Big mechs vs girls shootin magic.

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*ruby p.o.v*

I fly off in their direction as I feel Blakes aura and sure enough, as Im getting close I notice shes indeed being chased by 4 paladins I sigh as I continue going towards her but slow down so the others can show what they can do. I have to see how much they have improved after all.

*earlier Blakes p.o.v*

this wasn't how it was supposed to go at all! the infiltration of the meeting went well as I had learned how to hide my self with danmaku but the problem lies in how roman got so many paladins! they seem modified in some way as well not just with white fang logo something feels off about them and Im pretty sure that a minigun on either side of the paladin was NOT an original feature! someone modified it! I think for a bit before deciding there's five mechs lets make one disappear. "sun shoot the power box I need to take one of touse paladens down" He looks at me wide-eyed but I just give him a glare to say do it while I prepare an attack. as soon as the box is hit the fuanus inside shout in surprise and then a loud bang is heard as I use a special danmaku shot to destroy the paladin form the inside out. "WHAT?! alright after them! don't let them destroy anymore!"  roman shouts as he ducks out of view as four white fang go to the four paladins left and they boot up. "SUN OUT THE WINDOW NOW! CALL THE OTHERS!" I shout as I fly tough the window myself  I can probably take the four mech suits but I have to make sure none of the fanus in the building are hurt by a spell card. then sun calls ruby and I try to explain it to her before sun just suddenly screams "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP" I sigh and shake my head but continue evading the paladins. and I lead one away before pulling out a spell card "shadow sign! SHADOW DANCE!" I shout before several shadow versions of myself appear and start dancing in a circular pattern black and purple danmaku appearing in a spiral as they dance all of the danmaku slamming into the paladin before it gets too damaged and short circuits and the pilot has to eject. I grin mission successful!

*yangs p.o.v*

I was in juniors with Neptune when I got a call form blake talking about paladins so I decided to drop by jumping on my bike with Neptune on as well I rev up the engine and start going down the road at high speeds much to a certain blue-haired boys terror. "Woah! she wasn't kidding by giant robots!" I see purple danmaku slam into a paladin causing it to shut down and I grin seems where using spell cards minus well then. "NEPTUNE TAKE OVER BUT YOU BREAK MY BIKE SAY GOODBYE TO EVER HAVING KIDS!" I shout he gulps but does as asked and takes over driving while I jump into the air my fists starts to burn gold. "END OF THE LINE YA COWRED IN MECH ARMOR! GOLD FIRE SIGN FIREWORKS OF GOLD!  I shoot a golden orb into the air and its splits into a bunch of smaller ones surrounding a Paladin trying to sneak up on blake the balls make contact and explode into a bunch of smaller ones completely hammering into the mech. I smirk oh how I LOVE spell cards as if my fighting style wasn't hot enough now I can really go out with a yang!

*Weiss p.o.v*

I got a phone call from blake and immdely started heading towards their location on the way I got a text from ruby telling me she was coming and why she took so long. I sigh and shake my head the dolt probably lost track of that would be wrong. Ruby has always been good at keeping track of time so what I just said made zero sense. as im flying I see yang blow up a paladin that was going after blake. upon closer inspection, these paladins HAVE been modified much to my annoyance, These were supposed to be one of atlas's greatest projects for the battlefield and here they are being modified after being stolen one would think Ironwood would have kept them under better guard. I create a glyph and shoot off towards a 3rd paladin smirking I twirl around making sure the white fang pilot sees the Schnee emblem infuriating the pilot and making him fall right into my trap. a glyph appears underneath him and I shout "MIRROR SIGN! IMAGE OF THE MIRROR!" suddenly an ice version of it appears before it before colliding with it and shattering into bolts of danmaku crashing into it knocking the white fang pilot out and destroying the mech as the other two groups up with me. "nice job ice queen I think it MIRRORS your fighting style perfectly." yang says I scoff and groan at the same time at the pun when I notice another paladin. "HERE COMES ANOTHER!" I shout as the 4th paladins come in only for us to here. "CRESENT SIGN! DEADLY CRESENT!" a bunch of dankmu in the shape of spears suddenly traps the paladin before ruby comes down and slashes it in half diagonally making sure not to harm the pilot. she lands as the paladin collapses and turns to us with a smirk on her face. "kept you waiting huh?" 

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