Chapter 21

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Vegeta woke up with a pillow hitting his face. He groaned, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Kaka-" he realized that it wasn't Goku who throw the pillow, but Bulma. Bulma raised a brow.

Vegeta quickly thought of an excuse he could say. "Uh.. Kakarot would sometimes throw pillows at me to wake me up." Bulma squinted her eyes. "I've been yelling your name for the past 3 minuets, no wonder Goku would threw a pillow at you."

Vegeta glared at Bulma. "Well what's so important that you had to wake me up for?"
"Me and ChiChi are going to get some stuff for the dinner. You know, since it's tomorrow."

"Ok." Vegeta replied with no emotion. Bulma sighed, casting her eyes to the ground. 'I guess him staying at the house with Goku didn't help with our relationship together, only theirs.' Bulma looked up.

"I'll be back soon." With that, she left the room. Vegeta was glad she didn't say anything else because he didn't want to deal with her at the moment. He sled his legs off the bed and put his feet on the ice cold floor, without flinching.

Before he got up, he felt an all to familiar Ki. It was none other then Goku. He turned his head to see his stupid smile that he found absolutely adorable. "Kakarot, What are you doing here?" Vegeta said as he stood up and turned his body to face him.

"I just wanted to see you." Goku said walking around the bed to Vegeta. "Well I-" Vegeta pause. Goku looked confused. "Vegeta what's-"
Before he could say anything Vegeta open the closet and pushed him in. Goku was about to ask what's going out before Vegeta put his finger to his lips, looking serious.

Goku didn't understand what he wanted him quite until he heard foot steps. With one quick motion, Vegeta shut the door and ran to his bed. Bulma walked in looking around.

"I thought you left?" Vegeta raised a brow. Bulma scanned the room quickly. "I forgot my phone but I thought I heard Goku." Bulma said as she walked over the her nightstand and grabbed her phone.

"Why would that Clown be over here?" Vegeta spat rudely. In the closet Goku felt hurt by those words. He knew Vegeta didn't mean it but it still hurt him. It mostly hurt him on how he said it, it was like he hated him.

He was able to push that feeling aside. Goku knew he loved him. He said what he said to not make Bulma suspicious. He peeks through the crack in the door to see what's happening.

"I swore I heard Goku." "Maybe you should get your ears fixed then." Bulma glared at Vegeta. "Why do you have to be so damn cold all the time?!" Bulma yelled. Vegeta was a bit taken back. He rarely hears Bulma yelling.

He turned his back to her. Bulma frowned. "Just gonna give me the cold shoulder like you do every day now?" Bulma said sharply. "Yup." Bulma eyes widen. She expected him to stay quiet.

She opened her mouth to say something but sighed instead. She turned around and walked out. She tried hard to not cry because of her mascara. She open the door of the car and got in to head to the mall where she would meet up with ChiChi.

Before she started the car a question popped in her head. 'Is he cheating on me with another Woman?' The more she thought about it, the more she believed it. He's been so cold to her lately. She shook her head to try to erase that thought away. She started the car and headed to the mall.

Goku turned the door knob slowly and opened the door. He frowned his seeing Vegeta sat on the bed with his head in his hands. He walked over and sat next to him.

They were silent for a few seconds. "Why.. are you so mean to Bulma?" Goku was ready for him to get mad but he stayed calm. "I don't know." He took his hands off his face.

"I've tried to be nice but every time I see her I...." he looked down. "Maybe it's because I don't love her anymore." Goku put his hand on Vegeta's lap. Vegeta looked into Goku's eyes.

Vegeta truly didn't know why he was so mean to her. It felt like when your at school and you see this kid and hate them for no reason whatsoever. It's just something about them.

Goku kisses Vegeta softly. Soon that kiss turned more rough. He broke from the kiss and pushed Vegeta down on the bed. He crawled into him, trailing kisses up his neck. Their breathing quickened in an instant. Goku trailed his hand to Vegeta's crotch.

He pulled his pants down to his thighs. He rubbed his inner thigh. Moving closer to his now throbbing cock. Goku bit his neck lightly. Vegeta moans were breathy, not to the point when you can hear them from a distance.

Vegeta was barely able to speak but managed to. "Kakarot.. not here.. Trunks." Goku stoped what he was doing. He then smirked. Before he said anything he heard the floor creak.

Ahhhh I know this took forever :( but I made this chapter long!! I hope that makes up for it😅😅 next time I'll try to not to take forever on a chapter

Question, what you think of the book so far?? And in the future would you like me to write another book?

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