1. Ilvermorny

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Daenerys was walking through the green grass of the Ilvermorny gardens. It was big and crowded and yet it was minimalist and calm.
A girl ran to Daenerys.
"Daenerys" The girl laid her hand on her shoulder, she was clearly out of breath. "What is it?" Daenerys asked the strange girl. "The headmaster wants to see you" Daenerys nodded. Her heart made a jump, there was something about the headmaster that she was intimidated by.

The girls walked along to the castle, it was a silent walk.
Daenerys heart was pounding. When they entered the entrance hall. the girl began to talk.
"My name is Sansa by the way, Sansa Stark" She held out her hand, Daenerys looked at it and shook her hand.
"Daenerys Goodwin" Sansa smiled and then looked at the big stairway in the middle of the hall, it was decorated with candle sticks of gold.
At the top of the stair it spilt into two separate stairs one to the right and one the left. Daenerys looked at Sansa.

"I actually don't know the way to the headmasters office, I have never been there before." She spoke softly because she was ashamed she didn't know. Two years she had gone to this school and still she didn't know all the ways to everywhere. But the school was huge, and the magic that was within the walls didn't help either.

Sansa shrugged. "That's okay, I will show you the way" She smiled at hopefully her new friend.
Sansa had seen Daenerys before but never really talked to her. They were scared although they don't know her. But they all felt something, they felt power, they felt intimidated.

They walked up the stairs to the left and walked by a few classrooms, then at the end of the hallway they turned right to a small stairway. At the end of the stairway stood a statue of a silver snake. "MECUSA" Sansa spoke. The snake slithered away and a wooden door became visible. Daenerys looked at Sansa who gave her a comforting smile.
"You will be fine, he isn't that bad" Daenerys sighed and then knocked on the door, that automatically opened.
Yeah right, she thought.

She stepped in and the door closed quickly behind her. "Ah Miss Goodwin, take a seat" As told Daenerys sat down in front of Professor Fontaine. The room was dark, and smelled musty. It felt that in every dark of the room, a shadow stared at her.

"Let's get straight to the point" He looked her right in the eye and it felt like he was looking trough her soul.

"I have been watching you," That doesn't sound good. "and I have noticed you brought a pet with you that isn't allowed in this school" She felt her heartbeat go up.

Professor Fontaine opened a drawer in his desk and brutally grabbed something out of it, Daenerys recognized it immediately it was Drogon! Her baby dragon. The little animal squeaked as he tried to escape the headmasters grip.

"Let him go! You are hurting him!" She sounded despaired. Her heart broke by seeing her baby in pain.

"Silence" The headmaster raised his voice and both of them, Daenerys and Drogon fell silenced.

"I see you really care about this..thing" She nodded. "But still I can't allow you to have a Dragon at Ilvermorny, it is too dangerous. That is why he will be executed" She stood up. "You can't execute him!" Her eyes filled with tears of sadness and anger. "Yes I can" He said, proud for making a little cry. That was when all the scared feelings of Daenerys washed away, and anger and hatred took over her body.

Daenerys looked at Drogon, her everythin. "Dracarys"
The little dragon shot fire at the headmaster who's robe caught fire.

He screamed and let the animal go, it flew away to Daenerys where he landed on her shoulder. Professor Fontaine managed to stop the fire and then pointed his wand at his students throat. His eyes were filled with anger. "That's it" He hissed. "Daenerys Goodwin you are from now on expelled from Ilvermorny school of witchcraft and wizardry." Daenerys gasped and couldn't believe what she just heard but she wasn't as sad as she thought she would be. She felt relieved. "You can pack your stuff and leave Ilvermorny ground by tomorrow. I will send a letter to your parent. Leave!" She ran out of his office as fast as she could and Sansa who was still waiting outside hurried after her.

"What happend? You seem really upset" Sanda asked when they arrived in the common room. Daenerys let out a deep sigh. " leave me be"
Sansa nodded. She thought she had made a new friend.

The next day Daenerys didn't wake up at the dorms as she usually would by this time of the year. She woke up in her own room, she sighed and looked at Drogon he was peacefully sleeping on her belly. She gave him a pat over his head. "Good morning" Drogon made happy noises and then flew to the window. "I know you want to fly through the sky but it is too risky, we are not in the wizarding world anymore, if a no-maj sees you we are in more trouble then we already are." He looked outside and then flew back to the bed.

"Daenerys can you come down please?" She heard her mother yell from down below. She ran downstairs and saw her mother sitting at the dining table. She sat down as well "I wanted to talk to you" Her mother began. "Because I want you to proceed your schooling I have decided that we move to England. While we live there you can go to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry" Daenerys nodded with a smile on her face. She could start over again, there no one will know her. She could be a whole new person.

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