The pure crescent rose

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*Ruby p.o.v*

Its been a few more years since then and i have decided that I need a weapon its fine not having a weapon here  in gensokyo but back in remnant I won't be able to rely on the magic I learned despite how much I'm progressing with it, I need to make sure not to have it stand out too much unless I want to be hunted down the second I go back so I need a weapon to be very strong and blend in with everyone else problem is other then me there aren't many people who make weapons in gensokyo. I take a look around to make sure sakura is nowhere nearby and I quickly sneak out of the mansion and then take off in a dash to find someone who could help me make it and gather part fort my idea. a scythe that's also a sniper rifle called crescent rose.

I fly around a bit grinning in the wind and fight a few fairy's until I hear an explosion started I fly over and see a girl with blue hair and a green cap dazed on the ground next to a broken machine

I fly around a bit grinning in the wind and fight a few fairy's until I hear an explosion started I fly over and see a girl with blue hair and a green cap dazed on the ground next to a broken machine

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"ooooow alright thats a no on the being done bit" the girl groans out before she grabs a few tools and starts trying to fix it. I watch in interest and fly down "heya! you need any help with that?" "WAH" she jumps a bit before looking at me" geez you startled me! cant you see I'm working on a awesome machine here?!" I flinch a bit realizing I distracted her " s-sorry  I heard the explosion and saw you next to an awesome looking piece of machinery and was wondering if I could help after all I'm trying to build something of my own." her eyes light up and she suddenly goes in front of me "really?! what kind of thing a robot? a cleaning machine? a turret?" I back up a bit form the sudden questions but soon gain my own excitement "sadly no but what im planning to make IS a gun tho! its a scythe mixed with a sniper rifle that can be compacted for better storage." her eyes light up even more "I think you and me miss are going to get along jusssst fine names nitori kawashiro im a kappa! who would you be?" my eyes reflect the same excitement hers has " names ruby rose! im a human and I agree I think me and you will get along perfectly!" we both gain crazy grins on our faces as we start makign the best weapon a huntress could ask for.

*sakuya p.o.v*

I suddenly felt a chill go down my back as if two people who shouldn't have met and chaos is about to ensue. " what's that all about?" I shake my head but go to check on ruby I try to hide it but I have grown a soft spot for the cheerful rose not to metion the fact I can't shake the feeling I should know something else about her I can't remember and after all she has the same eyes as I do. I knock on her door thinking shes still asleep...just to hear nothing. "ruby? you in there? I have breakfast..." one again... no answer im starting to get worried and I open the find no one in the room. " ruby? ruby!" I set the food down and look around and notice a drawing I kneel down and pick it up and to my amusement, its a scythe and  a rather impressive one too and I realize what happened considering how highly she speaks of her uncles skill with one. "that girl...oooh shes going to get it when I find her...." I put the picture up and start out but how can I look for her if I need to stay for the mistress since the gatekeeper sure won't be that useful considering if ruby did leave the mansion she was probably sleeping letting ruby get by...sighing I walk back out just to jump at a sudden voice. "you have permission to look for her sakura." I spin around to see Remila right there anyways "A-are you sure mistress? I don't want to be a burden..." she actually laughs a bit "you know...before that rose came long you had very rare times of happiness..but since she came hr iv seen it..the genuine smiles that come to your have been the best maid in the mansion you deserve as much happiness as anyone here." I just stare blankly...before nodding with a genuine smile on my face" thank you" and with that, I dash out the mansion and fly off in search of the runaway rose.

it takes me a few hours as I search the sky...only to see a bunch of lights and deadpan"think I foudn her..." I say as I stare at a light akin to a master spark shoot into the sky and s shout of panic before it breaks into cheer.

*ruby p.o.v*

"THAT WAS AMAZING! we managed to make it so it can withstand the force of a master spark easily! ooooh man wait till Marisa see this thank you soooo much!" nitori just gave a full-hearted laugh" should be thinking you I haven't had this much fun in years! im so happy to find someone who has such a great mind for tech like myself! and don't give all the credit to me there are some things in this design, not even I would have figured out that quickly! your a one in a kind ruby!" I just give her a dopy smile while I cradle the newly made scythe like a baby out baby that we made with sweat blood and tears! " now what we going to name it" I only give momentary pause before I look down at the scythe and smile more. "ill name it...pure crescent rose..." she thinks for a moment before nodding."great name fits with your own theme and is as pure as water!' she laughs once more before we suddenly feel someone glaring daggers into the back of our heads making us sweat profusely. " and just what have YOU been up to young lady?" I slowly turn to meet the hardened gaze of sakura a gaze no one wants to be under" h-hey Sakuya" I gulp out...this is going to be a day filled with lectures and pain...I can just feel it.

the time stopping rose (A RWBY x Touhou story.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang