4. The boggart

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"Really? This is a strange school" Daenerys said after she heard what happend to the trio in the past two years.

"Yeah, but it's fine. I love Hogwarts" Harry smiled.

"As long as no students get hurt"

Neville sat down at the griffindor table.

"Hey guys" He smiled.

"Hello Neville" Daenerys smiled back.

After dinner Daenerys wanted to walk out of the great hall, she and Neville stayed for a bit to talk. There were only a few students left.


She turned aroud and saw professor Dumbledore. "Yes professor?" She asked. Unlike with the headmaster of Ilvermorny she wasn't afraid at all to speak to the headmaster of Hogwarts.

"Dragons grow fast. When it has reached being a adult it will be bigger then the griffindor commonroom" Daenerys nodded, she knew.

"I'm Sorry professor. I couldn't leave him at home, he doesn't eat if i'm not around and-"

"I know...And I know all about your bond with them. That is why I wanted you at Hogwarts" He smiled.

"Yes. I wanted to ask why"

"It is because you know lesser than you know, Daenerys"

She frowend. "But I know a lot of spells and-"

"I know" Dumbledore said again.

"You are a great student yes, but your knowledge about your own life is limited" He smiled.

She nodded confused and walked out of the great hall.

"Oh..I didn't know there was anyone out. Hello dear" The fat lady smiled.

"Hello, Fortuna Major"

She walked in and sat down on the couch with her friends.

"Dany! I lost you, where were you?" Neville asked the second he saw her.

"Don't worry Neville, I was just talking to Dumbledore" She smiled.

"Sorry, I just don't want you to get lost"

"Thank you"

'Your knowledge about your own life is limited' That sentence was stuck in her head. What does he mean? What didn't she know? She sat down on her bed and Drogon crawled onto her lap. "There you are" Hermione came in.

"Are you alright?" She asked. "You look worried"

Daenerys nodded. "I'm not worried" She smiled. "I'm puzzled"


"Because of what Dumbledore said" She gave Drogon a few pets.

"He said that my knowledge about my life is limited"

"Yeah, Dumbledore loves to speak in riddels, don't worry about it"

The words of Hermione comforts her. Then they wished eachother goodnight.

Daenerys looked at Draco Malfoy the next morning when they were in the great hall again, what a strange boy she thought she couldn't help it but to feel sorry for him.

Draco Malfoy couldn't help it when she looked at him, he felt interested in her. There was something about her she didn't show, something powerful but secret.

Hermione woke up early that morning, she wanted to go to the library to read about wizards and their dragons. She looked at every shelf but could not find any book with the information she needed. And wanted to leave the library when her eye fell on an old book. She picked it up and blowed the dust of it A dance of dragons was the title. This was the book she needed.

Daenerys walked into the classroom and found her friends. Hermione walked straight on not entering the DADA classroom. Malfoy and his stupid friends were standing against the wall. He shot her a look while reposing the arm Buckbeak attacked. She ignored him and took place with the rest. Everyone was staring at a closet, it was moving.

"Interesting isn't it?" Lupin said while walking in. "That's for you to guess what's inside"

"That is a boggart" Daenerys said. She could feel her heart beating, she was afraid of this creature.

"Very good miss Goodwin.." Lupin spoke.

The closet moved a bit and everyone stepped back.

"Now, can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?" Lupin aksed.

"No one knows"

Daenerys looked up and saw Hermione.

"When did she get here?" Ron asked.

Hermione sighed and ignored him.

"They are called shapeshifters. They take the shape of whatever a particular person fears the most. That's what makes them so-"

"So terrifying yes" Lupin interrupted. "Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. Let's practice it now. Without the wands please...After me...Riddikulus" He spoke.

"Riddikulus" Everyone except Malfoy and his friends repeated.

"Very good. Little louder"

The boggart made the closet move a bit and the student stepped back.

"Very clearly, listen..Riddikulus"

The students repeated.

"This class is Riddikulus" Daenerys heard Malfoy say.

She let out a small giggle. Malfoy shot her a look and she pretended like nothing happend.
Then it was her turn. She stepped forward and looked at the boggart who was shifting shapes. It turned into a throne, a small memory popped up. She knew this throne but did not know why and from where. It was beautiful and it felt like that beauty took hold on her heart and it wasn't planning on letting go. It was a painful desire.

Lupin looked at her.

An old man with a wild appearance sat on the throne. He had a sword in is hand and looked around the room, Daenerys felt fear. "BURN THEM" He yelled. "BURN THEM ALL". He looked like a king. She recognized him, she once saw him in a dream. But a dream is not reality, so this man was nothing, he couldn't do anything.

He faded away and the boggart began to shift again.

It turned into a full grown Drogon, but he lay on the ground. Not moving, he was dead.

It felt like the dementors were in the room. All her happiness was gone, she felt so...so empty..

"Remember the spell" Lupin whispered.

Her mood changed. This is nothing but an illusion. Anger filled her body.

"Riddikulus" She almost screamed. Drogon stood up. He had a red clown nose and a rainbow wig. He was dancing and the students laughed, except Daenerys. She grabbed her bag and walked out of class.

"Where is he?" Hagrid was gardening his giant pumpkins.

"In the forrest. Be careful woul' ye? Not all creatures are friendly" Hagrid answered.

But Dany walked away already.

She ran into the forrest. And fell down on her knees when she saw her baby. He made happy noises when he saw her. She petted him.

"Oh Baby, I was so worried"

She gave him a dead rabbit Hagrid gave her.

Drogon had grown fast in such a short time. He was so big he came to her hips. She smiled. She couldn't carry him on her shoulder anymore.

Amortentia  //Draco Malfoy, Daenerys Targaryen//Where stories live. Discover now