Dad troubles

141 9 4

Harley's POV

"Hey guys." I set my bag down on the couch, greeting everyone sitting down.

"What's up Fresh, your late. Your never late.." Brody noticed, setting down his phone along with everyone else.

"Actually, I've gotten a big day with Lannan and Gwendoline Chartelfells son. Me and Y/N were busy this morning with Dustin. "

"Oh right! He hasn't been in the media along with her. Hopefully he's not a dickhead." Elliot commented.

"14 year olds are not dickheads. They are just... a little temperamental." I glared at Elliot. I checked my phone, seeing Gwendolines text.

Gwendoline- I'll drop off my son Grant in 5 minutes.

"He's gonna be here in 5 minutes. I need everybody to be normal. Yes, normal. I'm not gonna screw this up. I love children! I have a child.. yes." I clapped my hands. I looked up seeing all of the click members staring at me in confusion. "JUST GET READY DAMMIT!"

"Someone's got his dick in a knot this morning.." cray mumbled groggily, taking small sips of the hot coffee Ilsa brought.

"Heard that!" I snapped.

"Shit he's here already!" Lannan was the first to run to the door.

"NO SWEARING IN FRONT OF CHILDREN!" Tannar argued, sprinting to the door too.

"TANNAR, THERE NO GODDAMN CHILDREN IN THE OFFICE." Lannan countered, pretending to smack his own head.

"IF YOU COUNT THEN THERE IS!" Tannar actually smacked him, shoving him out of the way to open the door.

Everybody else sat back down on the couch, pretending we are all civilized adults.

Tannar and Lannan walked Grant in. He was quite shy and conserved, as his hands were neatly folded into a small little fist and the smallest little smile he made.

I thought teenagers were loud, annoying, and horny all the time. He's more mature then me honestly.

He bowed, making me grimace. Not at him but at the strange manners I haven't ever seen a child display.

"Greetings, I am Grant." He shuffled over to us. We all stood up, quickly introducing ourselves. "Sorry, I've got butterscotch on my fingers." He magically had some sort of handkerchief in his pant pocket. He wiped his hands then used a small hand sanitizer bottle.

What a weird kid... I like him.

"Mother said I need more class." He explained already understanding the puzzled look on all our faces.

"It's still really nice to meet you, Grant. Me and Lannan can show you around the office and then we can introduce you to the stream if you'd like." I offered.

"Sounds excellent."

Excellent? I was thinking cool, but okay.. excellent works too.

"Yknow kid..." Lannan pat him on the back. "You don't got to be what your mom wants you to be here. You don't have to use manners here because we don't either."

"Phew, thank god. I thought I was about to bust open in a few minutes." He threw off the cashmere sweater he was wearing just to the normal tshirt he wore underneath. "Mom says video games will rot your brain faster then eating bacon all the time."

"She does have a point.." I noticed, chuckling. "So Grant, what you wanna do first?"

"I mean, i don't really know this place that well." He looked around the large space. "I'll do whatever you guys want to do."

The Boyfriend and The Possessive Ex| Mrfreshasian x readerWhere stories live. Discover now