Part 2 (Villain To Savior)

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Todoroki POV

Sitting in the bar gets kind of boring. With the usual arguing between Dabi and Shigaraki, Toga throwing knives at me in hopes of blood, spinner constantly talking about Stain, and Twice talking to himself. I've gotten used to the usual craziness that happens here.
   Of course I'm grateful for the absolute psychopaths for taking Dabi and I in, but they're still crazy. When I was younger Dabi, who was back then known as Touya, was training to become a hero until our father found out he was "too weak". Not because he wasn't an alpha, because he was. Touyas quirk had some serious drawbacks when he was younger, it works against him if he doesn't use it correctly even now. My father ended up having more children until he had me. His "masterpiece". An alpha with a duel quirk, half fire, half ice. I was put through hell and back for training so that I could surpass All Might and become the number one hero.
    Touya had a break down when he was fourteen and I was ten, there was an.....incident. My family thought he died but, he came back for me. It was around a month after the incident had happened. He came back and told me he had found people who would help us. I quickly came with him, after years of abuse and my mother leaving I knew even at a young age I had to go. It would be my last "fuck you" to Endeavor.
   That's how I am where I am now. Sitting at this somewhat run down bar with a bunch of lunatics. Known as the villain HellFrost. I'm mostly known for my ice side but in rough times I'll use my fire. I don't like using it sometimes because of what my mother said when I was around six years old, she said my left side reminded her of "him". She then poured boiling water on that side of my face. She now resides in a mental hospital but, I don't blame it on her for going crazy. I blame it on the flaming trash.
    "I'm going for a walk." I say as Toga throws a knife at my face which I catch between my fingers. I look at her and throw it next to her head. She just smiles back.
    I start walking when I start smelling distress pheromones seemingly from an omega. I walk in that direction when it starts to get stronger. I look around to find where it's coming from when something or someone runs into me. I look down to see a small shaken up green haired omega. The distress pheromones were coming off of the omega and it made my nose scrunch up in displeasure.
    "Are you ok-" I start speaking but am quickly cut off by another man. Possibly an alpha by the scent.
   "Hey! Get away he's mine!" I look down at the trembling omega that had fallen down at my feet on his backside. He looked up at me with pleading eyes and mouthed the words 'help'. Normally I wouldn't care about helping others but I couldn't just sit around while this omega was taken advantage of.
   "I don't see a mark on him anywhere." I try to bring the situation down a notch by talking calm but he must've seen this as me talking smart.
   "I said he's mine!" He growls the last part out at me. I start to get worried for the omegas safety. He's right in between us where the fight would happen. I motion towards the omega to get behind me using my head. He quickly stands up and gets behind me. The omega quickly whispers something in my ear.
   "He has a copy quirk, don't let him get too close. He has to hold his hand on you for at least five seconds for it to work. Drawbacks are that he doesn't know how to use the quirk and he gets 5x worse drawbacks while using the other users quirk." I look at the omega with a thankful look but then look back at the other alpha.
   "Listen this doesn't have to get physical but-" I start to let off some menacing pheromones in hopes to scare off the guy. "-I'm not afraid to fight."
   The alpha seems to be taken back by the power of my pheromones but refuses to back down. He lunges at me which I quickly counterattack with some ice. I freeze him to the spot. It was a fairly quick fight. I sigh and look back at the omega who was still trembling. I realize I was still letting off pheromones and stop doing so. He calms down a bit.
   "Hey you okay?" He nods his head slowly and avoids eye contact with me. I sigh again. It's a good thing I wore a half mask when I went out otherwise he might've recognized me.
   "Thank you for saving me. You probably don't hear that often being a villain and all..." he says with a light chuckle at the end. My eyes widen a bit and I look down at the omega who was much shorter than me.
   "How did you figure it out?" Without faltering from my usual monotone voice I manage to get out. Even though I was starting to question just how smart this omega was.
   "Oh. W-well um. I like to analyze quirks as a hobby... I analyze villains and hero's quirks so-so I could tell it was you by your q-quirk and fighting style." He said stuttering a little. He seemed to be a little sad while he talked about it but I didn't question it.
   "That's impressive." He looked up at me for the first time with wide sparkling eyes.
   "Y-you think so-so?" I nod my head but turn it away so that he couldn't see the growing blush on my face. The way he looked at me with his wide eyes was adorable.
   The league could use someone like him. If we knew the quirks of all the hero's we could easily win. Plus he doesn't seem to be scared of me even though I'm a villain.
   I look back down at the green haired omega who is now looking around at his surroundings.
   "Are you lost?" I say still looking at his eyes. They were a forest green that held so much curiosity.
   "Uh-y-yeah. I was running a lot so I don't know where I am." The omega said. I nod my head.
   "I'm Sho by the way. I can bring you back to a Main Street and call you a cab." I hold out my hand for him to shake.
   "I-izuku, Izuku Midoriya." He hesitantly shakes my hand back before I could realize who he was. My eyes widen as he shakes my hand and I think he noticed.


Hope you enjoyed

~Total words 1163~

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