An unexpected tragedy

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*3rd person*

"Why did I think this was a good idea" that's all a young yang xiao long could think about she had found out that ruby mother was not her own so what does she do? she puts her 5-year-old sister in a wagon and sets off into the woods to see if she could find her mother and maybe just maybe after the disappearance of Summer Rose she would finally have a mother again but now that idea has put her and her little sister in danger as all she can look at are the red angry eyes from inside the broken-down shack and only now does yang xiao long realize the danger she has brought upon herself and young ruby rose.

right as a Beowolf jumps to devour the foolish girl however it is suddenly slashed in half by a grey scythe as a new person jumps into the fray. there uncle Qrow. he makes quick work of the approaching Beowolf,s  and turns his scythe back into a sword and turns to face a very scared yang and a somehow still asleep ruby and before anything can be said hugs them. "your ok I'm here I'm here your both gonna be fine' he consoles the crying child however not even the famed Qrow could be prepared for. as a figure walks out from the shadows." well...isn't this a touching moment..its almost a shame ill have to ruin it." Qrow quickly spins around to face the stranger who wearing an all-black suit. "and who are you bud? sorry but the only thing interrupting this moment is my dead body." he then prepares to fight.

"haha! I like that!  what confidence! unfortunately, that may just be arranged you see my mistress doesn't exactly like this young one's eye color so unfortunately, I must be the one to snuff this one spark before it can grow into a problem much like you would a weed" Qrow tenses up even more at that after realizing his objective and eyes gain a steely look. "yang I know you're tired but you need to get ruby out of here as fast as you possibly can and no matter what don't look back!" "but uncle what ab-" she starts only to be interrupted by Qrow blocking a sword strike from the stranger. "JUST DO IT RUN!" reluctantly yang starts going as fast as she can the wagon rolling behind her. "you can run! but ill come after you AND KILL YOU WITH YOUR UNCLES OWN BLADE! HAHAHAHA!" the stranger continues attacking the veteran huntsman as they block before sending a counter strike neither aware of a figure watching the fight with high interest twirling an umbrella behind her. 

*ruby p.o.v.*

My eyes drift open after feeling myself being bumped up and down and I discover that I'm no longer in my comfy bed but a metallic wagon worried I sit up and see my sister was beaten up and bruised. "y-yang? what happened where are we going why are you hurt?" she doesn't stop running only looking at me for a second with a look of guilt before looking back ahead. "y-" I try to call her name only for her to scream as a knife embeds its self into her leg causing her to trip and fall witch also causes the wagon to catapult me to the ground as I fly into a tree. groaning in pain I try to sit up only to look at a group of men in black outfits around me and yang two are holding yang down and they others are approaching me I try to move anything but I find myself rooted to the spot as they pull knives out and prepare to end it. 

"LEAVE MY DAUGHTERS ALONE!" a furious roar comes from the man known as tai xiao long as he suddenly punches the man about to kill me in the face sending him flying into a tree with a loud 'CRACK' the other men try to jump him but he just becomes a fury of blows and punches at the men who dared attacked those he cared about.

I hear a shout of pain and turn my head to see uncle Qrow fly above me and slam into a tree his aura shimmering protecting him from most the damage. "uncle Qrow! whats going on?! I'm scared!" I say trembling why are all these men here? why are they trying to hurt me and yang? why can't they just leave us alone!. " don't worry about it petal just get to safety!" tai shouts as he helps yang up only for laughter to pierce the night. "my-my you're still alive? your even more fun to play with then I thought and now we have not one but two experienced huntsmen! ooooh, how I'm going to enjoy watching you cry as your forced to watch the life drain out of your child's eyes the very eyes that have put the mistress in such a foul mood." I feel his gaze the whole time as he spoke my entire body froze up it was as if I was staring at a monster that would stop at nothing until my breath was taken away from my body and I cowered in fear behind my uncle. "tough luck your not going to get her and you can tell your mistress as much I said it once ill say it again the only way you're getting to her IS TOUGH MY DEAD BODY!" uncle Qrow charges the man once more sparks flying as swords clash. before I can say anything I suddenly scream in pain as I feel something price my leg and look in horror at a beowolf with its teeth firmly in my leg. "RUBY!" dad shouts as he tries to get to me only to be blocked by the man. "sorry I can't have you do that goldin dragon this fight is between you, me, and the old crow you can't get to her without beating me first the funs just beginning!" I try to kick the beowolf off just to be dragged away from my family as it raises its claw to end it and I close my eyes bracing myself for the end.

the time stopping rose (A RWBY x Touhou story.)Where stories live. Discover now