17. Draco's pov - Part two

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He led her to the dungeons. Where they entered a empty classroom.
It was very dark but the little light that came from a candle, lighted up their skin and hair.

Draco's heart was beating loud.

Daenerys sat down on top of one of the student desks.
"Are you going to teach me a lesson Malfoy?" She grinned.
He stood before her, between her legs.
Draco had to look a bit down because he was taller than her.

"Yes I am" He spoke softly.
He grabbed her by the waist and put his lips on hers.
At first it seemed like a little kiss, but short after their lips started moving.
Draco's lips were burning, and his hands tingled in desire of touching her skin.
Even their tongues got involved in the kiss.

It was only because Daenerys nearly fell off the table that the kiss was interrupted. They both laughed softly.

Daenerys had her arms around Draco's neck. He held her by her waist. This was the confirmation he needed. He never wanted this feeling to go, he never wanted hér to go.

"I need to go" Daenerys said with a soft smile.

The feeling that Draco had just a few seconds ago faded away.

She gave him a kiss on his cheek and left the classroom.

Draco stood there for a while, thinking about what just happend, thinking about Daenerys and thinking about his future. The thought of him introducing Daenerys to his parents was no fun, his father would definitely disagree, she's a Gryffindor and if she wasn't a pure blood....Well, he didn't want to talk about the consequences that will have.
When his father had talked about the Targaryens his face and voice was full of disgust of that family.

Draco wondered why, he asked his dad but his answer was: 'That's just because of how they are'. And nothing more. Daenerys wasn't awful.

At dinner he saw her again, from far away. He wasn't staring, but he looked a lot although she didn't. She laughed with the Weasley twins, Draco thought they were sitting too close to her. But Pansy asked him something about posions, Draco answered quickly and looked back to the Gryffindor table. But Daenerys was gone, and her friends.

After dinner he was walking back to the common room. His thoughts only focused on Daenerys. He passed the classroom where he and Daenerys had made out.
He saw lights coming from under the door and rushed in. At first he regretted his choice, his thoughts went to Daenerys but what of it was someone else? But it wasn't. When she saw him she smiled, no she grinned. Playfully.

She drew her wand. And Draco drew his, unsure what to do next. He didn't want to hurt her.
With one flick of her wand the room went dark. If he concentrated hard enough he could she a glimpse of her hair.

'You couldn't get your eyes of me could you?' Daenerys said. Her voice was calm and soft, he could hear her smiling.

With a soft touch she held his face. Her eyes shined in the dark.
Draco grabbed his wand and put the few candles in the room on.

A smile appeared on his face when he saw her.
'I long for you Daenerys' He said.

Daenerys just smiled.

He then kissed her. Softly, a warm tingle on his lips. And from there a warm flare spread to the rest of his body.

Daenerys pulled back. He looked in her eyes again, but then the fire of the torch caught his attention. He looked back at her.

His father would kill them if he knew that he was kissing her.
Daenerys, an abnormal girl with the most beautiful characteristics and a feared family name. He thought about the things his father told him about the family. What if she became like her ancestors?

'What's wrong?' Daenerys asked.
'I just realized I have something I must do' He stepped away, and walked out of the room.

He should never have done this.

Amortentia  //Draco Malfoy, Daenerys Targaryen//Where stories live. Discover now