03 ~ Pay me later💸

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"What things?"

"You're annoying", he chuckled. His chuckling face looked evil but gorgeous at the same time. He looks like a nasty greek God. What is he even talking about? God knows, he's the weirdest person I've ever met. His words doesn't make any sense at all.

"I'm not" I yelled. That's me being noisy and arguing I'm not.

"Be careful!" He scrutinized my body  and said into his smirk. Is he asking me to be careful?....of him? Is he some kind of a pervert? I should keep my distance if he says so.

He walked away leaving me alone in the dark. I remained watching the sky full of stars....

~First day of sophomore year~

I dressed up and stormed down to have my breakfast as I was excited to go to school. I'm gonna be new me!

"Looks like we've got to walk all the way to school on our first day" Zabdiel said stuffing a piece of toast into his mouth.

"What do you mean by walking?" I asked narrowing my eyebrows waiting for a reply and he handed me a note .

I've got a meeting early this morning so I won't be home by 8 . Can y'all walk just for today? Or else take the bus instead. Love Mom.

"Urghh' I groaned after reading the short note our mom has left me saying either walk or take the bus . I hate both!

"We can take the bus right?" I asked Zabdiel.

"I don't have money" he pouted.

"Mom gave you money" I assured.

"That's my pocket money duh ! I'm not gonna waste it on a bus . You're coming with me or not?" He asked opening the door for me and I stormed out after hitting him with my bag.

As I walked out I saw Israel and he waved me.

"Oh is that your new boyfriend?" Zabdiel asked mockingly.

"That's my friend Israel" I convinced.

"Not bad ahh you have all the hot dudes as your friends" he smirked . Of course I have heard everyone say that cause Eric is the hottest guy in our age who is my best friend. Every girl wants to date him but he denied all the girls who ever asked out from him and he has never asked out a girl ( even the older ones)  he's secretly in love with a girl( God knows who?) And the kids think that's me so the girls literally hates me. And now Israel! Zabdiel's right , all the hotties are right in front of me but they don't even have a tiny intention to date me. I don't have feelings either!

I saw Joel and Gabriel inside  thier car and I gasped remembering the talk we had last night .Zabdiel walked towards Israel and I followed him behind.

"Is this your brother?" Israel asked me and I saw Joel popping is head out to see the my brother. Finally he's interested about something!

"Hey I'm Zabdiel, Nat talks a lot about ya" Zabdiel introduced himself in a way that embarrassed me and  I rolled my eyes in disgustion.

"Heading off to school?" Israel asked me after chuckling to my behavior. Urghh' this Zabdiel!

"Yeah sadly by foot" I pouted and a sudden grin appeared on his face.

Starlight Lovers : A Dark Soul [ Joel Pimentel ]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu