10. New beginnings

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She was back at it again, before her stood the red Hogwarts express who would take her back to her favorite place.

She looked around the platform, seeking for her friends but she also didn't want to see them. They would ask about her vacation and she did not thought of a good lie yet. She jumped in the train and took place in the first empty coupe she could find. A few minutes passed by and the train started to ride away.

Someone knocked on the door, a boy with brown hair and friendly looking brown eyes. He was a Hufflepuff, judging by his sweater. He was quite handsome.

"Daenerys, right?" He asked. Dany nodded.
"I heard a lot about you from your friends, it's a pity you couldn't come to the Quidditch World Cup" He sat down besides her.

"Yeah" Daenerys said softly. Her cheeks turned a little red. Why was this pretty boy sitting so close to her? "My name is Cedric Diggory"

"You haven't been here since year 1 right?" He asked, "No that's right, the first two years I went to Ilvermorny" She said, she looked at him from under her lashes. "Isn't that an American school?" Dany nodded.

Then his hand landed on her leg, he softly squeezed it.

The red in her cheeks disappeared.

Another knock was heard. There he was, Malfoy. He didn't look very happy. Cedric stood up, Draco opened the door. They were the same height, "Move it Diggory" Draco said to him, Cedric looked at him and it looked like he was about to say something but he didn't. He pushed Draco aside and walked away.

Daenerys felt her heart beating, why was he here? Her ears and cheeks turned red again.

He sat down opposite of her. "How was your vacation?" He said. Both of them didn't break eye contact. "It was okay" Dany said. "How was yours?"

"It was okay" He answered. Daenerys smiled a little.

That moment Draco felt something he has never felt before, it was a strange but nice feeling. Seeing her with those purple like eyes, her perfect smile and red blush on her cheeks. And not to talk about her long silver hair. Had he ever seen someone prettier and extraordinary at the same time? Seeing that Hufflepuff boy touching her made him angry, jealous.

"Didn't you go with your friends to the world cup?" He asked Daenerys.

She shook her head. "Uh no..I had other plans" Draco didn't really believe her, but he decided not to say anything about it.

Arriving in the great hall again Daenerys felt truly home again and when she saw her friends again she didn't feel alone anymore, they told her everything about what happend after the match. Dany shook her head, did those three ever go somewhere without getting in trouble?

Dumbledore spoke about an triwizard tournament. Students from two schools would stay at Hogwarts this year. First the Durmstrangs, they made an quite impressive entrance, one durmstrang boy looked at Daenerys and grinned and winked at her. Dany's cheecks turned a little red, Draco noticed and felt jealous, no way this foreign boy would take her from him.

The Durmstrang students took place at the Slytherin table. The boy sat next to Blaise Zabini, who only sat one seat away from Draco. The boy, who's name was apparently Dylan, began to speak to Blaise. "Who is that girl with white hair over there?" He asked Blaise, with a terrible accent. This immediately got Draco's attention of course.

"That must be Daenerys Goodwin, she is a Gryffindor and quite a mysterious type if you ask me. But she certainly isn't ugly." Blaise grinned.
After the feast everyone went to bed, when Daenerys walked out of the great hall toward the big front doors who led to the outdoors. Someone behind her climbed out of the fruit painting.

It was Cedric "Hey Dany" Daenerys turned around. "Hey Cedric" She smiled.

"I didn't know you were friends with Malfoy" He said immediately. Daenerys frowned, was she friends with Malfoy? She didn't know, deep inside she wanted to indeed be friends with him but also didn't want to.

"I don't think so" she said. Cedric kept talking but Daenerys didn't listen.

She just wanted to see her dragons again.

"I'm sorry Cedric but I really got to go" She interrupted him. He looked a bit disappointed by it, but nodded.

Deanerys walked towards the forest, but couldn't find her babies. With an empty and worried feeling she walked back to the castle, it was almost dark.

The corridors were empty.

Back in the Gryffindor commonroom she walked straight to the dorms, ignoring her friends.

That night she failed to close her eyes, worried thoughts about her dragons kept her awake.

At dawn she climbed out of bed. When she looked in the bathrooms mirror, she saw dark circles under her eyes. With a little bit of make-up she tried to work it away.

On her way to the great hall she bumped into the Dumstrang boy.

"Oh, I'm sorry" She said.

"Don't worry pretty girl" He said and he stroke her cheek. Dany didn't feel very comfortable by this move.

"Uhm thank you, but I got to go bye" She said and she tried to walk away.

He grabbed her by her arm. "Not so fast princess" He said. Dany looked at him, angry.

"My name is Dylan" He bowed. He had curly brown hair and dark brown eyes. "Okay" She said and walked away again, Dylan reached for her again, she grabbed his hand.

"The next time you raise a hand to me will be the last time you have hands" Dylan was shocked by what she said. He didn't expect her to say anything like that, she was not so weak as he thought.

She walked away.

Daenerys sat down at the Gryffindor table, there were a few other students in the great hall already. She grabbed a sandwich and filled her cup with ice cold pumpkin juice.

"Had a rough night huh?" Samwise, a chubby boy from Ravenclaw, sat down beside her. Dany smiled, "yeah, what about you?"

"I just felt like waking up early today" He said. They finished their breakfast, while they were having small talkes.

"I need to go" Sam said, Dany said goodbye and made her way towards the backyard.

Then someone bumped into her, it was Malfoy.

"Watch out, ghost" He sneered. His face in disgust.

"Is that meant to insult me daddies boy?" She smirked. He looked at her, confused.


"Wait until my father hears about this." He then walked away, but what he whispered underneath his breath did not go unnoticed.

"The kind of families Dumbledore let's in this school"

She had forgotten that Draco Malfoy knew her real name, she now had two options.

From now on she has to be nice to him, but only if he is just as nice as he was last year. Or she must make him afraid of her.

Otherwise he would tell everyone her real name.

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