Chapter 5: Warning Signs

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It's funny when
The warning signs can feel
Like they're butterflies
-Graveyard, Halsey

And thus begins the intrigue into Siv's dad's true identity... Dun dun dun!!!

It has been exactly two months since I woke up, so dad took us to my favorite totally unauthentic Mexican restaurant, La Nina Blanca. Since I have a higher metabolism (like 50,000 calories a day or I pass out) due to my speed, I got 10 delicious chicken burritos.

I took a big sniff. "Mmmmm..... I love food..." I sighed, beginning to consume my food. "Thanks dad. You're the best."

Esme giggled. "You and your burritos!" She had a lower metabolism than me, but still higher than normal, so she had 4 tacos and a quesadilla. Dad was happily munching his enchiladas, not saying a word.

"All in favor for voting Harrison Wells as the most amazing dad on Earth?" Esme and I both raised our hands. "Aye!"

Wells' POV

I felt so guilty. These two girls, so beautiful, so oblivious to my plans and my identity. My child by blood, and my child I found. I remembered the day I killed the real Harrison Wells, stealing his appearance and memories. How his 8-year-old daughter cried out for me, thinking I was, in fact, her father. Esmeralda.

I remembered having to put the power dampener in my infant daughter, Sivonne, who had somehow accidentally followed me back to this century when I was trying to kill the Flash as a child. How I cried at the thought of never being able to go on speed runs with her. But my master is terrible and cruel, and he does not tolerate imperfection. I must serve him perfectly, if I am to get my wife, my precious Ariana, back.

There was nothing I wanted more than her, so I had to follow his plans. The Flash would be the key to my master's death, so I had to kill him before he could become a threat, but not so soon as to alter the timeline irreparably. That was my mission. And I would kill anyone who stood in my way.

Sivonne's POV

"Dad?" I narrowed my eyebrows. "You're smiling really creepy."

"Oh, it's nothing you should be worried about, dear. I was thinking about taking a trip for your fourteenth birthday." He said, a dark look still in his eyes but fading.

I finished my final burrito. "Wow, dad! Thanks so much! I'm going on a trip for my birthday?"

"Yeah! I was thinking Six Flags or Disneyland!"

"Wow! Thank you thank you thank you!" I grinned. I love roller coasters.

Wells' POV

My heart broke at her innocence. She was so young, so naive. But if she was to ever become the tool my master needed, she would need to toughen up in order to survive.

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