. His usually high-pitched one had a trace of a rasp in it, and it was just so goddamn attractive. Why did he have to make me suffer like this?

Mentally shaking my head, I checked him out again, eyeing his body from head to toe. He was wearing a tight, white t-shirt along with a pair of black skinny jeans, something I hadn't acknowledged yesterday. To say he looked hot would be an insult. He looked nothing but breathtaking in those clothes.

"I could ask you the same thing," I said, raising an amused eyebrow.

He narrowed his eyes, ready to give me a comeback, but then he suddenly brought a hand up to his forehead and let out a sigh instead. "I'm too tired and hungover to argue with you right now," he muttered, slumping back against the backrest.

I pulled myself up into a sitting position, grimacing at the sudden pain that filled my head. "No one told you that you had to, you know?"

His eyes snapped up to meet mine, a cold glint sparkling in them. "I know, Styles, but maybe I just want to argue when it comes to you, huh?" His voice was so harsh it almost caused me to wince a little.

"You're being immature," I mumbled under my breath, running a hand through my curls.

"Says the boy who has a thing for someone who obviously doesn't like them back." He rolled his eyes, making my blood run cold. He did not just say that.

"Stop talking bullshit, Tomlinson. You're so damn full of yourself."

He got up from the couch to walk over to me, staring deep into my eyes. "I am?" He scoffed. "So, you're telling me what I just said isn't true?"

I took a deep breath, ignoring the pain in my head as I got up to be at the same level as him. "I am. Now shut the hell up before my head explodes," I groaned, hoping he couldn't hear that I was lying.

He let out a huff, spinning around on his heel to walk out of the room dramatically. I rolled my eyes after him, ignoring the glare he flashed me just before exiting.

I sat down on the couch again, letting out a deep sigh. Nothing had gone as planned. Louis still hated my guts. He hadn't even shown a sign of changing that opinion about me. Was there even something I could do to change it? It was like it was imprinted in his head that he must hate me no matter what.

I wanted to know the reason why he despised me, though, but whenever I asked him, he always avoided the question.

A thought then popped up in my head. When I was a little kid, mum had told me to ignore Louis for some odd reason. What if his parents had told him the same thing? That would explain why he hadn't liked me even when we were kids.

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