2. Fortuna Major

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There she sat in one of the coupes of the Hogwarts express and she was not alone, in front of her a man called R.J. Lupin was asleep. She sighed and looked out of the window thinking about Drogon who was already on his way to Hogwarts. Then she heard a knock on the door, a girl and two boys stood in the doorway.

"May we come in? Everywhere else is full" The girl asked. Daenerys nodded they seemed nice.

The boy with the orange hair took place next to her and the girl who had big brown fluffy hair took place next to the sleeping professor.

"Who is that?" The boy with the red hair asked.

"That is R.J. Lupin" The girl answered him.

"How do you know everything?" He asked her, the girl pointed at the suitcase of the man. "It is on his suitcase Ronald" She sighed. The boy with the black hair and glasses looked at Daenerys, something about her was strange, he didn't know what yet.

"My name is Hermione Granger by the way" The girl said. She then pointed at the redheaded boy "That is Ronald Weasley" He looked at Daenerys with an uncomfortable smile. "And that is Harry Potter" Hermione pointed at the boy next her. That name, she had heard it before.

"My name is Daenerys Goodwin, it's nice to meet you all"

"That's a really cool name, you don't hear it much" Said Hermione, she gave her a warm smile.

"I thought you were a bloody Malfoy Daenerys"

Daenerys looked at Ronald. "What is a Malfoy?" She asked. "It is a family they all have white hear like you" Hermione answered her. "They are not known for their nice deeds"

Harry looked at the white haired girl with frowned eyebrows. "Are you new? I have never seen you before in Hogwarts" Daenerys nodded. "Yes, I will start my third year on Hogwarts"

"Why are you starting so late?"

"My mother and I moved to England, so I had to change schools" Ronald saw that she didn't want to talk about it and started a conversation about someone called Sirius Black. Daenerys never heard of him before but quickly learned that he was a dangerous man.

Then all of a sudden the train stopped. "We can't be there yet" Said Hermione confused. Suddenly the lights go out and it became very cold.

"Ron that was my foot"


Daenerys stood up and walked to the hallway where at the end of it she saw a dementor. "Oh no" She whispered and sat down again. Ice grew on the window and the creature slowly pushed the door open. Daenerys felt empty like she never could be happy ever again, but to be honest when there were no dementors nearby she felt that too. It looked at Harry, you could see the creature sucking his memories away.

Then the man woke up. He pointed his wand at the dementor and spoke; "Expecto patronum" A white curtain of light appeared and drove the dementor away. In the meantime Harry fainted. When he woke up Lupin gave him some chocolate. Then he looked at Daenerys "You are the new third year student?" He asked. She nodded. "I am Daenerys Goodwin" Lupin raised an eyebrow, that can't be right he thought. "Nice to meet you Daenerys. I hope to see you in my Defense against the dark arts class soon" He smiled and left the coupe telling the student he was going to speak a word with the Train operator.

The rest of the trainride went by quietly .

Harry, Hermione, Ron and Daenerys made their way to the carriages. Daenerys looked at the thestrals who pulled the carriage and looked at the others, she knew they couldn't see them. They never had seen someone die right in front of there eyes, but Daenerys had. She didn't feel any grief for her brother, Viserys, who was the one she saw getting murdered. She was young when it happend but never forgot how he threatened her.

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