• Smitten •

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Anti, the insanely cool dude I just met, had finally let me go. I instantly found Kelly, still feeling very elated and high.

"Oh my god-" I slurred, the effects of alcohol still having a party in my blood as well.

"Jeez! You are fucked, Y/n!" she exclaimed as she laughed with me.
"I know~ That man- A-Anti? He is a literal god I think-" I stuttered as I hung onto her arm. 
"I saw you up there with him! Did he let you test that weird serum everyone is crazy about!?" she asked, excited.

I nodded with glee.
"It's called- A-Antiseptic Serum. It's basically a d-drug. He b-bit me~ and it was glowing and shit~" I slurred as I showed her my forearm. The bite was starting to fade away very quickly, nothing but a very light scar showed.

"He bit you??" she asked, clearly not seeing everything like she claimed she did.
"Yeah- it was weird... but I started to feel g-good as hell-" I moaned and she snickered as she helped me stand upright, whilst being to drunk to even stand herself.

"That's strange. He usually gives it out in the form of a small capsule thingy... but he literally bit you- and what?" she asked, obviously intrigued by this conversation.
"He put it in me through his teeth! I can't explain i-it~" I slurred as we began to dance to a new song that started playing.
"O-okay... You are very fucking high apparently." Kelly laughed, not believing me at all.

"Alright!!" a smooth voice blared throughout the whole building, through a loud microphone.
"Are you all enjoying yourselves!!?" his thick accent presented itself. I spun around to see Anti at the mic on stage, successfully capturing everyone's attention. Everyone screamed in response to his question.
"I can't hear you, fuckers!!" he called out to the crowd.
"Hell Yeah!!" Everyone screamed in unison. It felt so lively, like we were all part of something bigger and greater than ourselves.

"Let's get fucking hammered!!!" he screamed and everyone went wild.
They started to grab their cups of liquor and immediately whipped out the capsule of the serum that Kelly mentioned earlier, pouring the contents inside the small capsule into their cups of liquor, mixing the substances. They all downed the cups together and with in a matter of minutes, the loud music began bumping again and everyone were dancing and leaping around, completely out of their minds.

This is the most fun I have ever had in a while-

"Thanks for t-taking me out to this, K-Kelly. This is so f-fun~" I slurred and she nodded whilst knocking her cup of liquor back. We were completely wasted and were not thinking about how we were going to be able to get home.

Which was fucking stupid on our part.

Kelly is driving us home and we were both smashed. I began to feel anxious again, worrying about what we were to do after all of this dies down.

I could really use another dose of that serum.

I thought before immediately erasing it from my mind. I shouldn't want drugs.. or shit similar to that. That has never been like me!

However, I was absolutely craving it. I began to feel very light-headed, suddenly, but not in a good way. I felt very sick and off balance. My vision was going in and out.

I have way too much shit in my system right now. We should probably actually leave...

I gathered myself together and tried to drag myself towards Kelly.
"Kelly?" I asked, feeling very sick and faint.
"We should s-start going... I-it's getting very l-late~ and I am starting to feel v-very sick-" I stuttered, burping mid-sentence from all the tequila building in my system. I pulled on Kelly's arm and she was very giddy and ecstatic.

The Monster in my Bedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن