January 5, 2016- Who I Am

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What happened to
Who I thought I knew
I'm telling you
I swear I loved a better you
-Running, MALINDA

"Dad, we need to talk." I was alone in the house with my psychopathic father. 

Dad turned around in his unneeded wheelchair. "Is this about you and Jay?"

"No dad, actually I'm gay." I said, not really caring what he thought. He had lost my trust and respect when he had murdered me in an alternate timeline.

"You are, eh?" 

"Absolutely." I said, projecting more confidence than I felt.

"What's with the sudden change in attitude? I don't like your tone, young lady."

"You can stand up if you want. I know who you are." I said coldly. "Thawne."

Dad stood up. "Ah, yes. You always were smart. How did you figure it out, I wonder?"

"I'm smarter than you, that's how." I replied. We began to circle each other like a pair of tigers, ready for a fight, but waiting to see who would make the first move.

"Sweetheart, we both know that isn't true. Who figured it out? Was it Barry? Caitlyn? Cisco? Maybe Esmé, or Jay... Tell me, and I promise I won't kill them."

"I can tell when you're lying. I know everything about you." I hissed. "Except your motive. Why? Why would you go through the trouble of going a few hundred years back to kill a man you've never met? What is wrong with you?!"

"It was all for your mother, Ariana. She was an amazing woman, and the love of my life. The Flash, Barry Allen, killed her." Dad admitted. "Killing Barry would have changed the timeline and brought her back. You look so much like her." 

"A life for a life? Isn't that a bit.. Brutal?" I squinted at him. "For being from the future, you sure to have some archaic beliefs."

"Not if you knew her." He walked toward me.

"Don't. Touch. Me." I growled.

"Oh, I will." Dad vibrated his hand. "Can't have anyone knowing our little secret, can I?"

"I really thought I loved you. Guess I was wrong." I started running as fast as I could. I looked behind me. Dad in the Reverse Flash suit followed close behind. 

I got to a small alley and hid behind a dumpster. Dad ran past, not realizing I was there. 

"Oh, Siv. What have you gotten yourself into this time?" I clutched my face in my hands. "I guess curiosity really does kill the cat."

I ran to the Barton farm, which was only a few miles outside of town, and knocked on the door, patting out the spot on my sweater that was on fire. "Jay?"

Jay's mom opened the door. "Sivonne? What are you doing here?"

"Is Jay here?" I asked. "I need to talk to him. It's important.

His mom blinked. "I think he's out back, playing with Lucky and his little sister."

"I need to talk to Jay." I repeated.

"Come in, sweetie." Jay's mom smiled. I followed her through the house, shedding my now-destroyed sneakers at the door, and walking into their backyard barefoot. Jay was sitting in their patio swing, reading a comic book and watching a little girl who strongly resembled him play with a golden retriever.

"Siv?" He put down his comic. "What are you doing here?" I sat down on the porch swing next to him, crossing my legs at the ankle.

"My life just got a whole lot more complicated. I need to stay here." I told Jay after his mom went back inside.

"What!?" Jay scrunched up his nose.

"My dad- he's the Reverse Flash.  He knows I know who he is, and he wants to murder me." I explained.

"Can't you call... Oh, I don't know... Child Protective Services on him or something."

"Sure, let's call the Child Abuse hotline on the time travelling metahuman, see how that goes. I doubt they would even believe me." Sarcasm dripped from my tone.

"Time travelling?" He blinked a few times, obviously trying to process it.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later."

"What about witness protection?" Jay suggested.

"Jay, you lovable idiot, I'm not going into hiding. I'm taking a step back until I have a plan to stop him from destroying everything I love."

Jay pinched the bridge of his nose. "Do you have a way of getting in undetected?" 

"I can phase through walls. That's easy."

"One more thing- my dad's on a mission right now, murderous robots or something, but if he comes back, it's gonna be hard to hide you."

"Wait..." I thought for a moment. Jay Barton. Barton. What's his dad's name again? Clint Barton? Wait... Jay's dad is Hawkeye?!?! The Avenger? I took a deep breath. "How come you never told me your dad was Hawkeye?!"

"You didn't know?"


"Jeez. Oblivious, much?" I slugged him in the shoulder.

"Whatever. Can I stay here, though?"

"Fine." Jay muttered. "Dad's gonna kill me if he finds out."

I hugged him. "Thank you so much!"

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