• Party •

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Upon leaving my room, I stumbled into a puff of black smoke, the cloud getting in my lungs and making me feel lightheaded.

What the fuck? This is that smokey shit that Dark leaves behind when he uses his weird powers!!

I looked around frantically, finding that he was no where to be found now.

Was he- eavesdropping?
That fucker...

I glanced ahead to find Kelly having the same expression I had. She coughed and pounded at her chest as she fanned away the smokey cloud.

"Wh- What was that?" she asked as she looked around and I just waved my hand nonchalantly.

"Nothing. It's just- the air freshener." I quickly spoke as I walked passed her, dragging her behind me now.


We entered Kelly's car and started on the road to the brightly light city on the horizon. Granby Square... New York with a touch of class.

As we zoomed down the streets of the city, I stared at all the many types of people trotting down the sidewalks and the beautiful colorful lights that reflected off of the car windows, giving me a crazy feeling. Night-life... City-life... nothing really quite like it.

Music bumped loudly from nearby cars, vibrating my insides and people screamed and danced with glee in the street. Everyone looked so happy and wild.

"Alriiiiight~ Time to get fucked-" Kelly chirped as she switched the car off, after parking. She unlocked the car doors and jumped out of her car, swiftly. She was now waiting for me to exit, so that she could lock the car doors.

I stepped out, in my high heels, feeling like 19-year-old me all over again. I felt pumped, ready to dance and shake my stuff.

Fuck my standards...
I just wanna feel like I belong again.

I thought to myself as I followed closely behind Kelly. She walked in front of a huge building, it was decorated with big flashy lights and a neon sign that read Granby Nite Club.

I gulped as I beamed at the shining lights and the darkness and seductiveness that radiated from inside of the club. If the devil really ran a night club... This would be it.

The bouncer standing at the double doors gave me a weird vibe. I wasn't sure what it was, but there was something definitely off about him. He gave is side-eye, his eyes lingering on me for an uncomfortable amount of time.

"IDs?" he spoke with a very gruff sound in his voice. Kelly and I instantly whipped out our IDs, showing him and holding it up to his eye level, after he stared for a moment with a brooding look, he made unsettling eye contact with me again. I cringed inside as I tried to force a polite smile.

"Okay. Go in. Don't be too naughty, girls-" he finally spoke, stepping out of our way and allowing us into the exclusive night club.

"Sheesh... What the fuck was his issue?" I grunted as we walked further in.
"I know!! He was staring you down as if you were a fugitive!!" she responded, then a confused look glazed over her face.
"Wait- You aren't a fugitive, right?" she asked and I gave her an annoyed look.
"Just joking! Lighten up!" she laughed as she nudged me with her elbow.

"This is our night, remember!?" she screamed, trying to make her voice louder than the extremely booming and bassy music that blared throughout the club.

"Yeah. Okay- Let's go and do this then..." I giggled as I rolled my eyes. Without a second thought, she dragged me all the way into the club where the music was bumping, and the people were gyrating all onto each other.

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