runaway cat!

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*ruby p.o.v*

I was sitting in ozpins office...again but this time giving a report of what happened. "and if I am to understand correctly you took down a Grimm that we normally send fully trained huntsmen to take care of?" ozpin asks I simply nod. "yes sir I told the others to stand back and took it on while they got to safety." he looks at me with curiosity before sighing. "very well you may take your leave." I nod and leave the area and approach my dorm where once again im encountered by everyone's faces demanding an explanation. "you want answers...don't you?" yang was the first one to speak up. " of course we do! first, you show up out of nowhere when I thought you where DEAD then you have a bunch of powers I can't explain!" Weiss gives yang a confused look. "what do you mean thought she was dead?" I sigh and spare yang this one." an event happened where I was separated from her for a long time they even had a grave for me...I showed up at the gravesite when they were visiting." Weiss looks back in surprise..but then moves on to her question. "your abilities are confusing me there clearly not dust but there not your semblance ether your semblance is speed right?" I think of what to tell them. " I know I can't keep hiding these secrets from you...but I ask you to wait a little longer...there is something I have to do before I tell you...but ill tell you this...during my absence I was taken in and trained in ways normal people are not and it unlocked more abilities I never knew I had due to this I had to grow up a bit as well due to events happing during my stay and that when I do fully tell you what happened to me...that I have people to introduce you too." they seem slightly unsatisfied...but nod and back down and I yawn and crack my back I was in ozpins office most of the day due to the incident. "now Im going to get some shut-eye I believe Weiss wants to go into vale tomorrow." I hop into my bed with a little flourish...but I don't immediately go to sleep...ozpins becoming suspicious of me meaning ill have to answer more questions of his later but if that happens ill bring up the fact I know that he has magic in him worse yet I feel like his soul has reincarnated multiple times over...I shake my head of my thoughts and finally get some shut-eye.

*time skip*

"oh, can you believe it! the vital festivals being held right here in vale!" Weiss says with odd excitement in her voice "geez Weiss... it's weird seeing you smiling like this..." yang notes but she keeps shifting her attention to me seems she still wants answers. "how could you not?! so many people working together for more peacekeeping event! it's amazing how much planning goes into the event!" yang just sighs. "only you can make something exciting sound boring...and why are we at the docks again?" I pipe up at the same time as blake." so she can spy on the competition for the tournament." we both blink and stare at each other than shrug at the odd coincidence. " of crouse not! I'm just here to...greet them!" I rolled my eyes before noticing something and frowning a ransacked dust store and wouldn't you know it...ITS THE SAME ONE I SAVED LAST TIME. "guys look over there..." they turn and see what I was looking at. "that's the 3rd dust shop this week...what could someone need with all this dust?" police offer number uno says. "ehh you thinking white fang?" the other says. " I think where not getting paid enough" the first one responds again. I walk up to them. "hey what happened here?" they look at me and the second one pipes up. "robbery weird thing is all that was takin was the dust!" I pause and think for a moment...only for Weiss to say the worst possible thing she could've here. "hmph the white fang what an awful group of degenerates." I mentally facepalm when I see blake tense up I can already feel the argument coming this is going to be a rough day suddenly. "what are you talking about? I don't think the white fang would do this." "she has a point the lucky torchwick I had captured managed  to escape not too far back." "it still doesn't change that all the white fang do is lie cheat and murder." weiss pipes up common already I'm trying to turn the tension DOWN not up! "that's not necessarily true..." yang drawls out "HEY SOMEONE STOP THAT FUANUS" my eye twitches SO NOT THE TIME FOR THIS! we run out to see two officers chasing a monkey faunus. "no good stowaway!" one officer yells. "HEY! I'm not a no-good stowaway im a GREAT stowaway! a no good stowaway would have been caught!" I groan he's one of 'those' types... I make everything go greyscale and take him and get him on a rooftop. "wh-WHOA when did..." "clam down I just did you a favor now scram but please TRY to follow the law yeah? also here's my contact info you owe me one." before he can respond I get back to my team who was trying to 'observe' him but ended up crashing into a girl. "geez I try to cut him off and you all crash into a poor girl? ouch." they look at me with unamused expression but the girl speaks up. "SALUTATIONS!" I look at her and notices her aura feels odd I focus a bit more and realize...shes artificial...yet clearly alive since she has an aura...alright putting that tidbit into the 'interesting' folder of brain. "uuuh you going to get off the ground?" she gains a look of thought. "yes! I will!" she proceeds to jump up. "salutations! it's nice to meet you!" oh shes like reimus...maid... I got you now. "didn't you already say that?" yang states causing the girl to think amount before responding. "so I did!" well shes interesting indeed. " well...can we get your name?" she looks for a moment "oh! I'm penny its wonderful to meet you." she holds out her hand and I take it. "ruby rose and this is my team Weiss Schnee-" she waves. "-Blake belladonna-" she says hi. "-and yang xiao long my sister." yang just looks confused" are you sure you didn't hit your h-" shes elbowed by blake "oh I mean hi" I sigh. "don't mind my sis she doesn't think ahead sometimes." this earns an offended HEY from the girl in question. "oh that is quite ok!" I nod "so you here to fight in the tournament?" her eyes light up. "yes! I'm combat ready!" Weiss chooses this time to speak up. "not to offend but you don't look the part." then yang. "says the girl fighting in a dress." Weiss stares at her. "EXCUSE YOU its a combat skirt!" "YEAH!" I say as I give her a high-five. "well anyways we better get going BYE FRIEND!" we start heading back when penny is now somehow in front of us huh neat speed. "what did you call me?" Weiss seems to be having a logic error as she keeps looking where she was and where she is now but I simply smile. " I called you friend because in my eyes I see someone misunderstood who needs one." her eyes widen before she hugs me and starts spewing words out fast enough to rival me but then weiss HAD to ruin it. "wait did you see the rapscallion that came tough?" darn it Weiss...shut up..." the what?" penny askes confused. "THE FILTHY FAUNUS FROM THE BOAT!" I twitch... Weiss...for everything that is holy SHUT UP. "STOP CALLING HIM THAT!" and there blake goes..."what?" Weiss responds. "stop calling him a rapscallion!" and there in an argument mode again. "we can talk later penny I think you need to go for now sorry..." she nods and leaves while blake and Weiss keep at it...even in the dorm! "you're a judgemental little girl!" Weiss gasps. "IM A VICTIM!" I sigh knowing where this is going. "do you have any idea what they have done to me? to my family? how many loved ones they have KILLED?" she steps closer to her. "and you call them misguided?!" "WELL, MAYBE WE WERE TIERD OF BEING PUSHED AROUND!" I scream in frustration inside as silence envelops the room. "i-i..." annnd blake runs out and I stand up and before weiss can talk...a loud SLAP is heard. Weiss stumbles back from the force of the strike. "I know what actions the white fang have done...but don't think your self inncoent...your father brought this upon your family and even IF the white fang are in the wrong you have no idea what their original cause was..." I slam a stack of papers in front of her. " so if I come back and you haven't read these and thought deeply Weiss..that day will be HELL for you." and with that, I stopped time to give me enough time to reach blake and then unstop time right as she undoes the bow. "wow you look cute without the bow." I respond making her spins around. " ruby I-" I stop her by putting a finger on her lips. "not here blake its ok I don't blame you nor do I blame you for wanting to get away from Weiss iv given her something to think about...I have a place we can stay for a few days...and just so you know...I know about your family your original cause and I don't blame you for any of the white fangs actions now that they have gone violent." she seems shocked but..." ok..but please..let me be away from the dorm for a while." I nod and turn to the tree. "I know your there monkey boy you can come out its time for that favor." blake looks up, right as the monkey faunus form earlier hops down. " fine fine but first of all I got a name second of all how did you know I was there?" I simply smile. "that's a secert~ and I never got your name now can you do me a favor and keep team rwby off our case? also, can you grab the girl named 'Flander scarlet' for me?" blake looks at me sharply. "its ok shell help you escaping where we are going trust me no ones going to judge you there they'd be hypocrites if they did." ...she just backed down as the boy after telling us his name is sun does so and Flander flys down to me. " are we going back?! we get to see sis and patchy?!" I chuckle. "yes and were bringing our friend Blake." her eyes light up and she cheers. "um...ruby where are we going?" blake ask as we go into an unsurveyed part of the forest. "where I grew up for the most could not ask for a better place to get away from here" and with that, I pulled out the clock Sakuya gave me witch had an extra function thanks to Yukari. "OPEN!" I shout and the clock glows as a gap opens surprising blake. I smile" come" I take her hand and we hop in before appearing before the scarlet mansion gate where meiling...who was once again sleeping wakes up. "hey whos t- oh! lady ruby lady Flander its nice to see you two and whos the 3rd one?" she asks curiously and  I bow a bit to show respect. "she's part of my team we had a bit of an argument and would like temporary stay here she can be trusted." meiling nods and opens the gate meanwhile Blakes just wide-eyed. " r-ruby w-what kind of place did you grow up in" I grin "you'll see once we go in." before I can step forward tho Flander flys to me." wait wait! sine shes revealed her secret and now where home do you have a reason to hide anymore?" this causes blake to give me an odd glance and I think. "you know...I think its only fair..." I glow a bit making everyone close there eyes and when they open them Blakes eyes instantly increase to massive size. "so I may have lied a bit about one thing in particular." upon my head was two wolf ears and a wolf tail swishing behind me...and blake .exe has stopped working...great...

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