Part 14 (Todoroki VS Bakugo)

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Important message at the end (:

Izuku POV

   I watched on the tv as Sho and Bakugo fought. It seemed as though Eraserhead was fighting Shigaraki. Toga was fighting two female UA students. Kurogiri was fighting another group of UA students with ease, and Dabi was fighting Midnight.
Unfortunately for Midnight she couldn't use her quirk unless she wanted to knock everyone out. The rest of the villains were fighting UA students or heroes that showed up on the scene. The big group of criminals were helping with the fight, it was honestly smart to bring them.

Todoroki POV

While we were scouting out the area before we started I noticed the disgusting alpha who hurt Midoriya. I don't know what came over me but I almost ruined the entire mission.
I ran out and started to attack him. My instincts getting the best of me, and my pheromones going crazy. Luckily it was already about the time to attack so the mission wasn't really thrown off that much.
I was so angry though that I actually used my fire side against him. Throwing a massive amount of fire at him as I jumped down from my hiding spot.
When the rest of the villains and low-life criminals saw this they jumped into action as well. I didn't really notice though because the angry alpha started to attack me.
"ITS YOU!? FUCKING ICY-HOT!" He ran at me with a quick right hook. Midoriya wrote about this in Bakugos section of the journal. Prepared for the punch I stepped aside and punched him in the stomach as he went by.
I watched as he flew across the ground and crouched down holding his stomach. I smirked down at him feeling somewhat accomplished because he's finally getting a taste of his own medicine.
He quickly got up using his quirk to boost himself towards me. I got into a fighting stance ready for about anything. He starts to hold his arm back readying it for another punch. I get ready for another evade. He quickly psyched me out and dropkicks me.
He activates his quirk to punch me but I quickly use my ice to make a hug icicle come out of the ground and shoot at him. He jumps back before it hits him and before he can hit me. I stand back up glaring at him. My pheromones still going crazy. The whole area surrounding us smelling like pine needles and firewood.
"I'm gonna make you feel the same way Izuku did." He pauses at my words. I take the opportunity to freeze him to the ground and walk over to him.
"Do you remember what you did to him? I told him you'd get what you deserve." He stares at me with a guilty expression. I couldn't care less if he felt guilty or not though. He hurt my omega.
   I walked up to him and unfroze him to the ground and kicked him in the stomach all in one swift motion. I then stared at him on the ground with a disgusted look.
   "Is this what you did to him? Someone who was defenseless against you?" He tried standing up starting to get angry but I kicked him again.
    "He couldn't get up easily. Why should I make it easy for you?" I kicked him again and walked away my left side flaring up from anger. I was contemplating wether to kill him or not but I was told not to kill any of the students unless told. So instead I left him there bloody and bruised, just like he did Midoriya.
   I looked around to see that the mission was going well but that All Might hadn't even showed up. We decided to retreat. Kurogiri opened a portal and we all got in.
   I walked in to see Midoriya staring at the tv intensely. He turned around almost immediately when he heard us walk in.
   He ran over to me and hugged me. I looked down at him to see he was crying.
   "What's wrong Midoriya?" Grabbing his cheeks and wiping his tears away I try to ask what's wrong.
   "The tv cut off towards the end and I thought you guys got caught!" He said still crying and grabbing at my shirt. I sighed a little before hugging him back.
   "We're all fine." He pulls away and looks up at me. I felt my heart break a little when I saw the tears flow down his eyes.
   "Come on let's go sit on the couch. I'll tell you about the mission." I say slightly smiling trying to cheer him up a bit.
   We walked over to the couch with everyone else going to their usual spots. Toga and Mustard followed us to help give details about the mission as well.
   It all ended up with Toga and mustard arguing and Midoriya and I talking about my individual fight with Bakugo.
   "What happen with your fight?" He asked with a bit of concern lacing his voice.
   "I ended up fighting him. I told you he would get what he deserved." I said with a shrug. I felt a bit proud that I protected Midoriya from the angry blonde. Even if I was late, I made sure he got a taste of his own medicine.
   "O-oh. You didn't have to do that." I look him in the eyes with a very serious face present.
   "He hurt you. You're mine Midoriya, I won't let anyone hurt you again." He started blushing. He opened his mouth to respond but before he could I got up leaving to my room.
Izuku Midoriya will be my omega. Anyone who hurts him will deal with me.
Oop lowkey a yandere but we don't talk about that here lmao. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter or part of whatever the hell you want to call it lmao. Sorry I don't post everyday anymore. I just don't have the motivation to post everyday anymore but I won't drop this or anything.

⚠️The important message ⚠️

Hi guys!! I recently found out that you could be reading this story on sites other than wattpad! These sites aren't trustworthy and you shouldn't be using them ): you risk the possibility of a malware attack. If you don't know what a malware attack is here's the definition:
A malware attack is when cybercriminals create malicious software that's installed on someone else's device without their knowledge to gain access to personal information or to damage the device, usually for financial gain. Different types of malware include viruses, spyware, ransomware, and Trojan horses.

I don't want any of you to get a malware attack or anything like that! So I want you to stay safe and use Wattpad to read my story! Of course it is still up to you if you'd like to use these sites. Just be aware that these sites are not safe to use. If you are currently using a site other than Wattpad to read my story and would like to read it safely I will be posting the link to it below. (:

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