secrets and mysteries.

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*ruby p.o.v*

I managed to get the team to calm down enough to sit at a table where food was. after a bit of silence, Weiss finally speaks up. "well...I guess the mystery of where you learned your manners is solved..." I laugh lightly. "when you live here with people like sakura it's almost impossible to not gain some manners. that and I would help her around the mansion." Reimila nods. "that is true still don't forget when you were younger..." I blush a bit. "hey! I thought we weren't going to bring those incidents up!" yang gains a slight glitter in her eyes. "oh? are these embarrassing things I should know about?" I suddenly put on a begging face I could not let yang get more teasing material but much to my chagrin reimila gives an amused smile. "why yes I remember when she first tried using danmaku it was quite the sight seeing her flying around the library  after she lost control a few times." I whine and wish to be anywhere but here as the stories come out. "as...amusing as that is I think we need some questions why she was here." I tense a bit but then sigh. "well...I guess it is time...first with how I got here well...I was being hunted." this catches weiss's attention instantly. "hunted? for what reason?" I lower my head a little with my hands on a teacup. "yang if you will explain what you know first I will fill in the gaps." yang looks saddened for a moment before steeling herself. "when we where really young...I had done something stupid. you see we had just lost summer...who was rubys mom and I learned I had a different mother who left the family a little after I was born so what did I do? I took ruby put her in a wagon and left in search of her to an old cabin that I thought might finally get us a mother again...I was foolish when I got there I was tired with a little ruby still asleep...there where so many grimm...if it wasn't for uncle Qrow we would've died right there...but that's where the true terror began." the rooms went silent with mixed expressions around the room notable ones being tai looking down remembering his own failure that night. "Qrow was about to take us back when a man appeared...he challenged Qrow to a fight and we had to flee I know he was after ruby but why I did not hear. I tried to run but got ambushed the only reson we lived then was because of dad coming but even when he appeared they refused to stop there attack...eventually, ruby was knocked out of the wagon nearly killed several times before an alpha beowolf grabbed her and dragged her off...and I thought I lost her." Weiss seems to be confused when it comes to emotions at the moment. "but why would they need a little girl dead?" I look at her. "that is where I will explain...they where after me because of my eyes." this earns a confused look from the resident ice queen. "your eyes?" she asks slowly and I nod. "my eye color isn't just rare...its legendary... its said that those born with silver eyes can freeze girmm with a single look...and it turns out its true but the reson there not seen much..." I trail off making it so they can connect the dots themselves. "that was when you said someone named Yukari saved you right?" yang piped up. I nod and answer "yes she had come last second and brought me right here to the scarlet mansion where I would be safe. but that was not the only reson she brought me here..." this gets confused looks from even blake. "what do you mean by that?" blake ask curiously of why there was something even she didn't know. I simply look at sakura. she thinks a moment before speaking up. "she was brought here for me in particular..." everyone turns there attention to her. "before I came to this mansion...I was a vampier hunter...however I had no memory past that nor do I still...its just a giant blank. however, I have one odd defining trait that may be a clue to my past." the others are listening intently. she takes a breath in and closes her eyes...before opening them to show them change to silver much to everyone's surprise. "y-you have silver eyes??" Tai mangers to studder out before sakura lets out a small hiss of pain and her eyes go back to normal. "yes but they seem...damaged and so far not even patchy can find out why...I can't keep them that color for more than a few seconds that's why when Yukari saw a girl with an undamaged version of them she thought to come to me." everyone suddenly gains the sad expression once again. "iv been trying to help her as well...but...its like her past is swept away and I haven't found anything that could even give us a hint on what she used to be or who she used to me before she became a vampire hunter." yang goes deep in thought before she speaks up. "I owe you for raising my sister and taking care of her...if there's anything you need me for feel free to ask iv already been researching one thing another mystery is not going to hurt." blake nods. "you also did a lot for me as well ill see if there's any books we might have missed that could lead to an answer." sakura looks a little shocked but...proceeds to give a honest smile. "thank you...but at the moment you are guest take some time to learn more about gensokyo. Im going to make more tea for everyone." she bows and walks off while remila was strangely quiet before she spoke up. "you have no idea how much good the little rose did her...I didn't think much of it due to how I used to be but sakura was akin to a shell...she did orders but...she didn't do much for her self. ruby changed that...she gave her a spark of life again...and honestly...she was the best thing to happen to this what questions about gensokyo might you all have?" and thus began the long process of expaling the rules of gensokyo and just what her and flander were

the time stopping rose (A RWBY x Touhou story.)Where stories live. Discover now