6. Tarly

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Students stood by the fountain waiting for professor McGonagall and Filch.

"Harry is late" Hermione sighed. "Do you think he arranged something with his paper?"

"I hope so, it would be a pity if he couldn't join" Ron said.

Neville walked towards them. "Hello Neville" Daenerys smiled.

"Hello Daenerys" He smiled back.

McGonagall and Filch finally walked out of the castle. Followed by Harry.

"No mister Potter, you can't join without a signature."

"But I thought maybe you could-"

"I am not your parent nor your guardian. I am sorry but you are staying here." She said and turned to the other students. "Everyone who has their paper signed, follows Filch"

As told everyone followed Filch. Daenerys looked at Harry who was standing there with his unsigned paper.

"Just go guys. It's alright" He smiled.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

He nodded. She passed him a smile and walked towards the group.

At the end of the group she saw a chubby boy walking all alone. "Hello" She said. The boy looked up a little bit shocked.

"Oh, hello" He said. He had a friendly face.

"I am Daenerys Goodwin" She held out her hand.

The boy shook her hand.

"I'm Samwell Tarly but you can call me Sam, if you like to of course" He had a nervous smile.

"I would like that very much Sam" She smiled at him.

"Hey guys, this is Sam" Daenerys introduced him to Hermione and Ron as they sat in the three broomsticks.

"Hello Sam, i'm Ron" Ron smiled.

"Nice to meet you Sam, i'm Hermione Granger" Hermione said. They shook hands.

After a while they decided to go to Honeydukes. Daenerys bought some chocolate frogs for Harry.

"Are you sure you are going to buy all of that? You won't be able to walk through a door anymore" Draco Malfoy and his friends had surrounded Samwell Tarly.

Daenerys walked towards them.

"Let him go Malfoy" She said.

Draco turned around with crossed arms.

"And you are going to defend him otherwise weirdo?"

"Yes I am" She turned to Sam. "Don't listen to him he is just a worthless bully" She spoke softly.

"I'm a bully?" Malfoy said. "I am only speaking the truth"

She looked deep in his silver eyes.

"That what you say is no truth, it are insults"

Malfoy raised his eyebrows.

Hermione and Ron stepped in.

"Come on Dany, let's go" Hermione said.

"Your filthy mudblood friend has come to the rescue, how cute" Malfoy said with a straight face.

"Shove of Malfoy. You're embarrassing yourself" Daenerys sighed as she grabbed Sam's arm.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"I said shove off are you deaf?"

She pushed him away. But he grabbed her arm, they stared each other in the eye with straight faces. No words spoken. Only words shown in their eyes.

It looked like Daenerys eyes where more purple than ever. She is beautiful Malfoy thought, only if he could look in her eyes forever.

Daenerys pulled her arm out of his hand.

"I don't get how a person can be so mean to literally everyone" Hermione sighed while they walked through Hogsmead.

"Because he is a bloody Malfoy that's how. Have you ever heard of a nice Malfoy?" Ron spoke.

Hermione shook her head.

Daenerys looked at the sky and then at the ground. It was winter. She likes the winter, it is beautiful. But in the shadows of winter evil always keeps an eye on you.

She looked at a dark shadow next to a store. And swear she saw something move in that shadow.

When they came back Harry was waiting by the fountain again.

"How was it?" He asked.

"It was pretty and fun. And I bought you some chocolate frogs!" Daenerys smiled while handing him the box.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to" He said.

"Yes I do. We are friends"

Harry then saw Sam. "Who is that?" He softly asked.

"That is Samwell Tarly, he is a Ravenclaw in our year"

Hermione gave Harry a hug.

"So, what did you do?" Ron asked him.

"I spoke to Professor Lupin nothing special" Harry answered.

Hermione looked at the time. "We should go to bed. It is late and I don't want any trouble"

Everyone agreed and walked toward the Gryffindor tower, except for Samwell of course. He walked towards the Ravenclaw tower.

Daenerys and Hermione sat down on their beds. Their other roommates weren't back yet.

"Where is Drogon?" Hermione asked.

Daenerys looked at Hermione from the mirror.

"He is in the forest where he will be taken care of by Hagrid. He was growing fast."

Hermione nodded.

They then both went to sleep.

Daenerys sat next to a big man. His hair was braided and his body was full of scars. He spoke to the people who were dancing in front of them, he spoke a foreign language.

One by one the people gave Daenerys a gift, they were nothing special. Until one. It was a chest, when she opened it she saw three eggs, dragon eggs!! One was red, one was green and the other one was gold like. She wanted to touch the eggs but the chest closed loudly.

With eyes wide open Dany looked up. What a weird dream...It felt like it was real.

Not a very long chapter. I hope you guys enjoy the story so far ;D


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