Chapter 14: Blood and Death

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These shallow waters never met what I needed
I'm letting go, A deeper dive
Eternal silence of the sea
I'm breathing, alive
-Faded, Alan Walker

Faouzia as Rania "Ariana" Thawne

I opened my eyes to reveal that I was floating in a blue void. "Is this heaven?"

"No." A strange, melodic voice replied. 

"Oh, crap! Am I in Hell? Cause I'm sorry for whatever I did to deserve-"

The voice laughed. "No, not hell either. You are in the space between. A place beyond time and space, a place for those whose destinies were not fulfilled before they died. It's your choice. Move on to Heaven or Hell, or go back and complete your story."

"So... I'm dead. He really killed me. That's.... Horrible."

The voice materialized into a young woman with long black hair, olive skin, and beautiful deep brown eyes. "Yes. I'm sorry, Sivonne." 

I blew a few strands of red hair out of my face. Just my luck, my hair was still unruly, even in the afterlife. "How do I go back?"

"You have two choices for that. Either go back with, or without the memories of the timeline being reversed. It's up to you." The woman explained.

"I want my memories." I stated quickly.

"Oh, Onnie." The woman sighed. "You can't tell anyone what you remember. To do so would disrupt the time-space continuum beyond repair. You might even get the time wraiths on your trail."

"I understand." My eyes then widened in realization. "Wait. How do you know my nickname? Only Esmé and my dad call me that."

"When I was alive, I was known as Rania Thawne. I was your mother." I heard that as Ariana, so I decided to go with it.

"What?" I looked at her suspiciously. "You're my mother?"

"Onnie, how I missed you. You weren't supposed to die for another thirty years." Ariana pulled her daughter in for a hug, but was blasted away by some cosmic force. "Eobard! How could he?!" 

"What's going on?" I asked.

Ariana sighed. "He blocked your memories and your powers. Do you want them back?"

"I have my powers." I stated, zipping to the other side of the void.

"Partially, yes. Giving your speed back was necessary for your survival. But your full power, full potential, is locked inside you. And you will need it for the next part of your journey."

"I don't understand."

"Sivonne, there's a lot people don't know about the universe in the 21st century. Every one of us has a destiny, controlled by the Three Fates. You are so much stronger than you think."

"This is too much. What if I fail?"

"Then the Fates will raise another to fulfill what you were born to do."

"I'm going back." I said with determination. 

"To do so, you must do exactly as I say. Give me your hand."

I hesitantly placed my hand in the older woman's. "Now close your eyes." The woman put her fingertips on my forehead. A warm sensation followed, with old memories starting to trickle into my mind. Memories of my sister, Mariana. Memories of the car crash. The memory of finding out my mother died. And above them all, the memory of my father, taking the face of a man I never met. 

I collapsed and burst into tears. "I remember everything. Mom... I miss you so much. I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to forget you." 

"I miss you too. Never forget, I'm watching over you, and I'll always be waiting, here, in the space between." Ariana kissed my cheek. "Never forget how much I love you."

I felt a pulling feeling in my gut. "I love you too, m-" I was cut off by the sensation of being smashed into something. Suddenly I jolted awake. 

"'d have to be a Weather Wizard. Ooh. Been waiting since week one to use that one." Uncle Cisco rambled, slurping a slushie, then holding his forehead "Mm!"

"Trigeminal headache?" Auntie Caitlyn asked.

"What the...."

"Trigeminal headache. Brain freeze."

I am having serious deja vu here...

"Sivonne..." Dad said with an eyebrow raised.

"What?!" I snarled.

"One, don't use that tone with me, young lady, and two... you're glowing."

I looked down at myself. Sure enough, I was floating about six inches off the ground, glowing lightly, and crackling with blue lightning. Once I floated back to the ground, I shrugged. "That was weird." 

Set Me Free- Book 1 of The Chronicles of InfinityNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ