Part 7 (Meeting LOV)

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Izuku POV

   When we took a seat on the couch it was next to a boy around our age with mustard colored hair. He had something in his hand but I didn't notice what it was until I leaned a little closer. A-a gun?!
   "You like it? I think it'll teach those brats at UA a good lesson." He says once he notices me staring at the metal object. I gulp and nod my head. Todoroki looks over at me amusement evident in his eyes yet his face didn't show it.
   "This is Mustard he's a Beta." Todoroki says while motioning towards Mustard.
   "Wh-what's your q-quirk? I-I need it f-for infor-information... IF YOU DONT MIND!" I start to freak out feeling as though I might be invading his privacy. He just chuckles a little bit.
"My quirk is 'gas', it makes whoever inhales it fall asleep. Unfortunately I'm affected by my gas as well so I have to wear a mask too. I can feel people through the gas if I focus as well." As he talks about his quirk I make mental notes about the important aspects of his quirk.
    "Th-thats a cool quirk I-if used c-correctly!" I squeak out hoping he will take the compliment. He smiles and lowers the gun.
   "Thanks! What's your quirk?" My look of happiness from learning a new quirk goes to sadness. Before I could respond though I was jumped on by another person.
   "SHOTO! HES SO CUTE!" The girl with blonde twin buns was quickly thrown off of me by a calm Sho.
   "You shouldn't jump on people. How do we know if he likes to be touched or not?" Sho says to the girl on the floor who looks up sulking with her arms crossed.
   "I just wanted to see your omega!" Sho grabs the bridge of his nose and sighs.
   "He's not my omega. His name is Midoriya. He will be living here, he'll also be a new member." After his statement it seemed to have catch the attention of one of the other member in the room. He had blue hair and chapped lips, he was recently kissing a scarred black haired male but pushed him away once he heard Sho.
   "New member? I'm the one who selects the party members not you Shoto." The blue haired boy says scratching his neck and walking over to us. I could tell he was a beta and the male with the scars was an alpha by the scents. The girl on the ground was also a beta but I could tell by the way she was secreting her scent as well.
   "He is a valuable asset, has much to offer to the league." Sho responds to the blue haired beta void of any emotions in his tone. I just sink back into the couch as I watch them arguing.
   "Why is he such a valuable player?" I watch as the beta stands right in front of Sho and looks slightly up at him since he's not as tall as him. Sho just looks down at him calmly.
   "He analyzes quirks and finds out the strengths and weaknesses. He knew who I was just from my quirk and fighting style, I didn't even use my other half in the fight. It was also a fairly short fight. With his help we can plan ahead and use hero's weaknesses. That's only if we know them though, which he knows them." Sho says all this in an emotionless voice while looking the beta right in the eyes, never looking away.
   "What do you think about this master?" The beta says not looking away from Sho. The tv on the wall starts to talk and I turn my attention to it.
   "I think Shoto has indeed found a great asset to the league." The tv which says rec in the corner and audio only says. I get a weird vibe from the tv as if to say it's the one in charge. I hear the blue haired beta 'tsk' and go to a seat at the bar top.
   "Since you'll be staying here I should tell you everyone's names." Sho starts off.
    "This is Toga-" he points to the twin bun blonde beta sitting criss cross on the ground playing with a knife. She looks up and waves smiling showing off her canines.
    "-that's Dabi-" Sho points to the scarred alpha with black hair. He was leaning against the wall. He looks over and waves but as he waves a little blue flame dances through his hand.
   "-that's Kurogiri-" Sho turns to a black gas standing behind the bar top cleaning a glass with a cloth. He waves his hand...?
   "-that's Shigaraki, the leader of the league-" he nods his head over at the blue haired beta sitting at the bar top sipping on some alcohol. He rolls his eyes and looks back down at his drink.
   "-and you already know Mustard." I turn towards Mustard who is sitting on the couch with me. He waves his gun at me and smiles.
    "-now that you know everyone let me show you to your room." I nod my head and he takes my hand into his. He walks me down the hall over to the room next to his.
   It was a somewhat small room with a twin sized bed. It had a closet and a desk. It also had a bathroom that connected to the room next door  as well as mine (Sho's room).
   "I know it's probably not as nice as you're room back home but it's the nicest that's available right now." He says looking down at me. I look around the room then look at him. A smile creeps across my face.
   "It's great! Thank you so much Sho!" I realize we are still holding hands and quickly pull mine back. A blush evident on my face but I turn around towards the room to hide it.
   "By th-the way wh-what are the o-others q-quirks?" He puts one finger up before he leaves me in the room and comes back a minute later a journal and pen in hand.
   "I thought it would be best if you had a journal to write it down in." I nod and take the journal and pen out of his hand. I take a seat at the desk as he takes a seat on my bed.
   "So here's a run down of each of their quirks-"


    I'm gonna skip where they describe the quirks bc we know everyone's quirks already. Btw he already has some of the villains quirks but some of them aren't known to the community so those are the quirks he's writing down. He also already has journals but he doesn't have them with him so he's gonna have to rewrite them all :(

~Total words 1156~

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