• Loyalty •

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I sat on my bed, still a bit groggy, however I needed to go to work and carry on with my life. Dark has yet to show up, which was just a little bit concerning, considering he was here all week, everyday with me.

I pulled my socks along my feet, grudgingly, wanting to stay in bed longer.
I still felt a bit faint and sick because of being dehydrated. I still needed to make money and go to work, unfortunately.
I grabbed my bag, ready to set out for the day. Once I exited my home and locked the door behind me, I suddenly, heard faint conversation coming from near my apartment. I turned the corner to figure out what the noise was, I was shocked what I saw.

Dark's back was facing me as he held a conversation with another girl who was in front of him. Even though, he is nothing but a mere friend by now, something similar to envy, churned in my gut. I wasn't envious, but I felt a bit apprehensive over the fact that he was speaking to another girl. Something that I wasn't very accustomed to seeing, considering I usually only ever see him speak to me and only me. When peeping at the two, I heard a few words floating from their conversation.

"Come on, Dark. I miss you..." were the only words that I could pick up, those very words made my stomach drop.
I decided that I probably shouldn't eavesdrop anymore, in case I hear something that I don't want to hear, or shouldn't hear.

To avoid coming off as skeptical, or possessive, I just minded my own business and focused my attention on getting to my car. That's when he caught a glimpse of me walking and instantly began to make his way towards me.
Half of me was hoping he wouldn't come near me, but the other half of me was amused that he left the other girl to come speak to me.

"Hey, Y/n!" He called out to me and I reluctantly snapped my attention towards him.
"Everything okay? How are you feeling?" he asked, concerned, his eyes scanning my face for anything abnormal.
"I'm fine. Just a bit drowsy, is all." I responded and he just sighed awkwardly.

"Okay. Well, have a good day at work, sweets." He spoke, his voice deep, making my heart melt.
"Th-thank you." I replied quickly, shutting my car door, abruptly, before waving and taking off.

My gut churned as I watched his figure disappear in the distance through my rear view mirror. It felt like I was trying to avoid him, but I wasn't, I just didn't know how to go about asking him who that girl was, without seeming possessive.


I was now settled into my job. Working at the customer service desk that I've been working at for years. The boredom plagued my mind, the customers infuriated me, and I hated everything about the damn job, however, the money was great and very needed in order for me to live.

I huffed as I raked my fingers through my hair, a glimpse of Dark magically making money appear in his hand through a cloud of black smoke, flash through my mind.

I can't use him for his money...

I shook my head of the intrusive thought. I rather become a stripper, than begging some mysterious creature for his money making magic.

Sounds prideful? I really don't care...

When I clicking my pen against the desk a few times, a voice abruptly interrupted my train of thought.

"Is everything alright with you??" A booming deep voice blared around me, so loud, I could've sworn the whole store could hear it!

"What the fuck!?" I exclaimed, which earned a few stares from people.

"It's me! Dark-" his voice clarified and I glared in confusion.

"B-but you can't do this, Dark! People can hear you!" I whispered, panicked.

The Monster in my BedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ