7. "He's here"

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Everyone who was sleeping in the Gryffindor tower woke up in the middle of the night, because of a scream from the boys dorm.

A few seconds after the scream everyone walked out of their dorms.

"That is preposterous mister Weasley. How could Sirius Black get through the portrait?" McGonagall spoke to Ron.

Daenerys looked at Hermione. "Sirius Black?" She asked. She remembered Hermione and Ron talking about him on the train.

"A criminal who escaped from Azkaban. He is known for his massa murder" She said.

"Well I don't know how he got in! I was busy dodging his knife" Ronald almost yelled.

McGonagall looked at Percy. "Percy have you seen Cadogan?" Percy pointed at a portrait.

"Cadogan? Cadogan?" McGonagall spoke while walking towards the portrait.

A knight turned away from a lady he was snagging on and looked at McGonagall.

"How may I serve you?" He asked while bowing.

"Is it possible that you let a mysterious man enter the Gryffindor tower tonight?" McGonagall asked the knight.

"Yes, certainly lady. He had the password written on a little piece of paper"

He grabbed a bottle and opened it at which he hit the woman behind him.

"Which foolish person wrote down the password and then proceeded to loose it?" McGonagall looked at the crowd.

Neville's face turned red and he looked at the ground. McGonagall looked at him.

"Is it always going to be you?"

Neville now looked more ashamed then he did before.

"Sirius Black is gone for the night.." McGonagall spoke. "I think you can all safely assume that he will at some future time attempt to return and I speak for every professor when is say; While we take every precaution to ensure your safety but act responsible. Understood?"

Everyone nodded or mumbled.

"Very well then, off you go" McGonagall said.

Everyone walked back to their dorms.

It was time for potions class and Daenerys walked besides Ron on their way to the classroom. "Are you okay after yesterday?" She asked him.

"Yeah, better then being bloody dead" He sighed. "But there are holes in my bed"

Daenerys let out a small giggle.

In potions class Daenerys looked at Malfoy.

He could feel her eyes burn on his skin. He looked up. Even though there were a few meters between them he could see her eyes very clearly. They shined bright like a diamond.

She looked away.

After the classes were over Harry, Ron, Hermione and Daenerys walked back to the common room. But at the entrance there stood a group of Gryffindor students.

"What's going on?" Harry asked.

"Neville probably forgot the password again" Ron sighed.

"Hey!" Neville said who was standing besides them.

Percy, Ronalds older brother and the head boy of Gryffindor house walked by.

"Watch out please...Excuse me i'm head boy" He said as he walked up the stairs.

"Get back, all of you. No one is allowed to enter this dormitory until it has been fully searched" He then said.

Ginny walked to the foursome with a shocked face. "The fat lady.." She said. "She's gone"

Daenerys walked closer. The portrait was ragged by big scratches.

"Well, she was a terrible singer. I don't see what's wrong" Ron said.

"That's not funny Ron" Hermione gave him a soft slap on his arm.

Other portraits on the wall cried or were looking for the fat lady.

"Excuse me" Dumbledore spoke while he passed the students.

He stood in front of the portrait. He put back the pieces that were hanging loose.

"Filch, gather the ghosts to research every portrait in the castle" He said. But Filch looked the other way.

"No need for ghosts professor. That's her" Filch pointed at an portrait. "Right there"

Everyone started running towards it.

"Dear lady, who did this to you?" Dumbledore asked the fat lady.

The lady stood up. She looked terrified and crying.

"Eyes like the devil he's got..And a soul as dark as his name. It's him headmaster. The one they all talk about...He's here! Somewhere in the castle? Sirius Black!"

You could hear a couple of students gasp.

"Secure the castle Filch. The rest of you, to the great hall!" Dumbledore spoke.

Everyone ran to the great hall but were confused when they got there. The Slytherins also stood in the great hall.

"Why the bloody hell are they here?" Ron asked.

"Professor Snape sent us here. The dungeons are a great hiding spot for someone like Black" Blaise, a Slytherin boy, said.

Daenerys walked towards professor McGonagall.

"I need to go" She said.

McGonagall looked at her.

"I know that look" She said. "A student here at Hogwarts once looked at me the same way you do now. But I am sorry miss Goodwin, I can't let you leave"

"Why not?" Daenerys asked her, although she knew McGonagall was right. "I can defend myself"

McGonagall didn't say anything but the look on her face said enough.

Daenerys walked back and unfortunately saw that the only free sleeping bag was beside Draco Malfoy.

She sat down. "What are you think you doing?" Malfoy asked her.

"What does it look like?" She asked him. "This is the only bag left"

The great hall became dark. But you could still see the silver hair of Daenerys. Like the light of the moon in a dark night.

She slowly took out her two braids.

Draco's eyes got used to the dark. He looked at Daenerys.

She then took of her clothes. Draco couldn't help it to follow the curves of her body with his eyes. He swallowed and looked away.

Daenerys laid down and looked at the galaxy above her. She thought of Drogon; Was he save? What if Sirius Black had killed him? No he had not killed him, she would feel it.

The next morning Draco woke up. He felt a slow breath against his chest. And his arm was wrapped around something. It felt great.

He looked down and saw a silver hair, Daenerys. He quickly looked around, luckily no one was awake yet. He turned around in his sleeping bag.

Daenerys woke up, she looked at Draco and back at her sleeping bag. Why was she barely laying in it?. She quickly got dressed in her sleeping back, in just a blouse and a skirt she stood up.

On her way to the doors Neville grabbed her arm. "What are you doing?" He asked.

Draco was listening carefully.

"Nothing" Daenerys whispered. Neville gave her a look. "I'm just going for a walk" She sighed.

Neville who was still unsure about what she said let her go.

She sneaked out of the great hall but she was not alone someone was following her.

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