rose garden.

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I walk out of ozpins office with a small sense of pride mixed with distaste team CDRL will be back soon enough due to one of the nurses having a healing semblance that will make it so their legs will heal much faster but maybe now they'll have a small bit of fear of me certainly makes intimidation easier but STILL maybe I shoulda broken something else in their bodies so they won't be healed in a week or so.  I pass by the nurse's offices noting that the healing semblance must not be the most painless of options if the muffled screams are anything to go by and I go to oobleck's class and entre. "AH, ms rose! how nice of you to join us! could you answer why was it a mistake to attack the Faunus at night?" I simply sigh. "not only did the faunus have night vision but there where a few who were mainly active at night this includes an owl faunus that ended up waring the entire camp of the attack due to there superior eyesight witch gave the others time to secretly prepare to make the ambush turn on the other foot." the amused chattering thinking that I would be stuck on the question turned into stunned silence even pr- DR oobleck seemed impressed. "CORRECT MS ROSE! not only was that the right answer but you even brought up an individual whos often overlooked! the owl faunus you spoke of was actually a major part of the faunus war and had many wins to his name however due to the scale of the war he is often overlooked very good miss rose you may go back to your seat NOW due to-" I drown the rest of what he's saying out as I go up and sit down with my team. after a while the bell rings and were let out except for poor Jaune and immediately when there allowed to talk..."soooo how did you make those roses sis? also, that was the angriest iv ever seen you it made me a bit proud!" yang comments next up was blake. " I find it commendable that you helped a faunus not many do but why did you? most would have left it alone out of fear that touse against the faunus would go after them." I look her straight in the eye since I know her little secret. "well I for one think that there still people so what if they have extra parts? heck I wouldn't mind being a faunus it would help immensely in combat considering there better eyesight and hearing not to mention increased flexibly." she seemed stunned by the answer and smiles. "was it really necessary how far you went with team CRDL? not that they didn't deserve it just why risk your self getting in trouble?" my smile immediately fell from my face. "because jerks like them won't learn from a simple slap on the wrist as of now there a disgrace to the title of huntsmen in training let alone full out huntsmen I still don't see how ozpin let them in but I know that they deftly aren't going to learn if goodwitch wasn't going to do anything" I growled out and Weiss backed off a bit. "well you deftly had them running scared! oh, that's so much funnier to watch when I'm not on the receiving end." Marisa who had snuck up behind us...well at least to yang and Weiss. I and Blake had heard her walking up says. "YA! you showed those meanies not to mess with friends! also if they do it again can I play with them PLLLLLEEEEEAAAASE?" Flander says with that signature grin of hers and I crack a smile. "of crouse if they don't learn from me then they minus well be enjoyment." "YAY!" Flander does a small loop de loop in happiness. "btw Flander right? Iv been meaning to ask what type of faunus are you?" my smile twitches I knew this was coming but I had prepared for it and told her what to say in a way that's a half tur- "oh I'm a vampire! I have a little charm and everything to let me be in the sunlight!". . . I stop in my tracks and just look at her...why did I trust her memory enough for her to say the cover story? the others give her confused looks like she was crazy but before they could say anything nitori speaks up. "don't worry bout it that's a little thing she does you see she's a vampire BAT Faunus and she uses it in jokes often." yang releases an ah and Weiss seems to accept it but blake seems skeptical and I can tell she's going to want the truth later on but she accepts it for now and I sigh in relief. "you guys go to the dorm ill catch up I need to do something first." and with that, I break form the group and when no one's looking fly into the night to enjoy the night air...only to have the moment interrupted by hearing Jaune and Pyrrha on the roof.  "hmm? this sounds interesting..." I say to myself as I hide out of sight and listen in. It seems like Pyrrha is trying to help him get better at fighting that's good. then Jaune starts yelling a bit and blurts out that he faked his transcripts...well that explains a lot. then my blood boils slightly when he turns down Pyrrha's help in the dumbest way he could and the RUDEST way he could and before Pyrrha could leave I had enough. "that is the single DUMBEST thing...I HAVE EVER HEARD!" they both jump and look up to see me floating there with a ticked off face. "r-ruby?! y-you heard all that??" I give him a 'really?' look" yes I did and I heard your stupid excuse of turning Pyrrha down do you even know what a hero is?" he gets a bit angry again. "of crouse I do it-" I cut him off "no you don't a hero isn't some person who can do everything a hero isn't the one who makes it in the world all by himself and his own strength NO a hero is a person who would give there life for the greater good a hero is someone who cares for others a HERO is someone you can look up to but guess what no good hero gets where they are by themselves it takes effort not only by them but by there FRIENDS they get help along the way even the greatest heroes so I suggest you APOLOGISE to the friend whos trying to help you THAT YOU RUDELY TURNED DOWN LIKE A IDIOT!" I don't give him a chance to rebuke as I fly away to cool off. I eventually returned to my dorm and could tell the others were about to ask where I was but I gave one sharp glare with the silent message of not being in the mood to shut them up and I went got changed and turned in for the night.

the time stopping rose (A RWBY x Touhou story.)Where stories live. Discover now