20 QUESTIONS W/ ESME AND SIVONNE.... and the author

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If you guys have any more questions, either for the author or any of the characters, post them and I'll edit them in!

1. Q: What's your favorite sport?                      
E: Archery, definitely.
S: All of them! I really, really like track, though. For obvious reasons.
Author: I'm the klutzy asthmatic kid, so... Yeah. Sports hate me. Unless forgetting to breathe every time I see a pretty girl counts as a sport, because I'd probably be the world champion of it.

2. Q: Favorite ice cream?
E: Double chocolate!
S: Vanilla coconut milk ice cream, cause I'm lactose intolerant.
Author: I like pistachio. I know I sound like an old lady saying that, but it's actually really good.

3. Q: Favorite Color?
E: Emerald green!
S: I like this weird shade of grey-blue that kinda matches my eyes, it's kinda more grey than blue, but it still kinda counts as blue? Idk.
Author: I see a red door and I want it painted BLACK! (And yes, I do listen to the Rolling Stones.)

4. Favorite Movie?
E: Coraline. That's like, the best movie ever!
S: Esmé, that movie stinks. Hunger Games: Catching Fire is so much better!
Author: Captain America: The Winter Soldier

5. Favorite Song?
E: Love Song by the Cure, Black Planet by The Sisters of Mercy or Dissolve by Switchblade Symphony.
S: Ghost by Halsey. It's really pretty, especially the part with the interesting high-pitched tones at the beginning.
Author:  I listen to literally EVERYTHING (but not Country), like, everything. My most-listened song, though, is Rue by Girl In Red.

6. Clean freak or slob?
S: I'm generally a tidy person.
E: Don't listen to her, she's a slob. I'm the neat freak of the house.
Author: My room is an organized mess. Okay, who am I kidding. It's practically a war zone.

7. Who knows you the best?
E: Dad, I think.
S: Yeah, definitely Dad.
Author: *Does Rey voice* People keep telling me they know me. I'm afraid no one does.

8.If you could, would you be an only child?
E: NO!
S: Is that even a question?! My sister is my best friend, of course not!
Author: I am an only child. And I have no idea if I'd be happier with siblings, but I don't care.

9:  What do you do to keep fit?
E: I like swimming in my dad's pool.
Author: What is this... Fitness of which you speak?

10: Does your family have a "motto" – spoken or unspoken?
E: We don't keep secrets from each other.
S: She's right.
Author: Take care of those weaker than you.

10: If you were ruler of your own country what would be the first law you would introduce?
S: Erm... don't murder people?
Author: Honestly, if we're talking realistically, I'd ban slavery. But if we're not, I'd make my peasants pay me taxes in the form of Doritos and Halsey albums.

11: Do you hate silence?
E: Yes. It means Sivonne is up to something.
S: Does not! But I'm fine either way.
Author: Not at all! I prefer it.

12: Do you play an instrument/sing?
E: Yes! I play the tuba!
S: I sing a little and play guitar.
Author: I sing and used to play piano. 

 13: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
E: May start screeching Marilyn Manson songs at 2am.
S: Insert food here. Seriously. I'm hungry, are we almost done?
Author: Warning: May spontaneously start fangirling. Or fan-they-ing? I have no idea.

13:  What song would you say describes your life?
E: Promised Land by Skeletal Family. It's goth, and melancholy, but really cool, like me.
S: Blue by Faouzia, or Rue by Girl In Red.
Author: I Went Too Far by AURORA. For personal reasons.

14: Are you afraid of the dark?
E: No.
S: Not afraid of the dark, I just don't want to be the thing that goes bump in the night.
Author: Not really, I prefer the dark. 

15: Favorite class?
E: When I was in school, it was drama.
S: I like P.E. and Math.
Author: History and Science.

16: Weirdest thing you know?
E: Police codes for crimes.
S: I used to be able to recite the entire movie of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (A/N That's true), but I forgot like half of the lines.
Author: I was obsessed with volcanoes for a minute, so I know a lot about them.

17: Favorite book?
E: Probably Pet Semetery by Stephen King.
S: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! That's like... The best book ever!
Author: Currently it's Thrawn: Ascendancy: Chaos Rising. Though if I found a good sci-fi book starring a wlw couple, I'd probably explode. (Recs please!)

18: What are your nicknames?
E: Esme and Ez.
S: Onnie, Mischief and Siv.
Author: Pfft! I'm not putting my real name on here! But my grandma used to call me Belly Button.

19: Complete list of powers?
E: Bending light and sound waves.
S: I can go really, really fast, and shoot lightning from my hands, which is really fricking cool!
Author: Writing the reality for those guys. *Points at Sivonne and Esmeralda*

20: Your biggest regret?
E: I wish I never drank triple caffeine delight coffee. I was wide awake for three days straight.
S: I wish I never licked that slug on a dare at summer camp. (A/N this happened to a friend of mine)
Author: I wish I hadn't chickened out of the zipline at camp.

21: If you could have any other superpower what would you choose?
E: Probably Superspeed, like Siv's. Then I'd never be late again.
S: The power to make food appear from thin air, duh.

Requested Questions!!!!


Q:What all can you do with your powers?
A: I can bend light and sound however I want, such as holograms that walk and speak, changing my appearance or voice, blasting people back with loud noise, temporarily blinding bad guys, and dissipating into light. Theoretically I could hold the energy of an entire star, but I haven't tried that yet. Unfortunately if a place is completely dark and silent I'm completely powerless.


Q:How does it feel to be the fastest girl alive?
A: Nauseous at first but when you get used to it, cool. Really cool. And convenient too! 

 Wells/thawne/a ton of other stuff

Q: How does it feel to be such an awful dad?!
A: All is going according to plans... Muahahahaha! *Turns head and notices reader* Oh! Who? Me? A bad dad? That's ridiculous!

Suggested by: MaddieRobloxyt

Q: Who's your favorite (fake) daughter?
A: I can't pick favorites, of course. I love them both equally. *Proceeds to attempt to kill them both*

Q: If you could have any other superpower, what would it be?

A: Rewriting reality, so I can get rid of Barry Allen once and for all.

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