The Annoying CW Intro

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My name is Sivonne Thawne, and I'm the fastest person alive! When I was just a kid, I found out I was lactose intolerant. It stunk. Soy ice cream is gross. But coconut milk ice cream is ok. I now plan to manage to pass my classes, grow a few inches so that I'm not so dang short, get a hot girlfriend by the time I finish high school, and find a pair of gloves that actually fits me, since I have six fingers on both my hands. (Creepy? Yeah, I know). Which seems impossible. Then I fell out of a tree and became the impossible, well technically possible because I exist y'know oh dear am I rambling again? Sorry.

To the outside world, I'm a normal, geeky thirteen year old, but to my family and friends, I'm... Also a geeky thirteen year old. Just with superhuman speed.

I am... A person who has no idea what they're doing.

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