• Night Shift •

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I've been working the night shift at this job for at least a week now and I have to admit, it's very bittersweet.

I'm grateful for my job and I know it's going to be a great help to me, however, I can't help but feel uneasy, walking around that huge warehouse in the middle of the night. It's just me and two others, an older guy who I don't really like or get along with, and a quiet timid boy who hardly ever speaks.

Around this time, I also haven't seen Dark in a week as well, and I admit, I've really really been missing him.

I missed everything from his waffles he cooked for me in the mornings to his lack of understanding human slang, but most importantly, I missed his protection.
Around him, even though I was uneasy about who he was and is, I somehow felt safe in his presence. As if no one would be able to harm me if he's near.

It sucks not having him around...

I gritted my teeth, regretting my actions from that night, until I felt a breath behind me. I froze in place, my heart skipping beats, until I abruptly spun myself around.

"Hey, short stuff!" His voice deep, yet annoys me to no end. No where near as calming and smooth as Dark's- what am I saying!?

He glanced behind me at the stack I just gathered together.
"E goes before F." the six foot douchebag, Carl, stated as he rushed pass me to fix the stack of boxes I just made.
"I know how to do my job-" I muttered and he scoffed at me.
"Apparently you don't, newbie." He spoke as he switched the boxes, putting them in correctly.

"Okay, whatever- just stop sneaking up on me like a fucking weirdo." I groaned at him and he glared at me.
"I didn't- you're just a little scaredy bitch." He chuckled and I felt myself fire up with rage.
"I have anxiety, you asshole." I bit at him and he shrugged his shoulders, nonchalantly.
"Oh boohoo- not my fault your afraid of everything." He smugly stated as he walked away.

I glared at the back of his head as he trotted away.

Another asshole co-worker.... Just my luck.


I finally pulled up to my apartment after my first week on the job. I was already very exhausted with the whole experience. Especially with Carl.

As I shut down my car engine, I opened the door and exited the car. I felt a sudden feeling of loneliness that I never really felt before. I've been living alone since I was eighteen, so the fact that I'm just now experiencing this feeling, was very odd to me. I hummed to myself, wanting to fill the silence that I now find myself engulfed in. An uncomfortable silence.

I was so used to feeling his presence, feeling that churning in my stomach, waiting for him to suddenly pop up and greet me, but that wasn't happening.
I sighed once I locked my door my apartment, throwing my keys on the side table and peering through the darkness of my small little home.

I felt around, my hand gliding along the wall as I walked to my light switch. The pass few months, Dark was already here, lights on and food ready. I really started to miss that now. Especially because of the anxiety I have developed of the dark because of the incident that happened a while back.

I flicked on the light switch and for a mere second, I could've sworn I saw a shadowy figure in my peripheral vision. I snapped my head to look, a gasp falling from my mouth, the hairs on the back of my neck, stood.


I took a deep breath, calming myself as I walked over to my table where my laptop resides. When opening it, my attention quickly landed on the black pearl object that Dark left behind for me. I considered many times, to just go ahead and scream into the thing, begging for Dark to come back. However, my pride wouldn't let me, and also fear itself wouldn't allow it either. I still didn't know exactly who he was, he keeps hiding it from me and the more I find out, the more worried I became. I feel like it's safer to keep things the way it is for right now.

Ring Ring Ring

My phone began blaring loudly throughout my room for a second time this week. I almost jumped out of my skin. I hurriedly grasped my phone, swiping the answer button across the screen.

"H-hello?" I greeted.
"H-hi. Y/n." A soft voice replied from the other end, it was my ex-bff.
Never in a million years would I have thought that she would be calling me.
"I just wanted to see if you are ok. You know- considering getting fired and shit." She said and my gut churned as I was reminded of the horrors that happened that week.
"Uhm- yeah! I'm fine. Thanks for asking..." I spoke, inherently trying to rush the call.

"Wait- uh- look!" She stuttered and I stopped talking to listen.
"... I'm really sorry ok." She apologized and I furrowed my brow in confusion.
"...about-" I dragged on and she continued.
"About- getting mad with you that day... And basically cutting you off for months-" she explained and I couldn't do anything but let out a chuckle.

"Really-" I muttered and she hummed a 'yes'.
"Bff/n, I- you seriously- did NOT talk to me for a whole season, now all of sudden, you wanna be friends again!?" I asked, shocked.

"That's what I'm hoping. If you would have me back?" She mumbled and I just shook my head in disbelief.

I didn't know how to respond at this point. These month has been full of ups and downs and I really could've used her help and compassion, but she ditched me, and our friendship, over something so petty and trivial.

I really couldn't decide, but because I don't really have anyone in my life at the moment, I just gave her an answer most suitable for this moment in time.
"S-sure." I sighed.
"I forgive you."

She cheered so loudly, I could hear her smiling through the phone.
"Yes! We have a coffee date tomorrow, okay!? Just like old times!" She chirped and rolled my eyes, a smirk tugging at my lips.

Soon after, we hung up. I had to admit, it felt nice having my best friend back. Life felt as if it was finally coming back together as it should.

"Things are finally going back to how they used to be..." I sighed as I decided to hide the black orb, that Dark gave me, away inside of a dresser drawer.

However, I spoke too soon....

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