Chapter 1: Calm Before the Storm

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Why don't you be the artist
And make me out of clay
Why don't you be the writer
And decide the words I say
-The Writer, Ellie Goulding

"Sorry, Mrs. Chavez!" I yelped, running into the geometry classroom five minutes late.

"This is the fourth time this week, Miss Wells, and I believe your last excuse was "a flat tire on your bike". Do you know why that excuse was particularly memorable?" The elderly teacher scolded.

"I take the school bus." I replied, grinning sheepishly.

"I expect more from the daughter of Harrison Wells, who has skipped three grades." Mrs. Chavez said sternly.

"Sorry, um, dad forgot his lunch." I said awkwardly, actually telling the truth.

"No more excuses, now sit down." Mrs. Chavez concluded. "Now who can tell me what the area of this cylinder is...." I stared into the distance, dozing off.

"Miss Wells.... Miss Wells... SIVONNE ALEJANDRA WELLS, WAKE UP!!!" A voice said, breaking me out of a wonderful mid-class nap.

I sat up and saluted. "Captain America!" I shouted.

Everyone else in the class laughed. I then realized I was in the middle of geometry.

"Now Miss Wells, since you were paying so much attention, why don't you explain the formula for finding the area of a cylinder?"

"Volume equals two-which is the radius-squared, times pi....."


"Hey dad!" I greeted, scanning my S.T.A.R. Labs keycard to get into the Cortex. Dad walked over to me.

"Honey, I love you, but you can't be late for school every day, can you?"

"I was on time on Wednesday!" I argued.

"Well, let's make you on time every day, okay?" He replied, smiling.

"Onnie! How was school? How's my little buddy?" One of my favorite people popped up from his desk, sucking on a lollipop. "Green apple?" He offered, passing me one.

"Uncle Cisco!" I ran over and hugged him. "Is Caitlyn available to be pranked?" I took the lollipop. "Thanks!"

"No!" Dad yelled. Too bad he heard me saying I'd prank Caitlyn.

"Oof." I grumbled.

"Hey there Little Mischief!" I was enveloped in a hug from behind.

"Auntie Caitlyn!"

I casually walked over to dad's desk. "So how's the big science-ma-doodle doing?"

"Sivonne Alejandra Wells, for the last time, it's a particle accelerator! Not a science-ma-bob or whatever!" Uncle Ronnie scolded.

Yes, I knew they were just my dad's employees, but they had been around since as long as I could remember, so they were more like family than anything.

"Oh my gosh, Cisco! I am so excited for the new Hunger Games!" I shouted grinning. "Peeta or Gale?"

"Peeta, duh! Gale's a jerk!"

"Agreed, Cisco, agreed. Edward or Jacob? Like, in Twilight?"

"Oh, definitely Jacob. Edward is a creep. You?" Cisco replied.

I paused for a moment. "Like, why couldn't Bella get with a human? I mean, her two choices were a dead guy and the neighbor's chihuahua."

"Jacob is not a chihuahua!" Cisco argued.

"Werewolf, chihuahua, same dif." I shrugged

"Sivonne! Hey!" Esmeralda, my older sister came into the Cortex. "Dad, I have a date with Josh tonight, so I can't stay long."

"Esmé and Josh, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes-" I sang, being cut off be Esmé pouring the contents of her water bottle down my shirt. "ESMÉ!!!"

"Esmeralda Gloriana Wells, please, refrain from dumping out water in the Cortex, we have important instruments that can't get wet. Sivonne, you're thirteen years old. Act your age!"

"Sorry dad." My 21 year old sister and I said in unison. "JINX!"


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