18. Kissed by fire

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He was such a fool.
Letting his emotions take control of him, the one thing his father told him never to do.

But he must admit that it felt nice, being loved. He was loved by his mother, but that's different, Daenerys is different. She awakens a strength that lies deep within him. But that is something he can't understand yet. All his life he has been told that love weakens you, but being with Daenerys didn't feel like that at all.
Although he loves being with her, he needs to break contact, before their bond will be too strong to break. If his father found out...Well, he didn't want to know what will happen.

Days go by, and he avoids Daenerys. At first she looked sad and confused when he pretended she wasn't there. But now, she fights back. Looking right trough him, acting like she doesn't. But she does care, because she feels the same, he knows.

Fire burning inside her body, fire of anger, fire for revenge, fire that was burning for love..

The days are getting colder, nature is covered in a white blanked. But the fire inside Daenerys can't be extinguished.
She looked into the potion she was brewing, her purple eyes lighting up in the reflection.
She added the peppermint oil and the colour of the potion turned brown, her calming potion was ready.

Professor Snape noticed that Daenerys was done, he looked at her potion and to his disappointment is was perfect.
"Tell me miss Goodwin, what are the side effects of the calming potion."
Daenerys smiled.
"A person can have a burning mouth sensation, watery eyes or uncontrollable sobbing if too much peppermint oil is added"
Snape looked at her, "very well, 10 points to Gryffindor"
"Good job!" Hermione whispered to Daenerys.

At the other end of the classroom see saw Malfoy and his friends mocking her. Since he broke contact, she was really bad-tempered.
Harry already saw Daenerys looking at Malfoy, "Dany, don't" He whispered. But she ignored him.
"What's so funny Malfoy" She almost spit out his name.
"Nothing that you would understand snowgirl" He sneered.
Daenerys smiled.
"Probably not, it is way below my intelligence of course" she said which such little care.
Draco looked at her, he didn't know what to say. But then Pansy openend her mouth, but before any words came out the bells rang.
"Class dismissed" Snape said, and everyone left.
It was their last lesson of the day and Daenerys said her friends farewell and made way to the dark forest.
'Hey Bitch!' She heard a high pitcht voice.
Turning around she saw it was Pansy, and she was not alone. Behind her stood Grabbe, Goyle and Draco.
"You think you're something huh?" Pansy said.
"Since you're here you act like you're special, you think you're better than us, you think you can defeat us?" Pansy stepped closer. "But guess what whore, you can't, 'cause we can't be defeated, I can't be defeated. And you're just an ordinary bitch" Another step closer.
Daenerys only grinned.
"I'm no ordinary woman, my dreams come true"
And with nothing else said she walked into the darkness of the forest behind her.
The shadow greeting her as an old friend.

Draco felt his heart drop when Daenerys spoke those words. It sounded like a promise.
He looked at the green curtains around his bed. He opened them, and he peaked at the other students, sleeping.
His hand grabbed something under his pillow. It was an old book, it had no title. The book was black and on the cover stood only a symbol, a dragon with tree heads as red as fresh blood. Breathing red flames on the black.
The pages almost fell out and some word had almost vanished.

"House Targaryen ruled as the Kings of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, the Lords of the Seven Kingdoms, and the Great House of the crownlands for nearly three hundred years. Seventeen male Targaryens ruled from the Iron Throne.The dynasty ended with the death of Aerys the Mad King during Robert's Rebellion, in which the Targaryens were overthrown and replaced by House Baratheon. The two surviving children of Aerys II, Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen, fled into exile, and have resided in the Free Cities of Essos ever since."

Daenerys Targaryen. This book was about her family. The book was send anonymous to him, who would send him this?
Essos he had never heard of it, the book must be old.
Aerys the mad king was her father. Draco blinked; Daenerys was a princess and heir to this iron throne. If it still excised.

".. Another trait typical to Targaryens is the ability to have premonition-like dreams.The trait has been in the Targaryen family since before they relocated from Valyria to Dragonstone in 114 BC (and in fact, is what caused them to relocate).This trait was passed on to the cadet branch, House Blackfyre, as well.

The Targaryens are seen as prone to madness, presumably caused by their inbreeding. According to King Jaehaerys II, "madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a new Targaryen is born the gods toss the coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land".

Draco closed the book.
'My dreams come true' is what Daenerys had said. What if she was mad?
No, that was impossible. Who said this book was thrust worthy. It was probably some made up story. 

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