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*ruby p.o.v*

*ruby p.o.v*

I wake up once more and once again I'm up before the others I sigh, and use this time to slip into the bathroom and change but also look at a pendant a small clock in the shape of a rose that I keep with me. I smile as I remember Sakuya giving it to me when I first started training with her. I sigh I'm going to have to tell my team soon and bring them to the scarlet mansion. its the only way to explain what happened to me in a believable way. I shake myself out of my musings and start getting ready for the day.

"time skip"

I watch as Jaune gets thrown to the ground once more by Cardin. I wince in sympathy as good as a guy as Jaune was he did not fight well at all that's going to need to be fixed. but Cardin I have no sympathy for him if I have to go against him. he's the definition of racist scum thinking that if your not him your worse and I hope I get to wipe that smirk off his face. the buzzer rings signifying the end of the match and goodwitch pipes up. " that's enough! Mr arcs aura is in the red in a tournament match this would end the match now Mr arc please refer to your scroll during training we wouldn't want you gobbled up by a beowolf now would we?" Cardin scoffs and says under his breath "speak for yourself..." and walks off I just shake my head and get ready for lunch I'm going to have a serious talk with the leader of Team JNPR.

I sit down at the table with my lunch tray and sit down with my team and team JNPR. "it was the middle of the night" Nora starts "it was day" ren corrects. " we were surrounded by ursi" "they were beowolfs." "DOZENS OF THEM!" "two of them" "but at the end of the day we beat them and has ursa skin rugs!" Nora finishes ren just sighs. "she's been having this dream for over a month now" I roll my eyes used to this kind of behavior and noticed Jaune looking down. "hey you ok?" he looks up. "me? yeah! yeah im fine." yang pipes up. "well you seem...not ok" "is this about cardin?" I ask. "Cardin? no no he's fine. he just likes to joke around that's all." he mentions making my eye twitch. "he's a bully Jaune." he scoffs."oh please tell me one time he bullies m-" I put a list listing every time he's been bullied in front of him. "when did...you make that? and where did it come from?" Weiss notes I simply look at her. "not important." "guys it's fine and besides it's not like he only does it to me he does it to everybody!" I was about to respond to the stupidy that was that statement when I heard a cry of pain. "please stop..." I turn around and see a bunny Faunus having her ears pulled by none other than Cardin. . .*S N A P*

*3rd person*

team JNPR, NYMF, and RWBY turned around to see Cardin bullying velvet scarletta a second year. 'atrocious...I can't stand people like him" Pyrrha says. "I don't know how someone like him got...in...wheres ruby?" weiss began to say before trailing off noting the disappearance of there leader only to hear a cry of pain Peirce trough the cafeteria and they look back to see Cardin holding the hand he was using to pull the rabbit ears. "hey who the hell do...you...think..." he trails off as the air in the room suddenly drops several degrees as with roses in her hand and the scariest look they had ever seen...was a truly ticked off ruby rose.

(a/n) just replace Sakuya with ruby and any other Touhou characters with team CDNL.

"I will give you...three seconds...TO START RUNNING BEFORE I TURN YOU INTO A PIN CUSHION!" the normally proud team CDNL that refuses to back down was shaking  frozen on the spot staring at what is the literal definition of fear. "oooooh boy they have gone and ticked rubes off...there done for..." Marisa noted. Blakes eyes where slits thankfully no one was paying attention due to their eyes being on ruby yang looked both proud and slightly scared and weiss just looked like she couldn't comprehend what she was seeing as ruby starting throwing rose after rose at the retreating team CDNL. "what is going o-" good witch began only to have to step back as ruby rose speeds past. "GET BACK HERE YOU SAD EXCUSES OF LIVING THINGS!" goodwitch blinks then gains her usual scowl and tries to stop the chaos and ends up successfully stoping team CRDL...but not ruby as she breaks tough her semblance and charges at the terrified team of pathetic fools who dared to gain the roses wrath. "DID SHE JUST BREAK TROUGH GOODWITCHS HOLD?!" weiss immediately says meanwhile Marisa is just doubled over laughing at the entire scene. "ooooh man shes like an exact copy of Sakuya right now! this is too good!" is recording with her newly acquired scroll as team CRLS terrified screams run tough the halls. and a cheering Nora when the sound of bones breaking is heard.

*time skip ruby p.o.v*

I'm sitting in ozpins office while team CRDL is in the medical bay courtesy of becoming living pin cushions."so...ms rose I was told you attacked team CRDL resisted good witch trying to stop you and ended up breaking their legs?" I simply look at him" yes and I will not apologize Ill be honest here I do not understand how you let them in there noting but disgraces and where harming another student before I stepped in they needed a reality check." professor goodwitch doesn't seem to take this well. "young lady, you will sh-" "NO! you are a teacher here and you did noting! your minus well have a sign saying that it's ok because she's a Faunus even if that was not your intention! its this kind of thing the FULES THE WHITE FANG YOU FOOL OF A WITCH!" I shout actually taking goodwitch back a bit while ozpin just sighs. "she has a point Glynda and in the end she followed the rules of the school to deal with bullies as the students see fit but next time ms rose please just settle it in goodwitchs class" I looks back at him and smile before taking my leave dispite a protesting goodwitch.

the time stopping rose (A RWBY x Touhou story.)Where stories live. Discover now