Part 20 (Endeavor)

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Izuku POV

Sho had just told me that his father was Endeavor. The number 2 hero. I couldn't do anything but sit on the bed and stare at him. What was I supposed to say? His father was Endeavor and he's a villain. A very good one at that.
"It's shocking. I know." He rubs his hands through his hair frustratedly. I look at him with a concerned look.

Why was he hiding this from me? Did the others know? Why would he leave the number 2 hero? The number one question racking my brain though, why wasn't he happy when he saw him?
"Why weren't you happy to see him..?" I ask him a little hesitantly. The room almost instantly starts to smell of dominant pheromones. He was angry. Was he angry at me?

3rd POV

A whimper escapes Izukus lips. He cowers a little moving his eyes away from Todorokis. Todoroki was completely away from the current situation. He was thinking back to why he hated Endeavor.
After Todoroki hears Izuku whimper he snaps out of his trance looking back over at Midoriya. The room fills with comforting pheromones. He places a hand on Izukus cheek. Midoriya leans into the touch.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just thinking of Endeavor." Todoroki caresses Midoriyas cheek as Izuku leans into his touch.
"W-why do you hate him..?" Izuku was still a bit shaken up from the sudden outburst. He had enough courage though to ask Todoroki on why he disliked his father.
Todoroki tenses a little, looking away from Midoriya. He wasn't 100% sure if he should tell Midoriya. Although he knew almost everything there was to know about the small omega.
"You can trust me Sho." Midoriya places his hand on Todorokis cheek. They were sitting on the bed, each had one hand on the others cheek. Each leaning into the others touch. Todoroki looks down to the ground before confessing to Midoriya.
"It's Shoto, Shoto Todoroki." Midoriya looks at him a bit confused before putting the pieces together.
"That's your name? Is that why Toga called you Todo?" Todoroki nods into Midoriyas hand holding it with his free one. Midoriya smiles, he was happy Shoto finally trusted him enough with his real name.
Midoriya leans a little closer to Todoroki and hugs him. Shoto looks at him a bit surprised before melting into the hug. He pushed his nose into the crook of Midoriyas neck, smelling the scent gland placed there.
He felt dizzy from the omegas sweet scent. It was mostly vanilla and mint, with a slight rose smell. He loved it. He pulled the green haired omega closer to him taking the scent in.
Midoriya had his face tucked into Shos neck. He could smell the alphas scent so clearly when he was so close to his scent gland. It was pine needles and firewood. He could also get a little bit of the scent of a waterfall, though the pine needle and firewood overpowered it.
They sat there entangled together for about five minutes. Just enjoying the others presence. They didn't need to speak to know that the other was happy. The room was filled with joyful omega pheromones. Todoroki loved the smell of it and wanted to sit there like that all day. Though he knew he should answer Midoriyas question.
He pulled away from Midoriya and gave him a small smile. Midoriya gave him a smile that outshined the sun. Shotos heart skipped a beat just seeing it. He looks at Midoriya admiring his green eyes before looking away remembering what they were talking about before.
"What we were talking about before..." Todoroki starts to talk but Midoriya cuts him off. He gives him another hug and looks up at Shoto. Resting his chin on Todorokis chest.
"You don't have to tell me. You can tell me when you're ready." Midoriya gives him a reassuring smile. Todoroki looks down at Midoriya with surprise.
He didn't expect Izuku to be so understanding. He expected him to push for an answer like Toga or Shigiraki did. He looks down at Midoriya and blushes. He was giving Todoroki a closed eye smile looking absolutely pure.
"I want to tell you." He hugs Midoriya back squeezing him. He felt genuinely happy that someone was so understanding. He hadn't felt genuinely happy in so long. He had Midoriya to thank for that. He gave Midoriya a hug, and as he hugged him he smiled happily.
He pushed away from Izuku. He took in a big breath and sighed. He looked away from Izuku and started to tell him about his childhood.
"Endeavor was never a good guy. He only had my siblings and I so that he could produce the perfect hero. He forced my mother to marry him and drove her to the brink of insanity-" Midoriya listened with an interested look. He didn't give Todoroki a pitiful look which Todoroki was grateful for.
"-He eventually had my brother Touya, who you know as Dabi. He had a powerful quirk but it would destroy him from the inside out. So he continued to have kids until he had me. I was known as his masterpiece-" Todoroki looks down at the ground sadly. He hated that word. "Masterpiece". Endeavor would refer to him as that all the time. Midoriya held Todorokis hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Todoroki looked back up at him to see him smiling.
"-I was his masterpiece because of the fact I'm a dominant alpha and my quirk, half cold and half hot. He 'trained' me as he would like to call it as soon as my quirk showed. It wasn't training though... It was him mercilessly beating a 5 year old till he was 10. His 'training' was brutal. I was left on the floor in my own blood and sweat most days-" Todoroki looked down at the floor emotionless. Though his body showed his emotions for him. His scent glands were oozing out angry pheromones. Izuku felt the pressure of the pheromones but tried to ignore it and listen to the rest of Todorokis life.
"-One day when I was younger. My mother was in the kitchen making tea. I went in to greet her... I guess she had lost it. She looked at me and said my left side reminded her of 'him' as in Endeavor. She then proceeded to pour boiling water over my left eye. After that she was sent to a hospital. It wasn't her fault though. That bastard made her go crazy-" Todoroki clenches at his pants as he looks down at them. The room was filled with alpha pheromones at this point. It was hard for Izuku to hold back a whimper. He brought his hands over to Todorokis again and put both on one of his. Todoroki snaps out of it and looks at Midoriya. The omega gives him a weak smile due to the pheromones making him a bit nervous. Todoroki realizes what hes doing, getting himself under control and apologizes.
"-my brother Touya, who you know as Dabi, was the one who got me out. He was the one that was supposed to be a hero instead of me. His quirk has terrible drawbacks though. It burns him from the inside out when he uses it, that's why he has so many scars. He got them from an incident that happened when I was ten and he was fourteen. My family thought he was dead, reduced to ashes. He wasn't though and he had planned it so he could escape. He wanted to bring me with him, he told me he found a place for us to go to. I followed him and ended up here. I was already pretty experienced in fighting because of Endeavor but I had much more training to do. AFO trained Shigiraki and I together. He mostly worked with Shigiraki though due to him being the heir and all. I didn't mind though. I trained by myself sometimes. I was just happy to be away from Endeavor-" Todoroki looks over at Izuku with a serious look. Midoriya gets a little nervous from the sudden eye contact but doesn't look away.
"Thank you for listening Midoriya." Todoroki looks at Midoriya with a blank expression. Izuku was a little shocked by Todorokis thank you but smiled.
"Of course Todoroki. I'm happy I got to learn more about you."

I fixed the part where it said right side instead of left. Lol can't believe I was stupid enough to not realize that. It's not like I don't know Todorokis Fire side is on his left side I'm just lowkey kinda stupid sometimes :3

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