9. Targaryen

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"How can somebody be at two places at a time?" Harry laughed.

Daenerys opened her eyes. They were in the hospital wing.

Her injuries weren't as bad as Ron's, she only felt a bit of a headache.

The four of them talked the whole evening until madam Pompfrey sent Harry and Hermione away. Daenerys couldn't sleep very well, the things that happend yesterday kept repeating themselves. And the dragon fire, the woman's voice.
Eventually she stepped out of her bed, she sneaked passed madam Pompfrey and walked noiseless trough the doors.

Her feet lead her to the courtyard, where she sat on the fountain looked up, staring at the bright stars.

"I know what happend must be very confusing to you," Someone suddenly said, Dany looked away from the stars and looked in the sparkling eyes of professor Dumbledore. "I expect you have a lot of questions, but I can't answer them all" He said. Dany nodded and thought for a good question to begin with.

"Who am I?" She asked him. "I mean I have heard a lot about myself which I didn't even know, and of course don't know if it's true of not" Dumbledore smiled.

"I think it might be a good idea to start with your name, your name is Daenerys Targaryen, you were also called stormborn, this because you were born on the day a very heavy storm disturbed the night" Dumbledore sat down besides her. "Think wisely about who you tell your real name, some people still know the Targaryen name and may not have good intentions with you knowing you are one"

Daenerys looked at him and frowned. "What do you mean?" Dumbledore smiled again. "I can't tell you too much tonight, you also have to find who you are yourself" He stood up.

"Wait, professor! I still have one question" Dany also stood up, Dumbledore nodded.

"Was I born in this world?" She asked.

Dumbledore was thinking, what should he answer? He looked at her and smiled. "Goodnight, Daenerys" He said and he walked away.

Dany got a bit angry, all of this was so confusing! She didn't know what to think anymore. She grabbed a little stone off the ground and threw it away. But apparently it hit someone, a soft 'ouch' was heard. Daenerys walked towards the wall, she saw white hair behind the wall.

"Are you eavesdropping me Malfoy?" She said. Draco stood up, "No, why would I?" He said but the voice crack betrayed him. You could see the anger on Daenerys' face, she jumped over the low wall. "How much did you hear?" She pushed him. "How dear you to spy on me like that?" She pushed him again. "You, you stupid little boy" She was about to punch him, but Draco grabbed her hand, this was not the first time that this would happend, and in an elegant twist he turned her around and pushed her against the wall.

"Hey!" He said loudly. Meanwhile, tears rolled down Dany's cheeks. But her face was straight.

"Hey" He said again, but this time with a sweet and soft voice. "Calm down" With his thumbs he wiped away the tears.

She wanted to say something but did not know what, "I just-" her voice broke again.

Draco hesitated for a moment but then grabbed Daenerys tight and held her against him. His hand stroking her hair. "I know" He said.

Back in the Hogwarts express Daenerys heart felt heavy, she didn't want to go back home or whatever that was. The whole ride she didn't say a word, Ron, Hermione and Harry left her alone they know she didn't want to speak.

Back home, she opened the doors but there was no warm welcome. It didn't feel good. She turned on the lights, on the kitchen table layed a letter. Daenerys' heart began to beat faster, she opened the letter:

Dear miss Targaryen,

We must inform you that your mother will not come back, she is unsupervised by the ministry of magic. She has been attacked and she does not remember a single thing, and won't remember you.

It is unsafe for her to stay at home. We don't know if she will be like before or if she will recover.

I' am very sorry for you.

Your sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

She read it again, and again and again. She couldn't believe it. She was alone more alone then she ever was, how was she going to survive this vacation? Feelings of fear caught her off guard.

She heard the mailbox rinkel, she walked to the door, another letter. She opened the envelope, it was a picture of Hagrid with Drogon and Rheagal. This made her smile again, her dragons were back at Hogwarts and they were in good care.

Days felt like weeks and weeks felt like months, by the day Daenerys happiness, or what was left of it, faded away. It felt like an anvil was placed upon her heart.

One day when she came home from the supermarket another letter lay on the doormat. She quickly put down the groceries and grabbed the letter from the ground.

Dear Daenerys,

This year our family is going to the Quidditch world cup! Harry and Hermione are coming with us too!

We were wondering if you wanted to come as well. Of course my parents want to conformation from your mother otherwise you can't come :(

Hope to hear it from you soon!

Ron weasley

Daenerys sighed, she couldn't go with them. She didn't want to tell them that her mother is gone, they would worry about her, she didn't need that.

She wrote him a letter back, telling him she can't come because her and her mother are going to have a lot plans that day.

That night she went to bed early, feeling more broken than ever.

She couldn't help but dream about that one boy, Draco Malfoy. Why was this boy in her mind? She knows the stories about what he had done and how he is, but when he is with her those stories seem like made up stories.

Daenerys decided to push the weird feelings away as deep as she could.

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