Chapter 24

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Ella POV

He shut the door behind him and walked towards the bed. He laid me down and straddled my hips. He leaned down and kissed my lips.

My hands went up and down his back and I heard him groan every time my hands would caress the lower part of his back.

He bit my lower lip and I let out a little scream and he chuckled. He took advantage of my open mouth and put his tongue inside my mouth. He started exploring my mouth while I lifted his shirt up and took it off. He groaned at my touch on his bare chest.

One of his hand went down to my thigh and started pulling my dress up. He moved his mouth towards my neck and started kissing around. I moaned because he found my sweet spot and he sucked on it.

He took my dress off and went back to my neck. He stopped and pulled away. His hand went to the red pendant weaved on the long chain. "You...still have the neckless."

"Yeah, I kept it."


"Because I fell for you a long time ago. I just wasn't sure until now."

"I love you so much." He said while kissing down my body.

"mmm I love you too Matthew."


The next morning I woke up next to Matthew, naked. Well more like on him. My head was on his chest and our legs were tangled together. I shifted a bit and looked at Matthew's face. All I heard was a soft snore. I brought my lips up to his jaw and kissed it. I caressed his jaw and he stirred in his sleep.

"Good morning, beautiful." I blushed and snuggled closer into his chest.

"You know, you kind of snore." I said.

"Oh really do I?" He said while tickling me.

I giggled until he stopped. "Yes, now get up and get me coffee." I said sternly, while teasing him.

"Wow, not even a please or a kiss?" He said pouting.

"Please get me a coffee and when you do, you'll get a kiss." I said smiling.

He immediately got off the bed and was reaching for the door. "PANTS!!" I yelled. He looked back at me a smiled. I signaled for his boxers on the ground. He went and picked them up and put them on.

After a while I fell asleep again.

Matthew POV

Yesterday was the best day of my life. My life just got a million times better knowing that the girl I loved, loves me as well. I'm not going to say I wasn't upset when she didn't give me the bracelet. I was thinking that she bought it so she can make our connection stronger. That's why I refused to go to dinner with her.

When she was a loss of words and ran out of the office, I realized that there was more to the so called dinner we were going to have.

Emma came in after Ella left and gave me a long lecture on how much of a dick I was. She told me to go and apologize to Ella. She told me she was on the beach. After that I ran outside and well, here we are now.

I walked into the room and saw Ella sleeping. I smiled. I went over to the bed and put the coffee on the bedside table. I caressed her cheek which made her wake up and smile. "You got my coffee!!" She said reaching for it. I grabbed her wrist.

"Not so fast. Pay up! I think you owe me something." I smirked.

She sat up and smacked a kiss on my lips and reached forward to grab the cup of coffee. She got it and took a sip. I frowned at her. "That's not fair! You said a kiss!"

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