Part 6 (Living Situations)

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Btw this is Mustard! He's from when the LOV attacked UA on their camping trip. I love him sooooo much!

Todoroki POV

When I walked I realized I was too late. That grubby man was all over Midoriya. He was touching him. Midoriya was crying and screaming. The only reason why I was able to find what room he was in was because of the screaming of his voice. He shouldn't have had to go through that.
When I walked in something in me snapped. At first I was only going on order to get more info, since he would be a good allie. Once I saw that alpha touching him though.... I got so mad. I killed him on the spot. I didn't even mean to. It just happened. The second I saw his hands on Midoriya he was dead.
I look over at Midoriya who is sleeping soundly in the passenger seat. I smile slightly at the small omega before turning my attention back to the road.
Why doesn't he want to go back home? Did something happen? I frown a little. Is his family involved with this...? He wasn't hesitant before. He went home with no problem. I'll have to ask him when he wakes.
I pull into the garage and get out of the car. The shutting of the car door wakes the small omega and he stirs a little as I walk to the passenger door. I open the door the the passenger side to see the omega rubbing his eyes and I blush a little at the cute sight.
"Wh-where are we?" He says while looking around a little bit. I hold my hand out for him to take which he accepts and he steps out.
"We are at my base. Some other people live here so you'll meet them too." I walk Midoriya over to the alley that is attached to the garage. He seemed to get a bit frightened by the dark alleyway so I stood a bit close to him.
I put in the passcode to the door and walk into the bar. I'm greeted by Dabi, Toga, Shigaraki, Mustard and Kurogiri.
"Hey. I brought someone with me-" I started to but was quickly cut off by Togas usual screaming.
"I SMELL AN OMEGA! DID YOU GET YOURSELF AN OMEGA SHOTO?" Toga was screaming and jumping up and down. Midoriya was hiding behind me, I just looked blankly at Toga and sighed.
"He is an omega but he isn't mine. We're simply friends." Dabi laughs once he unlocks his lips with Shigarakis.
"Not surprised, who would want to date you." I just roll my eyes at his obnoxious comment and walk further into the bar. I motion for Midoriya to follow. Toga attempts to hug Midoriya but I quickly push her away.
I bring Midoriya over to my room in which I give him a spare pair of my sweatpants and a hoodie to wear. He was still wearing a t-shirt and my trench coat to cover himself up. He left into the bathroom connected to my room to change.
"I-I think it's a b-bit b-big..." when he walks back into the room the sweatshirt was down to his thighs and the sweatpants were in his hands too big to even put on. I felt my left side flare up and saw Midoriya start to freak out. I couldn't focus though because all I saw was an adorable omega in front of me wearing my hoodie.
After a few minutes I calmed down and was sitting on the couch in my room with Midoriya. Luckily most of my clothes are fire proof. I sat there looking straight forward while Midoriya sat there kicking his legs a little and looking down.
"Th-thank you a-again..." he says out of the blue.
"It's fine. I do hope you will help us out with information though." He stops kicking his legs and looks up at me. I never really noticed but he smells of a beautiful combination of vanilla, roses, and peppermint. It was a weird combination but it was intoxicating.
"I-I was wondering-" he looks back down. His smell suddenly faults ring into a worried one. I noticed he was letting out worried pheromones and I started to let out soothing pheromones. Something I've seen my self do often these days. He calmed down a bit and stopped letting out the pheromones so I did as well.
"Well... c-can I... can y-you l-let me li-live here? I'll give you any information! You don't h-have to-" I quickly cut him off before he finishes.
"Yes." As soon as he heard my answer he looks back up at me and looks almost as if he had tears in his eyes.
"What's wrong?" I say feeling as if I had done something wrong. He suddenly jumps into my arms hugging me.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He says while hugging me. At first I didn't hug back and just sat there shocked. I eventually gave in and wrapped my arms around the small omega though. I smiled a little and nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck.
He pulls back and wipes the tears out of his eyes. He then looks down and then back up.
"Uh-uh... s-sorry.." he says avoiding eye contact.
"It's fine. If you're living here you'll need to meet the other though. Some people don't live here most of the people out there do though." He nods and we make our way back out to the bar. As soon as we make our way back out we see absolute chaos.
Dabi and Shigaraki were making out on the bar top until Kurogiri warped them onto the ground. Spinner got here at some point and was screaming about how this 'isn't what Stain wanted'. Twice was in the corner trying to fix his mask which had gotten sliced up by Toga on accident, who was now running around aimlessly trying to find material to cover up the hole. Mustard was quietly sitting on the couch cleaning his gun mumbling under his breath 'I should use my quirk for some peace and quiet'.
"You'll get used to it after a little while." I say before taking him over to the couch Mustard was sitting at. We take a seat before I introduce him to everyone.


Hope you all enjoyed!

~Total words 1085~

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