Part 15 (Coffee Break)

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Izuku POV

   I watched as Sho retreated back to his room. He didn't give me a chance to respond to his comment.
Does he want me to be his omega? No I'm just thinking too much about it. He probably meant it as friends.
I rush to my room flustered from what just happened. Shutting the door with my foot I run over to my bed and snuggle into the comforter.
I close my eyes trying to forget what Sho said. Key word trying. I couldn't get his words out of my head. I didn't know what he meant when he said I was his. I ended up falling asleep thinking about the alpha and his comment about me.

~next morning~

I woke up to Toga screaming about her face being on TV. I quickly jump up and get ready for the day. Grabbing a black crop top, some high waisted jean shorts, and some black knee highs that have little cat faces on the top of them. I run out of my room and into the bar to see what was going on.
Sure enough Toga was jumping on Mustard screaming about how they were on the news. I look over at the TV to see Toga fighting with some UA students alongside Mustard. The two seemed to have gotten close over the few days.
Mustard pushed her off of him and groaned looking at the TV. He looked up at it from the couch then smacked his head into his hands.
"I just had to be on TV with psycho bitch." He groaned looking over at Toga. She just laughed in response before looking over at me.
"Oh! Hey ZuZu! Did you see we are on TV!" She said jumping and pointing at the TV.
"I saw you guys on the news last night. Are they doing a news coverage of what happened exactly?" She nodded her head really fast about to talk when Kurogiri interrupted.
"They seem to be giving out our appearances to the public. Along with our quirks and second-genders, that's if they guess them correctly." I nod understanding why they were on the news now.
"They got my quirk wrong!" Yoga starts to pout. It's hard to take her pouting seriously though when she's playing with a knife.
Sho walks through the door probably hearing all the screaming from his room. He comes in and takes a seat at the bar a seat away from Shigaraki.
"What's all this about the news I hear?" I blush a little thinking about what he said yesterday but decided to speak up.
"O-oh. They are doing a news coverage on the league. They're giving out information on you all in case someone comes across you." He seems to be thinking about it before he responds.
"That's a smart move on their side. I doubt the news decided to do this though. The police or even UA probably asked them to do this." He looks over at the TV with slight interest.
"What did they say about me?" He starts walking over to the TV sipping on some coffee he got from Kurogiri.
"They said you were 'extremely dangerous' and most likely an alpha or dominant alpha. They also guessed your quirk was ice, I guess they didn't really notice when you used your fire. Probably thought it was that Bakugo kids quirk." Mustard said sitting on the couch. His gun twirling around in his hand. He said the 'extremely dangerous' part in a somewhat mocking tone.
Sho turned around with a smug look. He turned back to his stool and sat down with a small smirk present.
"Why do you look so smug Todo~?" Toga said in a playful tone. She was leaning on the couch towards Sho.
"It's just the fact that they find me 'extremely dangerous'-" he said using air quotes. "-Not to mention, too dumb to realize what my real quirk is. I mean I'm sure the police or UA are behind this. So that means they went around interviewing everyone, including Bakugo. That means he was too stupid to realize my quirk. I know if he knew it he would've told the police or UA." He smirks and takes a sip of his coffee. He then turns to me.
"Izuku is smarter than UA and the police. He's smarter than Bakugo. He figured out my quirk and didn't even need to meet me. He's probably only see me fighting on TV. I'm barely on TV as well since I rarely make big appearances." I blush a little as he sits there praising me. His stare doesn't leave my eyes. I look away feeling a bit of the pressure from his gaze.
"O-oh well I-... It's mostly because I saw you in a fight with Endeavor once on TV. Your fire side flavored up for a second and that's when I put it together." He nods and sips on his coffee.
"O-oh. By the way, Sho? Why does Toga call you Todo?" He chokes on his coffee a little bit. Glaring at Toga he then looks over at me.
"That's a story for another time Midoriya. If you wish you can call me Todo as well." He turns back around in his stool facing the bar.
I heard Dabi snickering over by the doorway. I didn't realize he was here until now. Shigaraki glares at him making Dabi stop. I guess Shigaraki has some kind of power over Dabi. Maybe a lover type? I did see them making out that one time.
I get up and walk over to Sho. I the stool next to him and look at him smiling a little.
"U-uh Kurogiri? Can I have a coffee please?" Kurogiri nods and hands me a coffee. Which I respond to with a 'thank you'.
"Do you guys have any idea when your next mission is? Or what it's going to be?" He nods his head as he takes a sip of his coffee.
"No. At least nothing that I've been filled in on. It's mostly Shigaraki or AFO who does all the planning." I look at him a bit confused on who AFO is.
"Who's AFO?" He takes another sip of his coffee finishing it up.
"He's basically the leader of LOV. Shigaraki is just his 'heir'. Or the second boss." I take a sip of my coffee and nod.

Hope you enjoyed!

~Total words 1079~

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