Part 16 (Quirk?)

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Izuku POV

I was sitting at the bar sipping on some tea when Kurogiri comes up to me. He walks fast and with urgency in his strut.
"It seems that the master would like to see you." I tilt my head in confusion a little bit.
"Who's the master?" I said curiosity dripping from my voice. I wasn't sure who Kurogiri would be calling master but surely enough it must be someone respectable.
"Oh yes. You must know him as AFO. Call him master when you see him though. He wishes to see you since you did so good at the mission a few days ago." I quickly put down my tea and get up from the bar stool.
"H-he wants to see m-me?!" I said frantically. Why would an all powerful criminal mastermind want to see me?
"Yes now step into this portal." He makes a portal in front of where I was standing. I feel myself gulp and step into the portal.
I walk into a dark room surrounded by tubes and wires. In front of me was a chair facing forward so I could only see the back of it. I saw the back of a mans head as well, I could only assume it was AFO or as Kurogiri said "master". The room reeked of alpha pheromones. It was a weird smell of steel and oil..? (I couldn't think of anything lol just go with it)
"Ah. Izuku Midoriya, I've heard much about you." I stand up and stand tall. I felt my hands shaking a little but I tried to control it the best I could.
"O-oh. Y-yes s-sir!" Saying in a much more shakily tone than expected, I manage to respond to him. He turns his chair around and faces me. He was a bald man with a fire scar across his face. His eyes seemed to be gone and he was grinning at me, there were tubes going in his face and neck.
"You seem to be a great asset to the League of Villains. Do you plan on training?" He manages to grin throughout his entire question. I on the other hand was still a bit shocked by the reveal of his face.
"W-What do y-you mean by tr-training s-sir?" What does he mean by training? As in learning more about heroes? If that's what he means I do plan on learning more. He laughs a little before putting his hands together and leaning in towards me a little.
"I think if you learned how to fight you would be an even greater asset. You already have an advantage from your experience in gymnastics and dance. Not to mention your in top shape. It wouldn't take that long for you to become very skilled in fighting." My eyes widen a little as he states what's on his mind. Looking down I start to consider what he's saying.
"I-I'm quirkless th-though..." A sad expression on my face I admit that I'm not as great of an asset that he thinks I am. He leans back in his chair with the same grin on his face.
"What if I could change that? Would you consider learning how to fight and joining the offense team in the League?" My head shoots up and I look where AFO's eyes would be. My eyes sparkling with determination and admiration for the man before me.
"Y-you could g-give me a q-quirk?" Basically jumping I ask him the question screaming in my head.
"If you choose to learn how to fight for the League, yes." My eyes sparkle with happiness and determination.
"I-I'll do whatever it takes!" He stands up from his chair and walks over to where I am. I was a few feet away from him. He towers above me and the smell of steel and oil started to hit my nose even more. I scrunched my nose up a bit in recoil.
"I'll give you a somewhat powerful quirk. That's if you learn how to control it." I'm basically jumping with joy as I look up at the man I now consider my savior.
"This might hurt a bit." He puts his hand on my shoulder. I felt a million bolts of electricity hit my body at once. I scream out in pain and fall down to my knees looking down and screaming in agony. I suddenly black out welcoming the darkness around me.

Waking up I saw Sho next to me sitting in a chair. I sit up but was quickly pushed back down.
"Hey, lay back down. You just got a quirk your body is adjusting." He says as he pushes me back down on the bed. I groan and lay back down, my body aching.
I then realize that Sho knew about me getting a quirk. That meant he also might know what my quirk is. I quickly sit up and face him.
"Wh-whats my quirk?!" I say with a happy but curious tone. He smiles at me and shakes his head sighing.
"I told you to lay down..." I frown at him.
"Please?!" I say basically begging him at this point.
"Your quirk is telekinesis. You can move things with the willpower of your mind. It's a pretty powerful quirk if you train it hard enough." He says as he lays me back down and puts a blanket over me. I didn't fight him about it because I was too busy processing the information of my quirk.
I decided to try and use it on something in the room. I look over at a cup on the desk across my bed and think about it moving over to my hand. Soon enough it came floating over to my hand. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.
"He thought it would be a good quirk for you since your moms quirk was similar. Apparently he did his research on you, thinking you would be a natural and- Woah why are you crying-?" He runs over to my from his seat and wipe the tears off my face. I just look up at him and smile happily, tears still streaming down my face.
"I-I have a q-quirk. I'm no longer a useless quirkless omega...." I start crying harder. Sho grabs onto me and pulls me into his chest.
"You were never useless. You will never be useless in my eyes." He caresses the back of my head and pulls me in closer. I pull the front of his shirt pulling him closer to me and cry into his chest.
"Th-thank you Sh-Sho."



~Total words 1132~

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