Chapter 2: Accelerated

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Some legends are told
Some turn to dust or to gold
But you'll remember me
Remember me
For centuries
Just one mistake
Is all it will take
We'll go down in history
You'll remember me
For centuries
-Centuries, Fall Out Boy

Picture above is Esmé.

5:36 pm

Today's the day! The particle accelerator is finally being turned on!

"Onnie, remember those trees in the back of the your old Middle School?" Esmé asked.

"Erm.. Sort of, I only went there for a week before completely testing out into CCHS." I answered, referring to the fact that I completely skipped middle school after spending most of the summer helping dad out at work.

"Do you wanna see how high up we can get and watch the accelerator?"

"Is that even a question?"


We took the bus over to Wilson Middle School, and waited for the kids to get out of their extracurricular activities so that there wouldn't be any teachers to yell at us.

"I hope this isn't a horrible idea." I smirked.

"What could happen? We'll play a few rounds of volleyball, watch the accelerator activate, then leave, and be home by curfew." Esmé shrugged.

7:03 pm

"Ow, Ez, that ball hit me right in the face!" I yelped. "Ergh, I think I heard something pop!"

"Onnie, the accelerator is probably about to turn on-" Esmé checked her phone, "in twelve minutes. Let's go! Race ya!"

"Esmé, I don't think this is a good idea..." I said awkwardly.

"Sivonne, nothing's gonna happen. You and I have climbed so many trees that it isn't even funny." Esmé reassured.

"You're right. I'm just a little antsy." I agreed.

I put my gold sparkly Converse on the lowest branch. "Hey Ez, wanna see how high up we can get?"

"Sure!" My sister shouted.

About ten minutes later, Esmé and I were situated at the top of the twin pine trees, about thirty feet off the ground. "There it goes..." I murmured, staring at the newly illuminated structure in the distance.

"Wow. Dad's a genius." Esmé sighed.

Suddenly it began to rain. Thankfully, the tree's thick branches shielded us from the torrential downpour. "If this turns into a thunderstorm, we'll get out of here!" Esmé shouted over the sound of the rain.

"Ez, truth or dare?"


"Have you ever kissed Josh?"

"Not yet!"

"Onnie, truth or dare?"


"Climb to the highest stable branch and stay there for the next four rounds!"

"Okay!" I climbed about ten branches higher. "Here?"

"Higher!" Esmé shouted over the wind, which was starting to pick up.

I climbed as high as I could possibly go without the branch snapping under my weight. "Here?"

"Yeah! Your turn!"

Set Me Free- Book 1 of The Chronicles of InfinityWhere stories live. Discover now