wolf in rose clothing

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*ruby p.o.v*

"y-your a faunus?!" ah! she finally rebooted. "yup! well I didn't start as one it kinda...happiend but this is why I said I envied faunus it's so much better with all their enhanced scenes it's just I had to hide them at first I was planning on unveiling them eventually just when the tension was down." she just stares at me confused. "but...HOW?! your parents are human right?!" I sigh "yes buut I was doing some experiments with nitori and something happened and now I have faunus feature's I can hide and reveal at will." she gives me a dumbfounded look. "now if we can stop having our brains crash I believe we have a mansion to go in." I resume walking into the mansion. when we do I hear a familiar voice that makes me instantly smile. "ruby I did not expect you back yet how are things?" I turn around to see Sakuya softly smiling. "things are going well ended up the leader of a team...just had a slight..argument and I need to let my friend stay here awhile while one of our teammates calms down." she hums in thought. "very well we did mention your team was welcome here if they were civilized...is this your teammate beside you?" I nod. "yup this is blake belladonna, blake this is Sakuya izayoi my caretaker." she tries to hide it but I see a slight dust of pink appear on Sakuya's cheeks being addressed as caretaker. "u-um nice t-to meet you thank you for allowing me to stay." she bows a bit as if intimidated by her presence when once again another voice interrupts. "no reason to be so formal after all your a friend of this mansions prized rose." I turn around to see Remila scarlet come down. "oh lady remila I hope we didn't disturb you..." she shakes her head. "no no you didn't, now how have you been? and how have you enjoyed remnant sis?" Flander lights up. "It's AWESOME! Im not near as bored and can have fun with the Grimm thingys that try to hurt friends!" blake just goes wide-eyed shifting between Flander and remila as if her brain can't compute that there sisters. "you must be one of her teammates we have a four-bedroom prepared but since it's just you two you can use a two-bedroom if you wish." I think for a moment "well take the four-bedroom minus well starts getting it ready for an inevitability." she nods. "please join us for tea later after your explanation to your friend here." she walks off with blake still staring in confusion. "common I know you have questions and I suppose I should answer some of them." Flander flys off while I guide blake to the room. "so ruby...where is this? I don't recognize any of the trees outside and how exactly did you get here in the first place?" I think for a moment before answering. " when I said 'no better place' I meant it the reason the trees are unlike anything you have seen is because we're no longer in remnant...where in a place called gensokyo a place with no Grimm." she snaps her attention form admiring the mansion back to me when I mentioned no Grimm. "NO GRIMM?! but ruby that's impossible!" I look at her. "as I said we are no longer in remnant this is gensokyo it has different rules and threats then remnant has." I wave a finger producing a small amount of Danmaku. "here we have things called "incidents" however normally these are takin care of by the shrine maiden Reimu." she gives me her signature eyebrow raise. " shrine maiden?" "Yup! the shrine maiden is the one who normally resolves incidents that happen although she sometimes has help from others. you see here we fight in 'spell card battles' its what I used agist that Grimm" she seems to go in thought. "so...your telling me...you can do MAGIC?" I smile. "yup!" her eye twitches in irritation before her eyes widen thinking about something. "wait...then when Flander called her self a vampire..." I sigh. "yeah...the vampire BAT was a cover story...she's a full-blown vampire." and one again blake.exe stops working...but she reboots faster this time. " does she..you know.." I shake my head. "not unless I tell her too and that's only on people who desirive it not to mention I have never had to give her that kind of order but no she doesn't suck random people's blood Reimu helped with that." I continue walking till we get to the room. "ah! here we are" I walk in and notice how the beds are laid out there are four quadrants and it's pretty sizable too. I hum and sit down on the bed. " now...you want to know how I got here right?" she nods apparently still processing everything else I told her. "well...sit down...this is a long story."

the time stopping rose (A RWBY x Touhou story.)Where stories live. Discover now