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Ruby p.o.v

I watch as Qrow leaves while slightly berating myself for not going after him but...when I thought to do so I just kinda froze up...I already told yang and why is it so hard to tell him? "Ruby? you alright?" I hear Weiss speak from beside me knocking me out of my frozen state. "o-oh..I...I don't know...I have not seen my uncle in years and yet...I can't seem to bring myself to go after him..." I say as Sakuya walks up to us. "It is possible that unlike with Tai and yang you are hesitating due to seeing the pain hidden in his eyes." Weiss blinks. "Wait what?" Sakuya just nods before speaking again. "Despite his smug attitude and bravado...I believe that it is a mask he keeps up...he has probably not been truly happy for some time." I nod a bit myself...I'm not blind...I could see it in how he acted. even when we were young he had pain in his eyes... my mother's death had been a hard blow to him as well... However, he fought harder then even tai did to protect me... he must still think he failed me... before my thoughts continue I blink as my scroll notification sound pings and I look at it to see a message from ozpin requesting me to come to the meeting to help talk about our next well as reunite with my uncle...I just stare at the screen contemplating when I feel a hand on my solder I look up to see Sakuya smiling at me. "We should go...after all he will want us both due to the seasonal problem." I fidget a bit but then sigh and smile and nod.

beacon tower. 3rd person

The elevator dings and opens reveling Qrow, Glynda, and Ozpin as they walk out of it. Ironwood and winter who was seating down due to being sore from the fight turn to look at them. "What were you thinking?!" winter snaps upon seeing Qrow. "if you were one of my men I would have had you shot." ironwood speaks with clear irritation in his tone. "If I was one of your men I would shoot myself." row replies gruffly while pulling a flask out of his shirt. "While I wouldn't condone his behavior you retailing like you did certainly didn't help the situation. "HE WAS DRUNK" winter yells. "HES ALWAYS DRUNK!" Glynda everyone looks at Qrow who is in the middle of drinking from his flask...he notices..looks at his flask and just shrugs. Ozpin stares at him dumbfounded for a bit before sighing "Qrow....why are you here?" ironwood speaks up afterward. "You've been out of contact for WEEKS you can't just go dark like that in the field!" Qrow just pockets his flask. "I'm not one of your special operatives JIMMY" he responds making winter glare at him more. "General" Qrow just rolls his eyes. " sent me to get intel on our enemy and I'm telling you...our enemy is here." ironwood slowly walks to the other side of ozpins desk and sits down before looking back at Qrow. "We know." Qrow backs up a little. "Oh...Oh you know...well thank goodness I'm out there risking my life to KEEP YOU ALL INFORMED"  "Qrow..." ironwood starts but is cut off by Qrow. "Communication is a two-way street pal" he takes out his scroll "you see this? that's the SEND button!" winter scoffs. "they had reason to believe you were compromised." Qrow glares at her. "and I have reason to assume you don't need to BE here...seriously! who invited her?" he says while pointing at winter. ironwood grones a bit not liking the attitude but...thinking a bit. "Schnee I think its time for you to leave." Winter looks at him with confusion "but s-" ironwood just gives her a look and with a sigh of indentation complies as she gives qrow one last glare before going to the elevator. silence lingers in the room for a bit as tension grows a little before ironwood tells qrow to continue. "Your little infiltrator isn't just a little pawn...there the one responsible for autums condition," Qrow says as he turns around unscrewing the cap to his silver flask once again as he takes a swig. it looked like he was going to say something else...however..."We know" qrow blinks before looking at ozpin. "quite recently we...acquired some new help...they have proven to be a giant help in these matters...while still working form the flashy as they can be" ozpin says slowly gaining qrows interest. "new help? who you let in the circle oz?" the drunken man questioned seeming both curious and confused while ironwood grumbles a bit. ozpin smiles a little. "you have already met one of the people who has been helping us..." before qrow could ask what he meant the elevator dinged causing everyone to look towards it as it opens..reveling a familiar maid. "oh you have got to be kidding me..." qrow says with a groan as sakuya walks out elegantly.  "Hello ozpin you wanted to see me yes?" sakuya says calmly and ozpin nods. "I wanted to speak with you and the others about the incident that happened recently at mt glenn...we are all troubled by what the teams reported." Qrow narrows his eyes. "Mt glenn?" ozpin looks at him. "before you arrived James and two teams had to fight off a dragon-like grimm that had busted out of the mountain." this causes qrows eyes to grow wide in shock. "what's worse is we have reason to believe that it was woken up by an outside party." ironwood states "yes... I was informed of that myself...and while we can confirm the use of gensokyian power we do not know WHO. worse still is were still encountering problems on our end." this causes qrow to look confused and ironwood to scowl. "yes...apparently a dragon person form your 'land' revived...I still disagree with trusting all of you...too unpredictable." he responds. "and yet you bring an army in a time of peace? is it not this circles job to be discreet? so what sign are you sending when vales people look up to see massive ships of metal above them?" Sakuya states coldly making qrow laugh after all she took the words right out of his mouth and ironwood looks like he wants to protest but holds his young. "wow I missed a LOT didn't I? anything else I would know?" qrow asks and ozpin gets serious. "yes...we have identified just who the person who harmed amber is as well as her followers...the problem is they are hiding in the school acting as haven students." this causes ironwood to yell out. "and we're not doing anything?! we should be striking at them now!" Sakuya is the one who answers. "and let them know we know? foolish if we show our hand now they will panic and alter there know they plan to do something during the festival more then likely during the singles round and don't forget ironwood that they managed to hack your systems. we don't want them to know that we hacked their virus ourselves do we?" Sakuya says with ice causing even the general to back down although still clearly ranged. "...I'm starting to like you but if they're from haven then..." qrow states connecting the dots. "yes...they got by Leo... and recent events are making me start to question some of his recent acts...I fear and don't want to belive but...there's a possibility he betrayed us" this causes the mood to divebomb. "we will talk about this in more seriousness late sakuya...after all ironwood has some questions about how a person can have such a high amount of power" ozpin says evenly and sakuya nods...seems ruby was right okuu being seen by ironwood is going to cause problems "besides...qrow there is someone else who can both fill you in...and...catch up with to speak." ozpin says with a small smile making qrow to look confused...but before he can say anything the elevator dings once again drawing his attention to it..and when it opens...his eyes go wide and his hands limp...his precious flask dropping to the floor as one Ruby rose steps out of it nervously. qrow does a few double takes rubbing his eyes as if he can't comprehend what he's seeing..and takes a nervous step forward. "p-petal? is...that..." he asks slowly...afraid of the answer and that this is all a hallucination brought by the alcohol...but ruby smiles shakily..eyes watering up. "yes..i-it is....i...i missed you uncle qrow...." and just like that qrow dashed forward to hug her and breaks down crying upon relating what he was seeing was real...ruby...his niece the one he thought he failed to protect..she was alive..she came back..ruby not being able to handle it herself also broke down crying while the other watched in silence...ironwood with a neutral face..and the others with soft smiles adoring there faces..watching a reunion between a Qrow and a petal.

the time stopping rose (A RWBY x Touhou story.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora