8. Stormborn

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Daenerys walked towards the forest. Something was off, she could feel it.

She looked around but saw nothing.

But after a moment she saw Drogon but he was not alone. Another dragon stood beside him. He was the same kind as Drogon but unlike Drogon his scales weren't red, they were green. The dream from a night earlier came to mind, but it was just a dream, nothing else.

Daenerys looked at him and he at her. Then she slowly walked towards him. The creature made curious noises.

Daenerys stook out her head and petted the creature on his head. She immediately felt a band with him.

"You need a name" She said while thinking.

"I know the perfect name for you, Rhaegal" Rhaegal made happy sounds.

Then they both became vigilant. Daenerys turned around she now stood between her two dragons. They growled.

The bushes moved. And when the person got out of it Rhaegal screeched.
A few students woke up and Draco sat up.

The screech was not very loud and you could barely hear it, but still a few students heard it and woke up because of it.

"What was that?" Some students whispered.

Dumbledore and McGonagall heard it too. They looked at each other. Worried.

Neville fainted when Rhaegal screeched at him.

"Neville!" Daenerys walked towards him.

She pointed her wand at his forehead causing him to wake up.

"A-are...D-Dragons?" He stammered.

Daenerys nodded. "Yes, but don't worry they won't harm you"

"O-okay.." Neville got up and looked at the dragons.

They laid down.

"Are they yours?" Neville asked.

"Yes they are. This are Drogon and Rhaegal"

Neville nodded and he awkwardly waved at the dragons, who made happy noises. 

"Where were you?" McGonagall looked at Daenerys and Neville. Neville's ears turned red.

"We just took a walk around the castle...Professor" Dany looked at her.

McGonagall nodded "Alright, but next time let us know. So an adult can walk with you"

Days passed, Hogwarts had become a strange place, stranger then it already was. The dementors who surrounded the school didn't make it any better. Drogon and Rheagal were off a lot, they needed bigger preys and Hagrid didn't want them to hunt the creatures in the forest.

Today Harry, Ron, Hermoine and Daenerys were on their way to Hagrids hut. It is the day that Buckbeak is going to be beheaded. They hurried outside. At the courtyard Hermoine saw the executer sharpening his knife, she shot him a nasty look.

Outside near Hagrids house they saw Malfoy and his friends lurking at Hagrids house.

"It just got worse.." Ron sighed.

"Look..Just as my father said..I can keep the Hippgriffs head. I think i'll donate it to Gryffindor." Malfoy laughed. Hermoine walked towards him.

Malfoy turned "Ah. Come to see the show?"

She grabbed her wand and rushed towards him.

"You! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" She hissed and she put her wand under his chin.

Amortentia  //Draco Malfoy, Daenerys Targaryen//Where stories live. Discover now